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Mastering Syntax: The Art of Crafting Complete Thoughts

Explore the power of sentences and fragments in literary works, delving into rich examples by renowned authors.

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Mastering Syntax: The Art of Crafting Complete Thoughts

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  1. The Sentence:A Way of Thinking A sentence must contain at least one subject and one verb, and it must form a complete thought. A fragment is missing a subject or verb, and/or it doesn’t contain a complete thought.

  2. The Sentence:A Way of ThinkingThey race. (p. 5)- Jerry Spinelli, LoserMatt winces. (p. 364)Maria flinched. (p. 366)Matt froze. (p. 370)- Nancy Farmer, House of the ScorpionTad watched. (p. 6)Blood flew. (p. 111)He sprung. (p. 128)- Stephen King, Cujo

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