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Join Debbie Geraghty, Executive Director of Plymouth Music Zone, at the State of the Nation event at MShed Bristol on 16th Sept 2016. Explore the theme "Ironing Out Diversity?" as PMZ reaches out to marginalized groups in various settings. Learn how diversity can enrich the arts sector and beyond, with a focus on inclusivity and empowerment. Discover the ingredients for successful inclusive practice and the impact of valuing diversity in business. Don't miss the International Conference on 16th & 17th March 2017, discussing the power of non-verbal inclusive music practices in a post-human world. Contact Debbie at debbie@plymouthmusiczone.org.uk or visit www.plymouthmusiczone.org.uk for more information. #Diversity #InclusiveArts #Empowerment #MusicPractice #Conference #PlymouthMusicZone
Twitter: @PMZOfficial Debbie Geraghty, Executive Director Plymouth Music Zone Ironing Out Diversity? State of the Nation Event – MShed Bristol, 16 Sept 2016
- Special Schools - Hospitals - Domestic Refuge - Psychiatric Units - Community settings - Residential/Care Homes - Other health and social care providers - All ages - Work with 100 partner organisations each year Reaching Out Diversity makes our world go round 95% ordinarily excluded from the arts
Delcia and her ironing board – able to bare all… Do you know what’s being hidden?
INGREDIENTS FOR MARVELLOUS MULITIPLICITY? Diverse Participants Independent Evaluations Quality and Impact Passionate attitude Age appropriate User Forum Person centred Right Music leaders PMZ’s inclusive practice Outcomes based Evaluation system Accessible equipment Strong Partnerships Safe space Choice & ownership Relevant material Empathy Non judgemental Interactive & fun Empowering Treated equally Needs based
International Conference 16 & 17 March 2017 Beyond Words “Beyond Words - The non-verbal/unspoken in inclusive music practice: implications for the Arts in a post-human world.”
(1) If you have something of value to share do it. Make diversity core to your business case and look outwards. Don’t be shy to monetise it. Smaller responsive, diverse organisations should feel confident they can be hotbeds of learning that can be of real value to others. The arts sector needs you more than ever.
(2) Talk to and involve people – and listen. Be open to accepting deeper change may be needed within your organisational culture to support meaningful inclusive practices that truly engage, value and empower. Invest the time required for ongoing review to develop resilience.
(3) Be excited about the MULTIPLICITY of your team and the treasures it holds. Invest in staff training and identify your internal assets within your team. Role model an OPEN and GROWTH mindset united around your core values. Welcome failure and discomfort as vital to that learning!
Email: debbie@plymouthmusiczone.org.uk Web: www.plymouthmusiczone.org.uk YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/PlymouthMusicZone Twitter: @PMZOfficial Facebook: www.facebook.com/PlymouthMusicZone