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Figure 1 : Représentation schématique du rumen et du réseau dans un plan vertical (1) et un plan horizontal (2). Les flèches indiquent les mouvements du contenu. (d’après Waghorn et Reid, 1977).
Figure 1 : Représentation schématique du rumen et du réseau dans un plan vertical (1) et un plan horizontal (2). Les flèches indiquent les mouvements du contenu. (d’après Waghorn et Reid, 1977).
Tableau 1 : Caractéristiques de quelques bactéries du rumen (d’après Mathieu, 1996 ; adapté de Stewart, 1991) Tableau 2 : Classification systématique des protozoaires du rumen (Bohatier, 1991, adapté de De Puytorac et al, 1987)
Tableau 3 : Principales espèces de champignon anaérobies isolés du tube digestif des herbivores (Fonty et al, 1995)
Figure 2 : Dégradation des composés azotés dans le rumen (Jouany, 1994)
Tableau 4 : Principales bactéries protéolytiques du rumen (Mackie and White, 1990)
Figure 3 : Voies du métabolisme des glucides dans le rumen (Jouany, 1995)
Tableau 5 : Substrats dégradés et fermentés par les principales espèces bactériennes du rumen. La majorité des souches peuvent assurer cette fonction (+) ou (-) (Fonty et al ; 1995)
Table 1 : Effects of defaunation of the rumen on growth, intake and digestion in ruminants. Mean values of parameters analysed in the bibliographic database.(Part I)
Table 2 : Effects of defaunation of the rumen on growth, intake and digestion in ruminants. Mean values of parameters analysed in the bibliographic database.(Part II)
Figure 1 : Effect of defaunation on average daily gain (ADG%LW) of ruminants in relation to dry matter intake (DMI%LW). Synthesis of the literature data. BW : body weight.
Figure 5 : Effect of the percentage of concentrate (PCO) on the response of pH to defaunation (Res.pH). Synthesis of the literature data.nation and dry matter intake influences upon volatile fatty acids concentration (VFA) in the ruminal fluid. Synthesis of the literature data.
Figure 6 : Effect of defaunation on ammonia concentration (NH3). in ruminal fluid.Synthesis of the literature data.
Table 3 : Effect of defaunation on enzymatic activity (polysaccharidases) in rumen solid-associated microorganisms, in rams consuming mixed diets composed of Digitaria decumbens grass (28 days age of regrowth) and 4 concentrates mixture (soja meal + ground corn ). The diets were formulated to provide 4 protein / energy ratios (PDIN / UF) of 80, 100, 120 and 140 on diet D80, D100, D120 and D140 respectively. Table 4 : Effect of defaunation on enzymatic activity (glucosidases) in rumen solid-associated microorganisms, in rams consuming mixed diets. Diets were composed of Digitaria decumbens grass (28 days age of regrowth) and 4 concentrates mixture (soja meal + ground corn ). The diets were formulated to provide 4 protein / energy ratios (PDIN / UF) of 80, 100, 120 and 140 on diet D80, D100, D120 and D140 respectively.
Table 5 : Effect of defaunation on in situ dry matter (DM) degradation, and ammonia (NH3) in the rumen of rams consuming mixed diets. Diets were composed of Digitaria decumbens grass (28 days age of regrowth) and 4 concentrates mixture (soja meal + ground corn ). The diets were formulated to provide 4 protein / energy ratios (PDIN / UF) of 80, 100, 120 and 140 on diet D80, D100, D120 and D140 respectively. Table 6 : Effect of defaunation on pH and Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA), in the rumen of rams consuming mixed diets. Diets were composed of Digitaria decumbens grass (28 days age of regrowth) and 4 concentrates mixture (soja meal + ground corn ). The diets were formulated to provide 4 protein / energy ratios (PDIN / UF) of 80, 100, 120 and 140 on diet D80, D100, D120 and D140 respectively.