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New Jersey’s Use of Resources Lisa Solmose Science Coordinator New Jersey Department of Education NJDOE International Learning Initiatives Partnership for 21st Century Skills Member Global Perspectives tied to NJCCCS 2009 Revision Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning Scenarios
New Jersey’s Use of Resources Lisa Solmose Science Coordinator New Jersey Department of Education
NJDOE International Learning Initiatives • Partnership for 21st Century Skills Member • Global Perspectives tied to NJCCCS 2009 Revision • Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning Scenarios
P21: Mission Serve as a catalyst to position 21st century skills at the center of US K-12 education by building collaborative partnerships among education, business, community and government leaders
P21 Skill: Global Awareness • Use 21st century skills to understand and address global issues. • Work collaboratively with diverse individuals in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue different contexts. • Understand other nations and cultures.
2009 Standards Revision • Integrate 21st Century Knowledge and Skills by incorporating a strong emphasis on: • Technology integration • Interdisciplinary connections • Infusion of global perspectives • Reflect 21st Century Themes: Global Awareness; Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy; Civic Literacy; and Health Literacy • Emphasize the development of skills needed in contemporary real world situations
2009 Standards Revision • Will be accompanied by Classroom Application Documents linked to cumulative progress indicators in each strand. • CADs provide guidance and resources for teachers, including sample assessment tasks, and natural links to integrated content, global perspectives and technology.
2.1.8.C.2 : Analyze local, state, national, and international public health efforts to prevent and control diseases and health conditions.
5.4.6.G.3: Describe ways that humans can improve the health of ecosystems around the world.
6.1.12.B.16.a: Explain why natural resources (i.e., fossil fuels, food, and water) continue to be a source of conflict, and analyze how the United States and other nations have addressed issues concerning the distribution and sustainability of natural resources.
8.1.4.C.1: Engage in online discussions with learners in the United States or from other countries to understand their perspectives on a global problem or issue.
9.1.12.E.3: Design a communication system to alert other countries in the event of a natural disaster.
7.1.NM.A.5:Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning Scenarios • Created in consultation with the Peace Corps’ Coverdell World Wise Schools Program • Classroom support materials for International Education • Included on the NJDOE website, with links throughout the standards • Team of New Jersey educators developed scenarios • Teacher training workshops to be run this fall
Financial Literacy: 6-8 Design and develop a prototype of a recreational device that harnesses the power of children playing to extract fresh groundwater. Write a business plan and grant proposal to obtain funding to launch your non-profit organization to manufacture a product that allows communities to obtain fresh water.