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Understanding Basic American Culture

Understanding Basic American Culture. No rule book exists that covers all aspects on how to act around: Different cultures Country to country Even person to person. However, if you are: Well mannered Tolerant Respectful You are likely to feel comfortable in any company or situation.

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Understanding Basic American Culture

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  1. Understanding Basic American Culture

  2. No rule book exists that covers all aspects on how to act around: Different cultures Country to country Even person to person

  3. However, if you are: • Well mannered • Tolerant • Respectful You are likely to feel comfortable in any company or situation. Most people will accept you into their circle

  4. The United States of America is very diverse. Many key traits and customs are shared by nearly all Americans If you follow the following tips, you will be better prepared to understand Americans and enjoy your stay in America

  5. American Friendliness • Americans tend to be friendly, it can be genuine and meaningful or it can be something less than friendly, superficial • Most people are very nice particularly on a university campus • Most people are willing to assist and help you make your stay in this country enjoyable • Most people will make you feel welcome

  6. However: Many Americans think if you are studying in this country then you are wealthy and some will see you as vulnerable and naive

  7. Helpful Tips

  8. Saying Hello • Returning a greeting doesn’t usually mean anything. It is simply a way for Americans to be polite. It is considered rude if you do not return someone’s greeting • Americans often greet others, even people they don’t know. • If someone says “hello” or “hi” you are expected to return the greeting

  9. Formal Greeting • If your culture allows, extend your hand for a handshake • Do not kiss people’s cheeks or touch cheek to cheek • Maintain reasonable personal space and shake hands only!

  10. Greeting Friends • If appropriate, you may hug friends. If you’re not sure don’t hug! • With new friends, handshakes are best

  11. Kissing Friends • If appropriate, you may kiss female friends on the cheek • If you are a man though, DO NOT attempt to kiss a man’s cheek as most consider this inappropriate.

  12. Holding Hands • If appropriate you may hold hands with female friends • Americans NEVER hold hands with another man unless they are romantically involved.

  13. Personal Space • Americans are not comfortable if someone else is too close to them • Imagine 1-1 ½ meter circle drawn around you that follows you where ever you go • Only close friends and family members are allowed to get closer • Do not touch people when you talk to them and only get close to them when you are invited

  14. Conversation • Americans love to talk • Be Polite • Avoid conversation about: • Racism • Foreign Policies • Gun Control • Religion These subjects are best discussed among friends

  15. Conversation with Strangers • Say nice things • Avoid being critical or rude • Be tactful • If someone is courteous and kind say “thank you” • If you bump into someone or when moving into someone’s personal space say “excuse me”

  16. Waiting in Line • Be patient • Wait your turn • Never cut in line • Never push or jostle people

  17. Tips for Women • Learn to say “NO” • Be polite but be FIRM if necessary • Try not to show you are frightened or intimidated if someone shows an interest in you • NEVER let someone make you feel guilty if you are not interested in them • If you are frightened by someone, REPORT this to a teacher, a friend, a counselor, or to the police. We will make this person follow the rules

  18. Tips for Men • Be polite • Be respectful of others particularly to ALL women • If you are interested in a woman and, if appropriate, kindly ask if she would be interested in meeting in a safe and public place • If she is not interested, move on! Leave her alone!

  19. Tips for Couples in a Relationship • Never touch the other in a rude or an inconsiderate way . No matter how slight, it could result in being arrested and going to jail • There is much attention given in this country to cases that involve couples’ fighting • Penalties are serious

  20. Remember Be Respectful! Be kind! Be Polite!

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