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Learn about OMB Circular A-16 providing direction for federal agencies in managing spatial data effectively. Enhance coordination and collaboration for better geospatial investment and performance. Get insights on roles, responsibilities, and benefits.
OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance (Endorsed) Ivan DeLoatch, Staff Director Lew Sanford Jr. & Wendy Blake-Coleman NGAC Meeting, February 4, 2009
Overview/Context • What is an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular? Simply stated….Circulars are instructions or information issued byOMB to Federal agencies. • What is OMB Circular A-16, Coordination of Geographic Information, and Related Spatial Data Activities • Provides direction for federal agencies that produce, maintain or use spatial data either directly or indirectly in the fulfillment of their mission • Establishes a coordinated approach to electronically develop the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and establishes the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) • Assign agency roles and responsibilities for the development of the NSDI
Overview/Context • What is the purpose of OMB Circular A-16 • Provides for improvements in coordination and use of spatial data • Describes the effective and economical use and management of spatial data assets in the digital environment for the benefit of the government and the nation • Affirms and describes the NSDI as the technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data • Describes the management and reporting requirements of Federal agencies in the acquisition, maintenance, distribution, use, and preservation of spatial data by the Federal Government • Establishes the FGDC as the interagency coordinating body for NSDI-related activities, chaired by the Secretary of the Interior with the Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as Vice-Chair.
Overview/Context Primary objectives of OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance: Provide accountability mechanism (s), robust management processes, and a means of measuring performance Provide clarity in definitions, reporting requirements, and Agency roles and responsibilities
Agenda • Thank you NGAC Subcommittee • What is Geospatial LoB & Lifecycle WG? • Transparency of process • A-16 Supplemental • NGAC Comments • Next steps
What is the Geospatial Line of Business? • The Geospatial LoB is a government-wide initiative sponsored by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) promoting effective geospatial investment and better performance across the Federal government for technology and information • Lifecycle Working Group – evaluates/improves geospatial data management processes extensively engaging federal partner agencies.
Transparent process • The National Geospatial Advisory Committee appointed a special NGAC Subcommittee to aid FGDC and the Geospatial LoB to obtain a broader view of proposed A-16 Supplemental Guidance • We appreciate your insights as we advance discussion across the geospatial community of interest.
Review process • Obtain feedback on draft document including federal, state liaisons and NGAC Subcommittee • Conducted parallel reviews across groups • Conducted multiple WebEx reviews with interactive dialogue • Conducted formal adjudication and document edit process.
Purpose of A-16 Guidance Clarify the intent of OMB Circular A-16 (Circular A-16) and Executive Order (E.O.) 12906 Promote systematic portfolio management for Circular A-16 themes and associated data sets Improve ability to coordinate and collaborate on completion of Circular A-16 themes and associated data setsby Federal agenciesand their partners Develop a process to modify Circular A-16Appendix Ethemes and associated data sets to reflect the current business of Federal agenciesand their partners
Benefits of A-16 Guidance Improved ability to identify coordination, collaboration, and investment opportunities across the Federal community and its partners Expedited completion of critical themes and associated data sets under Circular A-16 Enhanced priority setting capability of FGDC members and partners Increased ability to track progress for completing data sets and populating themes covered by Circular A-16 Increased ability to meet business needs of Federal Agencies and partners
Overview of A-16 Guidance Roles and Responsibilities Lexicon of Geospatial Terminology Stages of the Data Lifecycle Geospatial Data Theme Principles
Subcommittee impact on the document • The adjudication team received 58 comments from the NGAC Subcommittee • 22 comments were identified as editorial • 31 identified for discussion points or other by the team of editors • 4 were outside the scope of the current document.
NGAC Subcommittee impact • Following a WebEx between working group members and the NGAC Subcommittee seven additional summary comments were provided • 55 comments were included within the scope from the NGAC Subcommittee.
Subcommittee Comments addressed • Importance of clarifying relationships & responsibilities, including identifying key stakeholders • Document content was considered valuable, but OMB was advised to promote greater accountability from agencies
Subcommittee comments continued • FGDC encouraged to update strategic planning annually • Kudos on principles, lexicon, themes as presented in the document • The subcommittee thought the supplemental guidance offered a good FEA tieback.
Subcommittee comments continued • Although outside the scope of the A-16 Supplemental Guidance, NGAC Subcommittee discussed: • Importance of governance • Enforcement of agency geo-responsiblities • Need for alignment of policymakers, budgets and collaboration.
Next Steps • The FGDC, Geospatial LoB and working groups will be engaged around: • Validate initial data sets • Develop and provide implementation & reporting guidance • Initiate charter reviews within FGDC structures to foster better collaboration and business alignment. • Conduct reporting and analysis of “nationally significant geospatial datasets” • Open dialogue on modifying OMB Circular A-16.
NGAC Governance/A-16 Subcommittee • Thank you for your participation • Accommodation of a challenging schedule • Assistance in initiating a wider audience review, leading to additional and useful comments!
Lew Sanford Jr. lsanford@fgdc.gov 703-648-4152 Questions?