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Book image. From Poverty to Power: Notre Dame lecture programme. NGOs and AdvocacyHow Change HappensPower and PoliticsPoverty and WealthRisk and VulnerabilityThe International SystemThe Global Economic CrisisClimate Change. NGOs and Advocacy: Structure of Presentation. A tour of the NGO zooNGOs and campaigningCase study on Trade and the WTOComparison with climate change campaign.
1. NGOs and Advocacy Duncan Green
University of Notre Dame
August 2009
2. Book image
3. From Poverty to Power: Notre Dame lecture programme
NGOs and Advocacy
How Change Happens
Power and Politics
Poverty and Wealth
Risk and Vulnerability
The International System
The Global Economic Crisis
Climate Change
4. NGOs and Advocacy: Structure of Presentation
A tour of the NGO zoo
NGOs and campaigning
Case study on Trade and the WTO
Comparison with climate change campaign
5. Some stuff about Oxfam International NGO with affiliates in 13 countries, and operations in more than 100
Total programme spend of $828m in 2007
Main spending items are long term development and emergencies
Began as Oxford Committee for Famine Relief in 1942, trying to relieve hunger in nazi-occupied Greece
Oxfam America based in Boston, $73m turnover in 2008, www.oxfamamerica.org
6. The fragmented NGO Universe North v South
Development v Environment v Consumers
Secular v Church
Big v Small (General v single issue)
Service Delivery v Policy oriented
Programmes v Campaigns
Activist/Radical v Mainstream/Reformist – movements v military discipline
7. Where do INGOs get their ideas from? Keynes’ Scribblers: Ancestral memories of the NIEO, dependency theory, Gramsci, Marx etc
Academics, esp the iconoclasts (Rodrik, Sen, Chang)
Interaction with domestic concerns (eg climate change)
Case studies and history > econometrics or modelling
Governments or multilaterals (UN, World Bank)
Developing Country radicals (Vandana Shiva, Walden Bello, Martin Khor)
Programmes and partners (experience on the ground)
Each other:
Balance varies between NGOs
8. The rise of lobbying and campaigning Roots in Programmes (islands of success in a sea of failure)
NGOs saw need to shape/check northern policies (anti-apartheid, Central America, IFIs, debt, trade, climate change)
And need to change ideas and beliefs to build a mass constituency for change
Leading to the rise of public policy lobbying and global campaigning
But bulk of staff still involved in programme and emergencies
9. Campaigning The best campaigns have:
A villain
A problem
A solution
Example: TRIPS/Access to Medicines Photo: Oxfam campaigners lobbying a meeting of trade ministers in London, March 2006, highlighting the absence of developing countries from key world trade discussions. As the Times put it, the stunt showed how ‘the First World loan shark was biting into the surfboard of Third World development’
Photo credit: OxfamPhoto: Oxfam campaigners lobbying a meeting of trade ministers in London, March 2006, highlighting the absence of developing countries from key world trade discussions. As the Times put it, the stunt showed how ‘the First World loan shark was biting into the surfboard of Third World development’
Photo credit: Oxfam
10. How does Oxfam campaign? An awful lot of emails, teleconferences, meetings and listserves….
Research: combined primary, secondary and ‘killer facts’, quality media
‘Pop Mob’; mass media; celebrities; branding (white bands)
Global Campaign on Education, Make Poverty History, Jubilee 2000, Climate Action Network,
11. How does Oxfam design a campaign? Specify range of possible changes you want to investigate
Define Change Goal
Apply Power Analysis to develop an initial influencing strategy
12. Power analysis: phase one What needs to change to achieve this (what laws, policies, practices, relationships need to change)?
What are the drivers and obstacles to change? (e.g. attitudes and beliefs, political groups, financial/commercial interests, lack of a feasible practical proposal)
What are the political opportunities for change (e.g. legislative timetables, elections, international negotiations & summits)
13. Power analysis: phase two At what level are decisions made (international, national, state, politician or official)
Who are decision-makers and institutions that determine the change?
Among these groups and individuals, which are
most easily influenced by Oxfam?
the lost causes?
the ‘shifters' - the undecided or persuadable?
Who influences the people in this last group, who are often the principle target for our campaign?
Design your campaign and get stuck in…
14. Why do governments listen? They usually don’t, but when they do, it’s because NGOs:
Agree with them
Talk their language: ‘tell a story’ – a narrative based on limited research; (CAP)
Move the public (e.g. Church NGOs on debt)
Are skilled media operators
Sometimes spot emerging issues before civil servants (PWYP)
15. Pause for typical NGO self doubt: Have we got too good at campaigning?
Getting too close to DC governments and talking N-S rather than power
Urge to be ‘taken seriously’ means we are seduced by policy detail, but neglect vision-thing and transformatory agenda
Too much focus on northern campaigning, when the real changes often come within developing countries
Much better at opposing than proposing: what are we for, apart from process (e.g. policy space, growth model)?
16. Back to campaigning: The WTO and the Doha Round
God’s gift to trade campaigners?
Integrated Pest Management for NGOs?
17. Multilateral Trading System: the positives
Rules more important for weaker players
Dispute settlement
Least worst balance of power
Disciplines on powerful countries
18. Multilateral Trading System: the negatives
Expense (e.g. TRIPs) in terms of $ and people
Premature opening (e.g. ag, NAMA)
Policy space: actual and chilling effect
Balance of power still skewed e.g. Agreement on Agriculture
19. Where does the WTO fit? One of many constraints, and often the weakest cf IMF, RTAs
But permanent via lock-in
More intangible ‘chilling effect’ in some areas
Good (and bad) ideas from WTO can influence other processes
Key decisions remain domestic
20. Trade, liberalisation and development Trade can be an important part of a growth strategy (East Asia, Chile, Botswana, Mauritius)
But is trade liberalisation an outcome of development or an initial condition?
Theory: more efficient allocation of resources, comparative advantage
Source: Anything from the World Bank
History: protection in early stages necessary but not sufficient (infant industry and ag)
Source: Dani Rodrik, In Search of Prosperity; Ha Joon Chang, Kicking Away the Ladder
21. Compare that previous slide with this killer fact…
22. Oxfam priorities on WTO Policy Space on agriculture, industrial policy
Northern Market Access
Northern subsidies, not just export subsidies
Bad rules, e.g. TRIPs and access to medicines
23. So what’s it like?WTO ministerial 2003, Cancún: a tough assignment…
24. And a poor working environment…
25. What happened Developing Country alliances got stronger
Flashpoints: investment and agriculture
The summit collapsed
Doha round now in deep freeze
Is that a bad thing? It depends
26. Climate Change: make or break issues Guarantees of finance from rich countries for mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. But in the end, this is what it boils down to. These are the two deal-makers or deal-breakers in Copenhagen. Despite the huge technical complexity to the talks, in the end, this is what the political deal will come down to.
This presentation will focus on these two issues, not withstanding there are an array of other issues from deforestation to technology transfer also being negotiated with significant implications for the environmental integrity and equity of the deal (happy to talk more about that afterwards/bilaterally).But in the end, this is what it boils down to. These are the two deal-makers or deal-breakers in Copenhagen. Despite the huge technical complexity to the talks, in the end, this is what the political deal will come down to.
This presentation will focus on these two issues, not withstanding there are an array of other issues from deforestation to technology transfer also being negotiated with significant implications for the environmental integrity and equity of the deal (happy to talk more about that afterwards/bilaterally).
27. What do we need at Copenhagen?
28. Climate Change v WTO Similarities
Role of blocs and DC assertiveness
DCs will grow stronger as negotiations continue
Differentiation between DCs a minefield
Early influence is easier
Domestic drivers (unlike aid, debt)
Only winning is enough – blocking bad things is not enough
Urgency – delays will be costly
29. And finally…..
30. Further Reading from the Blog The Global Campaign for Education, www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/?p=615
A successful campaign on domestic violence in Malawi, www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/?p=313
Reforming US aid, www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/?p=266
Changing Georgia’s social protection system, www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/?p=157
Advocacy v service delivery in Russia, www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/?p=63
Influencing the state in Vietnam, www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/?p=59
31. Further Reading Tools for Policy Impact, ODI, http://www.odi.org.uk/RAPID/Publications/Tools_Policy_Impact.html
Knowledge to Policy: Making the Most of Development Research, Fred Carden, IDRC 2009 http://www.idrc.ca/openebooks/417-8