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CLOVER and Syllable Division. Using the Six Syllable Types to Help Students Unlock Words. We know we think we can’t live without them, but please turn your cell phones off or put them on vibrate. Reading Research Blocks Series. Phonological Awareness. Decoding. Syllable division.
CLOVER and Syllable Division Using the Six Syllable Types to Help Students Unlock Words
We know we think we can’t live without them, but please turn your cell phones off or put them on vibrate.
Reading Research Blocks Series Phonological Awareness Decoding Syllable division Onset & Rime Phonemic awareness Comprehension Phonics Fluency Syntax Multisyllabic Words Morphology Spelling Encoding Vocabulary Irregular words Decoding Word derivation Rhyme
Did you know? • 50%of English isrule governedand completely regular • 37%of words have only one irregularity • 13%irregular 87%
What’s this session about? This session will address helping those kids who have splinter reading skills, but have few skills to unlock unknown words. They guess based on the first letter or two. They use pictures (not many pictures at this level) and what they know, or think they know, of the content.
Instruction must be cumulative, sequential, and systematic, so that students overcome the bad habit of relying on context and guessing to decode unknown words. Louisa Moats
In this session, you will learn • The 6 syllable types • How to identify syllable types in a word • How to divide words into syllables and identify what the vowel says based on the syllable pattern • Gain confidence in your ability to present vocabulary so that students become more able and empowered in unlocking unknown words.
Pretest Let’s see what we know first
Hang in there… Here we go!
CLOVER Closed Syllable drill stamp whiz lip plod
Yes? No? 1 2 3 4
1 Closed?Yes or No bat coat try stamp grim grime no pick shut ask chip dream
Closed?Yes or No bat coat try stampgrim grime no pick shut ask chip dream
n i p c a t
f a n t a s t i c 3 vowels 3 syllables fan tas tic
shadplit shad plit Blend to the end
swashblam swash blam sh = digraph bl = blend
2 Divide these words into syllablesCount the consonants between the vowels and group them together – Remember blend to the end when possible British complex transmit clupnet chinfrob handshake vambith contrast brethren
clup net vam bith com plex trans mit chin frob con trast breth ren handshake Brit ish
CLOVER Open Syllable she try tra no dru
3 Open?Yes or No hi I she fee flu will Kate pry belt
Open?Yes or No hiI she feeflu will Katepry belt
silo si lo o o zero ze ro O O
4 silent protest erupt si lent pro test e rupt o c o c o c tulip open humid even frequent menu result began defrost
How’d You Do? tu lip o pen hu mid o c o c o c e ven fre quent men u o c o c c o re sult be gan de frost o c o c o c
CLOVER Vowel – Consonant e Syllable stove bride flute cake tribe
5 Silent e?Yes or No quite chive slip squish eke glare dim dime camp
Silent e?Yes or No quitechive slip squish eke glare dim dime camp
Let’s Do These Together apron think pr between the 2 vowels blend to the end if possible a pron ә
distribute Think: 4 vowels, but the e on the end is silent So I will have 3 syllables Divide between the 2 “i’s str (3 letter blend) I’ll try putting s with the 1st syllable and blend to the end with tr – dis tr Now I have to divide between the i and the u. I’ll flex the b – dis tri bute dis trib ute Distribute is a word I know.
6 Closed – Open – Silent e (v-e) athlete inflate romantic economize stipulate replenish microscope amnesty rejuvenate navy
Closed – Open – Silent e ath letein flate c v-e c v-e ro man tic e con o mize o c c o c o v-e stip u late re plen ish c o v-e o c c
Closed – Open – Silent e mi cro scopeam nes ty o o v-e c c o re ju ven ate na vy o o c v-e o o
CLOVER Consonant le cycle kettle giggle bubble riffle
-le • Always the last syllable • “e”s only job is to make it a vowel ble fle tle ple gle zle cle dle
Watch the spelling ta ble sim ple drib ble cra dle ket tle What do you notice?
table ta ble o -le kettle ket tle c -le drizzle driz zle c -le rifle ri fle o -le simple sim ple c -le cycle cy cle o -le riddle rid dle c -le giggle gig gle c -le
7 Your Turn grumble huddle maple able tackle crumble bugle dangle tumble
How did you do? grum ble hud dle ma ple c -le c -le o -le a ble tac kle crum ble o -le c -le c -le bu gle dan gle tum ble o -le c -le c -le
CLOVER R Controlled Syllable third thorn spurn star herd
arorer ir ur smart for bird turn curve skirt short farm stork fern third storm
particle ә par ti cle r o -le Ә = schwa
scarlet circus tribute survive thirsty organize interrupt paragraph internalize candle tremble final Afganistan photosynthesis 8 Putting it together c l o e r
scar let cir cus trib ute r c r c c e sur vive thir styor gan ize r e r o r c e ә ә in ter rupt para graph in ter na lize c r c r o c c r o e
ә can dle trem ble fi nal c -le c -le o c ә Af gan i stan c c o c ә pho to syn the sis o o c o c