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Introduction to rural development. Rural development paradigm, rural development approach, term; objectives and priorities Rural space of EU and specific country RD policies, legal and strategic framework Policy, institutions and organizations of importance for socio-economic development
Introduction to rural development • Rural development paradigm, rural development approach, term; objectives and priorities • Rural space of EU and specific country • RD policies, legal and strategic framework • Policy, institutions and organizations of importance for socio-economic development • Sectorial and umbrella strategies important for RD in concrete country; • National strategic documents and legislation for RD, CAP and rural development, national RD measures and history of RD support • EU RD legislation and institutions; • EU and WTO Integration Policies, IPA/IPARD EU funds
Institutional and development of RD support Development of national support structures • Community development: Local PPP partnerships (LAGs, LEADER), forms of organizing rural population, organizing of farmers, NGO organization • Development of decentralized system of support • RD activities in present and future • Development projects in concrete countries and the region • Regional RD initiatives (SWG and its activities)
Rural sociology • Demography, population structure, ethnic groups, social groups, habits, norms, regions, traditions • Social inclusion and gender issues in rural areas • Poverty and battle for eradication of poverty, MDG goals, national policies for rural areas • Administration and social services - health, education and social policies and services in rural areas • Strengthening of cooperative structures and PPP partnerships • Rural labor market • Rural psychology and ethno-psychology for rural development workers; Psychology of masses, • Rural cultural heritage and its role in rural development (including multi-cultural issues, rural architecture, music, customs, literature, religions, languages etc.) • Specifics of knowledge transfer in rural areas (formal, non-formal and informal education, methods for transferring knowledge, diverse types of assistance and tools, consultancy, agriculture advisory services, extension etc.) Skills • Socio-economic research including participatory methodologies • Communication; Modern information technologies and media in service of rural development, promotion of rural areas and products, public appearance and presentation (PR etc.) • Facilitation and moderation, negotiation, leadership, lobbing, motivation techniques and negotiation • ToT
Rural ecology • Rural natural heritage and its role in rural development • Sustainable management of natural resources • Rebewable energy • Nature and environmental protection and its role in rural development; including LFA, Nature 2000 areas, EIA • HNVNF etc.
Rural economy • Principles of rural and regional development, • Value of natural capital • Agriculture, forestry, collecting practices and para-agriculture their importance in rural economy (including conversion from subsidence traditional farms to modern farms - farm based development planning, marketing of products, introduction of new technologies, farm business management, FADN • Multi-functionality of agriculture and environmentally friendly agriculture productions and their role in rural areas • Food processing and other industries and their importance for rural development (with emphasize on SMEs and traditional handcrafts, standards and branding of products and regions, adding value) • Tourism and services in rural development • Sustainable diversification of rural economy • Social employment and entrepreneurship, • Good practices in rural development • Banking and insurance, taxation, laws
Rural development management • Strategic and action planning on the national and local levels - Data collection and analytics, mapping of resources and needs/situation analysis of rural areas, participative work (SEAGA, PLA/PRA), GIS and data management, documenting, reporting Territorially specific programming; Strategic and action planning; • RD organizations management: Organizational skills, team work, team building, staff, conflicts,), managerial skills, leadership, human resource management, multitasking thinking; change management; • Support to PPP: Models of making local public-private partnerships (LAGs. And LEADER approach), civil society development, NGOs (nonpartisan, non-profit organizations), cooperatives (profit organization) and their role in RD; Networking for rural development support, good practices • Institutional building: Local governance and role of local self-governments in rural development, National level structures for rural development support • PCM (with examples of the logic needed to be followed for writing projects for IPARDP and other calls; use of for instance PRINCE methods, M&E, Pilot projecting and implementation; Operating of strategic plan/implementation of strategies • Fund rising in RD, IPA/IPARD EU funds, national funds