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The Man with the Twisted Lip. Neville seems to wave at her nervously and then disapears from view . . Mrs. Saint Clair sees her husband ( Neville) at the window of a place that attracts opium addicts . Mrs. Saint Clair gets the police to search the building for her husband .
Neville seemstowaveathernervouslyandthendisapearsfromview. Mrs. Saint Clair seesherhusband ( Neville) atthewindowof a placethatattractsopiumaddicts. Mrs. Saint Clair getsthepolicetosearchthebuilding for herhusband. In theroomwhereshesawhim, theyonlyfindhisclothes.
Policemenfinddropsofblood in thewindowandfloorofthatroom. Theyalsofindhisclothes, buthiscoatismissing. The man in theroomis a wellknownbeggarnamed Hugh Boone. Boonewastakentoprison.
A crippledbeggarwhois in theroomisarrested. Holmes tries tofindthemissing man. Mrs. Saint Clair feelshopefulthatherhusbandisalivewhenshereceives a letterfromhimwithhisring.
Holmes discoversthatthebeggarisactuallythemissinghusband in disguise. Holmes brings a wetclothwithhimbecausehewantstowashtheprisoner’s face. He hasmadehismoneybybeggingbutdoesn’twanthisfamilytoknowthat.
He changed in and out ofhisdisguiseeachdayatthatroom in theopiumden. Verysoonherealizedthathewassavingmoneyfast. His knowledgeofmake-up helpedhim a great deal, andhisjokesquicklymadehimalmost a public figure. Mywifeknew I had a business in London, thatwasall!