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BoM 25—Alma 13-16. True or False. -The Nephites were subject to the Law of Moses before the resurrected Christ came to them. - They had the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Holy Order of the Priesthood.
True or False -The Nephiteswere subject to the Law of Moses before the resurrected Christ came to them. - They had the Melchizedek Priesthood.
The Holy Order of the Priesthood Work with a partner, and study Alma 13:1-19 to find out all you can about the Holy Order of the Priesthood. Please pay particular attention to and mark footnotes 2a, 3b and 14a for an even more complete understanding of this great Priesthood.
Laws & Agency in Pre-Mortal Realm Being subject to law, and having their agency, all the spirits of men, while yet in the Eternal Presence, developed aptitudes, talents, capacities, and abilities of every sort, kind, and degree. During the long expanse of life which then was, an infinite variety of talents and abilities came into being. As the ages rolled, no two spirits remained alike. Mozart became a musician; Einstein centered his interest in mathematics; Michelangelo turned his attention to painting. Cain, was a liar, a schemer, a rebel who maintained a close affinity to Lucifer. Abraham and Moses and all of the prophets sought and obtained the talent for spirituality. Mary and Eve were two of the greatest of all the spirit daughters of the Father. The whole house of Israel, known and segregated out from their fellows, was inclined toward spiritual things. And so it went through all the hosts of heaven, each individual developing such talents and abilities as his soul desired. The Lord endowed us all with agency; he gave us laws that would enable us to advance and progress and become like him; and he counseled and exhorted us to pursue the course leading to glory and exaltation. He himself was the embodiment and personification of all good things. Every desirable characteristic and trait dwelt in him in its eternal fulness. All of his obedient children started to become like him in one way or another. There was as great a variety and degree of talent and ability among us there as there is among us here. Some excelled in one way, others in another. The Firstborn excelled all of us in all things. (Bruce R. McConkie, The Mortal Messiah, 1:23, 25)
Men Foreordained “Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was. I suppose I was ordained to this very office in that Grand Council” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 364-5; see also D&C 138:53-56).
Women, too! Remember, in the world before we came here, faithful women were given certain assignments while faithful men were foreordained to certain priesthood tasks. While we do not now remember the particulars, this does not alter the glorious reality of what we once agreed to. You are accountable for those things which long ago were expected of you just as are those we sustain as prophets and apostles! (Spencer W. Kimball, “The Role of Righteous Women,” Ensign, Nov 1979, 102)
The High Priesthood is a teaching priesthood (Alma 13:6) Joseph Smith taught: "The duty of a High Priest is to administer in spiritual and holy things, and to hold communion with God.... And again, it is the High Priests' duty to be better qualified to teach principles and doctrines, than the Elders." (Teachings, p. 21.) The Melchizedek Priesthood, Joseph Smith taught, "is the channel through which all knowledge, doctrine, the plan of salvation and every important matter is revealed from heaven" (Teachings, pp. 166-67).
Alma 14:26-29 The very Priesthood power which Alma had just taught about—the power “to put at defiance the armies of nations, to divide the earth, to break every band…” (JST Gen. 14:31--Appendix)—now delivers them from the prison of Ammonihah.
Zeezrom’s Repentance & Conversion Alma 15:3-12