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Vocabulary: Where are you going? Where have you been? . September 19 th , 2011. Denotation . A word’s denotation is its literal meaning – its dictionary meaning . A word’s denotation does not imply any emotion or judgment of value. Example:
Vocabulary: Where are you going? Where have you been? September 19th, 2011
Denotation • A word’s denotation is its literal meaning – its dictionary meaning. • A word’s denotation does not imply any emotion or judgment of value. • Example: • Snake literally means: an elongate, legless, carnivorous reptile of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by its lack of eyelids and external ears.
Connotation • The connotation of a word is the implied or signified value of a word. A word’s value is its emotional and cultural worth. Connotation involves emotional overtones, subjective interpretation, and socio-cultural values. • Example: • Snake connotes distrustfulness and deadliness.
WORD CHARGE! Word charge refers to the connoted positive or negative value of a word. Nice happy words have a positive charge; dark unhappy words have a negative charge. What are some words we’ve learned with a negative charge?
Why It’s Important … When you’re trying to complete a sentence with our vocab words (or complete a sentence on the ACT), the words available to you will generally be of a positive or negative charge. Thus, the charge (connotation) of the blank and the word that fills the blank must be the same. For example, a negative answer choice can never fill a blank that needs a positive word. Even when you don’t know the exact meaning of a word, you’ll often have a sense of its “charge.”
Cynical (adj)Cynicism (n) • A cynical person is distrustful and skeptical of humanity. • A cynic has a negative and pessimistic worldview and will often assume the worst about people, situations, and the way the world works.
Naïve (adjective) • To be naïve is to be gullible and ignorant to the ways of the world; to lack experience and judgment. • In it’s most positive connotation, to be naïve can also simply mean to be innocent and simple. • On the other hand, calling someone naïve is basically like calling them too stupid to know what’s really going on.
Malevolent (adj) • Someone who is malevolent is evil and wishes to harm others; a malevolent person has bad intentions. • Malevolence (n)is ill will and the desire to harm others.
Incredulous (adj) • Unwilling or unable to believe something; skeptical. • Example: After being told he was adopted, Riley stared at his parents with an incredulous look on his face. WTF?
Languid (adj) • Relaxed; sluggish; weak from illness or exhaustion. • Katzo lounged on the couch in his usual languid fashion: remote in paw and beer close by.
Ominous (adj) • If something is ominous, it signals that something bad is about to happen; signaling a bad omen; threatening. • This is an excellent TONE/MOOD word.
Coercion (noun)Coerce (verb) • Force or power that is used to gain compliance. • Think about that force or power pretty abstractly and realize that people can be coerced (pressured) to do things against their will in a variety of ways.
Melancholy (noun) • A condition characterized by gloom and sadness; depression. • Origin: According to Hippocrates (ancient Greek doctor), melancholia was caused by an excess of black bile, hence the name, which means 'black bile’ from Ancient Greek; a person whose constitution tended to have a preponderance of black bile had a melancholic disposition.
Pretense (noun) • Pretense is falseness and insincerity and to act under pretense is to pretend and make believe. To be pretentious is to be full of pretense. • Thus, to call someone pretentious is to point out the falseness of their nature and make claim that they are pretending to be something they are not.
Exasperation (n) • Extreme frustration and annoyance. • Example: ‘Trell threw up his hands and screamed in hopeless exasperation.
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? by Joyce Carol Oates Connie as portrayed by Laura Dern. Inspired by the true story of serial killer Charles Schmid, “The Pied Piper of Tucson”, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? is the chilling tale of Connie, a young woman exploring her sexuality and seeking attention in all the wrong places … Charles Schmid
Connie is a beautiful but vain fifteen year old who, through her beauty and coquettish sexuality, inadvertently captures the eye of the mysterious Arnold Friend … “The place where you came from ain’t there any more, and where you had in mind to go is cancelled out … You know that and always did know it.”
First appearing in 1966, this story is dedicated to Bob Dylan as its creation was also inspired by the Dylan song “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue”. “I ain’t made plans for coming in that house where I don’t belong, but just for you to come out to me, the way you should.” Bob Dylan The vagabond who’s rapping at your door Is standing in the clothes that you once wore Strike another match, go start anew And it’s all over now, Baby Blue … Joyce Carol Oates