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Plate Tectonics: Creating Earth's Landforms

Uncover the dynamic process of plate tectonics, shaping continents and triggering natural phenomena like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Learn about divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries, as well as the formation of hotspot volcanoes. Explore the evidence behind Alfred Wegener's continental drift theory, and witness the impact of plate movements on Earth's geology throughout history. Also, dive into the significance of regions like the Pacific Ring of Fire in understanding our planet's ever-changing surface.

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Plate Tectonics: Creating Earth's Landforms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Landforms Are Created

  2. Plate Tectonics

  3. Large moving slabs of rock slide slowly over a layer of the mantle Plate Tectonics

  4. The Theory of Continental Drift

  5. Earth ~200 million years ago

  6. Alfred Wegener’s Evidence: The presence of fossils only over small areas of now separate continents

  7. 3 Types of Plate Boundaries • Divergence • Convergence • Transformal


  9. Divergence

  10. Process where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity and then gradually moves away from the ridge Sea-Floor Spreading


  12. Forms mountains, e.g. European Alps, Himalayas CONVERGENCE


  14. Transformal

  15. Transformal No mountains are created

  16. What are Hot Spots???

  17. What are Hotspot Volcanoes? • Hot mantle breaches the surface in the middle of a tectonic plate The Hawaiian island chain are examples of hotspot volcanoes.

  18. Has a major impact on countries that are close to it Examples: Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions Pacific Ring of Fire

  19. Shows the South American and Nazca plates colliding

  20. Hawaii was formed by volcanic activity

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