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Acts of Altruism: A Guide to Selfless Living

Discover the essence of altruism through selfless deeds and kind gestures towards others. Learn how to embody altruistic behavior in everyday life and make a positive impact on the world around you.

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Acts of Altruism: A Guide to Selfless Living

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary List #5

  2. Altruistic (adj./part) Unselfish; concerned for others Syn. Selfless Ant. Selfish

  3. Assent (verb/noun) To express agreement; an agreement Syn. Concur Ant. disagree

  4. Benefactor (noun) One who does good to others Syn. Patron Ant. Misanthrope

  5. Chivalrous (adjective) Marked by honor; knightly Syn. Gallant Ant. Crude, uncouth

  6. Clemency (noun) Mercy; leniency Syn. Gentleness Ant. Harshness, cruelty

  7. Dearth (noun) An inadequate supply Syn. Want Ant. surplus

  8. Diffident (adjective) Shy; lacking confidence Syn. Timid Ant. Bold, brash

  9. Discrepancy (noun) A difference; lack of agreement Syn. Disagreement Ant. agreement

  10. Embark (verb) To go aboard or make a start Syn. Launch, begin

  11. Facile (adjective) Easily done; superficial Syn. Effortless Ant. Labored

  12. Indomitable (adjective) Unconquerable or unbeatable Syn. Unyielding, invincible Ant. Yielding, surrendering

  13. Infallible (adjective) Free from error; certain Syn. Unerring Ant. Imperfect

  14. Plod (verb) To walk heavily or work slowly Syn. Lumber, trudge Ant. Prance, skip

  15. Pungent Syn. caustic (adjective) Ant. bland Sharp or stinging

  16. Remiss (adjective) Careless or negligent Syn. Slack Ant. Scrupulous

  17. Repose (verb/noun) To rest; relaxation Syn. tranquillity Ant. exertion

  18. Temerity (noun) Boldness Syn. Recklessness Ant. timidity

  19. Truculent (adjective) Cruel; Aggressive Syn. Brutal Ant. gentle

  20. Unfeigned (adjective) Sincere; real Syn. Genuine Ant. insincere

  21. Virulent (adjective) Extremely Poisonous Syn. Venomous Ant. innocuous

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