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1.5.11. AGENDA. Quiz…. According to Karl Marx, who were the oppressORS and who were the oppressED ? In their book, The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels predicted a dictatorship of what? Who came up with a cheaper and faster way to produce steel?
1.5.11 AGENDA
Quiz… • According to Karl Marx, who were the oppressORS and who were the oppressED? • In their book, The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels predicted a dictatorship of what? • Who came up with a cheaper and faster way to produce steel? • The invention of electricity led to what other inventions? • Who flew the first flight? • Give one example of an industrialized country in Europe. (France, Spain, Russia or Bulgaria) • Give one example of an agriculturally based country in Europe. (Britain, Belgium, Russia or the Netherlands)
Quiz Answers… • Bourgeoisie (oppressors) and proletariat (oppressed) • The proletariat • Bessemer • The lightbulb, the radio, conveyor belt, subways, streetcars… • Joshua Henson only – who knows? • France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Northern Italy • Spain, Portugal, most of Austria-Hungary, the Balkan Kingdoms and Southern Italy • Extreme: get rid of capitalism and replace it with socialism. Moderate: reform working conditions, improve benefits
Homework: read and outline pages 426 – 429 • Are men and women treated equally in today’s society? Can you think of an example?
Section 2: The Emergence of Mass Media Chapter 13: Mass Society and Democracy
The New Urban Environment • Growth of Urban Population • City populations • 1800, London’s population 960,000 and by 1900 it was 6.5 million • New problems??? • Improvements in Public Health and Sanitation • Deadly epidemic diseases encouraged reform
City governments made health boards to improve housing quality • Did inspections to check on running water and proper drainage • Clean water made possible w/ dams and reservoirs, and sewage was carried away from cities in underground pipes.
II. Social Structure • The New Elite • Only 5% of the population controlled 30-40% of the wealth • Industrialists, bankers and merchants merged w/ the landed aristocracy and became leaders in government and military. • Wealthy classes also merged through marriage.
The Diverse Middle Class • Upper-middle, middle-middle and lower- middle classes (lawyers and doctors, smaller shopkeepers and traveling salesmen – some examples). See pg 424 for more examples.
The Working Class • Lower class, made up 80% of Europe’s population • Land-owning peasants or city workers. Many women were household servants. • Conditions started to improve after 1870: higher wages, 10 hr work day and only 6 days of work a week.
III. Women’s Experiences • Early 19th Century, women were totally legally inferior to men: • Got only legal identity from husband, couldn’t testify in court, serve on a jury, own property • Legally inferior and financially dependent on men • New Job Opportunities • 2nd industrial revolution forced women into the work place – not enough men to fill the positions! Mostly working class women. • Clerks, typists, secretaries, file clerks and salesclerks • Government jobs also opened up – social services, education and health care.