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Turkey and Istanbul

Turkey and Istanbul. Demography and geography.

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Turkey and Istanbul

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  1. Turkey and Istanbul

  2. Demography and geography There are, in 2013, in Turkey, 80 694 485 inhabitants including 7 million for the European part, so there are 94 inhabitants per square kilometre for an area of 780 580 square kilometre. One part of this country is in Asia and the other part is in Europe which is separated by the Bosphorus Strait which connects the black sea and the Marmara Sea. Moreover,The Turkey is a mountainous country. It is a strategic commercial area because the Turkey is located in the crossroads between Asia and Europe.

  3. Tourism in Turkey Today, the Turkey is an destination more and more prized, indeed it was the sixth global tourist destination in 2011. Tourism at Istanbul Istanbul is the seventh touristic destination in the world with over 9,4 millions of visitors in 2011. Istanbul welcomed a large part of tourists who come in Turkey, in 2010. The city was also designated Cultural capital of Europe in 2010.

  4. Celebrations October 29th takes place the celebration of the Republic which commemorates the proclamation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. April 23rd, this is the day of the national sovereignty and the childhood. It reminds the first meeting, in 1920, of the Grand National Assembly to Ankara, to prepare the War of independence. The children « take power », they parade and they are invited to occupy the place of personalities for one day. November 9th is the death birthday of Atatürk in 1938. This day, all traffic stops at 9:05 am, the time of his death. August 30, takes place the victory party which commemorates the victory of the Turkish forces about the Greek armies in 1922. The Military parades are organized across the country. The May 29th, at Istanbul, the Turkish celebrates the conquest of the city in 1453 by the Ottoman armies. The municipality organizes a reenactment of event. The march 21st marks the beginning of the year for the Turkish calendar, it corresponds to the start of spring.

  5. Monuments The Hagia Sophia was built by the byzantine emperor Justinian I in 537. The blue mosque was built by the architect SedefkarMahmet Aga between 1609 and 1616. The Topkapı Palace was built in 1461 during the reign of Mehmed II. The Dolmabahçe Palace was built between 1853 and 1856 during the reign of the sultan Abdülmecid by the architects of the Balian’s family.

  6. Importance of Istanbul in Turkey and in Europe Istanbul is the cultural capital of Europe, it conserve many historical monuments which reflects the rich history of the country. Istanbul is the most wealthy and commercial city of the country. Policy Turkey is a republic since 1923. It has a parliamentary regime. The last regime was overthrown by the army, during the coup d’état of 1980 which wiped out the democracy. The parliamentary system was re-established in 1983.

  7. Belief in Turkey • The main beliefs in Turkey are Islam and Christianity. • Islam: Islam is a new religion was born in the seventh century AD, which means submission to a single God. • The Islam appeared in Arabia (boundary between Asia and Africa) with Muhammad. This religion isbased on the person of Muhammad. • Their main text is the Koran. • Christianity: religion based on the teaching of the life and the person of Jesus Christ. The Christianity developed during the first century. • There are three main groups in Christianity: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. • Their main text is the Bible.

  8. Celebrities -In the cinema, there is Nuri Bilge Ceylan, who is a director, actor and screenwriter, born in Istanbul in 1959. He is known for such films as Kasaba, Climates, Three Monkeys... - In music, there is Tarkan, a Turkish singer. He born in 1972. It is one of the most famous singers in Turkey. His albums sold millions of copies. He is best known for his title Simarik (song kiss) The Music in Turkey The Turkish music is a reflection of its ethnic composition, its geography and its history. If Turkish music refer primarily to music made in Turkey by the Turks, its is not limited to this definition because there is a Turkish diaspora, Turkish music was played a long time in countries other than Turkey since the Ottoman Empire.

  9. Turkish traditions - The Blue Eye "Nazarboncuk" (key chains, jewelry, decorations), is a Turkish tradition used to ward off evil spells, evil, and protect persons and property. -Little princes or future circumcised. This is a Turkish tradition of dressing her little boy in white like a prince, with a cape, a hat to go out in the street with his family. He will pray, be photographed and pampering before her operation to be circumcised. In the Turkish tradition, it is a passage to adulthood. He is accompanied by his "godfather of circumcision" and a feast is held in his honor. This helps make the process less difficult, less traumatic, and more fun for the child . -The lohusaserbeti drink delivery is for to all people who come to see the young mother and her baby at birth. It is composed of cloves, cinnamon, red dye sugar, sugar and water.

  10. Gastronomy The Turkish gastronomy is one of the most varied in the world. It is considered the third richest after that of France and that of China . The reciprocal influence between Turkey and its neighbouring countries (Greece, Middle-East, Balkans, Iran, Armenia...) allow to find many common dishes in the cuisines such as dolmas, the boreks and mantis ( Turkish ravioli). Art in Turkey Turkey has experienced the transition between the artistic traditions of Islam dating from the Ottoman Empire and a secular trend, West. The Modern Turkish painters are looking for their own free art forms of Western influence. Sculpture is less developed, and public monuments are usually heroic representations of Atatürk and events of the war of independence. Literature is considered the most advanced art of contemporary Turkey. Many critics consider Kemal Tahir as the greatest current Turkish novelist.

  11. The education system After the founding of the Turkish Republic, the country has sought to create a national education system, so that the Turks are a nation of individuals united in a common national spirit, contributing to the prosperity of the country. The law of the unification of education in 1924 was followed by the opening of primary schools, secondary schools and various other institutions. Education is controlled by the state. The Ministry is responsible of teachers and administrators and organizes educational institutions for children who need special attention or have insufficient means. Since 1928, the latin alphabet is used. The official language of instruction is Turkish. Under the Constitution, everyone has the right to "receive an education that is oriented towards the various schools and colleges according to his knowledge, depending on their tastes and abilities." Education is compulsory from 6 to 14 years. It is free in public schools. Some subjects are compulsory in the curricula of primary and secondary.

  12. History of Turkey The history of Turkey through its main dates: - -1250 : The Greeks seize Troy, the city of the Hittites . - -669-678 : modern Turkey was conquered by the armies of Muhammad. This is the beginning of the reign of Muslim dynasties in the country. -1453 Mehmet II took Constantinople. This is the beginning of the reign of the Ottomans. The eponymous Empire is born and spread his domination for centuries. During the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Empire will cover the Middle East, North Africa , and stop at the gates of Vienna. -1914-1918 : The Empire entered in war alongside the Germans . The defeat marks the dismemberment of the Empire. -1923 Mustafa Kemal proclaimed the Turkish Republic. The reign of the Ottomans ends well . -1980: a political crisis between the pro -Soviet and the pro -Islamic right paralyzes institutions. The army took power and established a military dictatorship for three years, until the organization of free elections , won by the center-right led by TurgutOzal . -1998:The Islamic Party of Necmettin Erbakan was banned by the Constitutional Court. -2000 : Ahmet NecdetSezer was elected President of the Republic. He wants to democratize the regime.

  13. History of Istanbul Byzantium was founded by Byzas in 658 before J.C. In 324, it was renamed Constantinople when the constantine emperor rebuilt it. It remained the capital of the Roman Empire of occident which it later became the Byzantine Empire after the fall of the Roman Empire of the West. In 1453, the turks took the city which is renamed Istanbul in 1930.

  14. The end

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