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Exploring Atomic Radius: Graphing Periodic Properties

This activity involves graphing experimental data to investigate the relationship between atomic number and atomic radius. By plotting the data on graph paper, you will analyze how the size of an atom changes with increasing atomic number.

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Exploring Atomic Radius: Graphing Periodic Properties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Periodic Properties An Activity in Graphing

  2. Graphing Periodic Properties • In this activity you will look at how an increase in atomic number affects the size of an atom (atomic radius) by graphing experimental data. • Problem - …? …How does atomic number affect atomic radius?

  3. Hypothesis • Increasing the number of particles (p+ e- n0 ) in an atom will… • Write down your hypothesis before beginning!!! • Please return the data tables when you are finished!!!

  4. Variables? • How does atomic number affect atomic radius? • Independent variable  • Atomic number • Dependent variable  • Atomic radius

  5. Procedure

  6. 1. Obtain a piece of graph paper and place the x-axis along the longest side of the paper. 2. Construct a graph with the Atomic Number as the independent variable (which axis??) and the Atomic Radius as the dependent variable(which axis??). 3. Set up your scale so that the data points are spread out nicely. Only graph elements #1-20. 4. Use pencil to set up your graph…(you will make mistakes)…connect the dots.

  7. Label the atoms that have a complete outermost energy level with their element symbol and draw vertical red lines through them dividing the graph into sections. 6. Identify the elements with a single electron in their outermost energy level and label them in blue with their symbols. 7. What do these sections you have created in step 5 and 6 represent?

  8. ANALYSIS- • Describe the relationship between atomic # and atomic radius for elements within the same period (row). 2. Describe the relationship between atomic # and atomic radius for elements within the same group (family). • Where do you think the atom with the largest atomic radius would be on the P.T.? The smallest atomic radius? What is the name of the elements? • Write a conclusion. Remember, your conclusion should answer the problem and be supported by data. You will hand in your problem, hypothesis, variables, labeled graph and analysis

  9. http://www.webelements.com/webelements/properties/text/image-flash/covalent-radius.htmlhttp://www.webelements.com/webelements/properties/text/image-flash/covalent-radius.html

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