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You must complete the registration form after you finish this course to comply with the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) requirement for training on new changes to the ISO Directives, processes and procedures that are introduced each year.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Clause 1.8.2Responsibilities of Chairs What Has Changed? Subcommittee chairs shall attend meetings of the parent committee as required and may participate in the discussion, but do not have the right to vote. In exceptional circumstances, if a chair is prevented from attending, he or she shall delegate the secretary (or in ISO and IEC, another representative) to represent the subcommittee. In the case where no representative from the SC can attend, a written report shall be provided. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: Subcommittee chairs shall comply with the details presented above. Impact on US/TAGs: None.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Clause 1.12.2 & 1.12.3Required Levels of Participation in Working Groups What Has Changed? Text has been added to clauses 1.12.2 and 1.12.3 to clarify what should happen when there are missing stakeholder categories in a WG, and when the number of experts in a WG falls below the minimum required number (4 P-members in committees with 16 or less P-members, and at least 5 P-members in committees with 17 or more P-members): In the case of missing stakeholder categories, the WG convenorshall inform the committee secretariat, who shall launch another call for experts. Persistently inactive experts, meaning absence of contributions through attendance to working group meetings or by correspondence, shall be removed, at the request of the technical committee or subcommittee secretary, from working groups after consultation with the P-member. In case of lack of experts in the Working Group to meet the minimum number, the WG convenorshall inform the committee secretariat, who shall launch another call for experts. If the subsequent call for experts fails to recruit the minimum number of experts, the WG convenor shall consult with the committee secretariat to decide if the project can or should continue. If the decision is to continue with fewer than the minimum number of experts, the committee secretariat shall request permission from the ISO TMB to proceed. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: Working group convenors and committee secretaries shall monitor participation in their WGs and implement these procedures. Impact on US/TAGs: US/TAGs shall inform ANSI of any new WG experts to be registered in a timely manner in the ISO Global Directory, with their stakeholder categories indicated. US/TAGs shall also inform ANSI to remove or replaced any inactive WG experts.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Clause 1.12.6Joint Working Group Voting on New Work Item Proposals What Has Changed? For JWGs between two ISO committees, only one NWIP ballot is needed — if a NWIP has already been launched or approved in one committee, it cannot be balloted again in another committee. The second committee shall only decide if it wishes to develop the document jointly with the first committee. For JWGs between an ISO and an IEC committee, there will be two NWIPs issued, one in ISO and one in IEC. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: ISO committee secretaries shall ensure that this provision is implemented correctly. Impact on US/TAGs: In the case of JWGs between an ISO and an IEC committee, the US/TAGs for the ISO and IEC committees shall coordinate their voting positions and comments on the two NWIPs.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Clause 1.17.2Different Categories of Liaisons What Has Changed? In this clause, a new helpful table has been inserted to clarify the differences and rights of the various types of liaison organizations to ISO committees. Otherwise, the approval process and rights of liaisons have not changed. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: ISO committee leaders shall use this new table to manage their engagement with liaison organizations for their committees. Impact on US/TAGs: None.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Clause 2.3The Proposal Stage What Has Changed? The NWIP stage is not required for the conversion of a Technical Specification (TS) or Publicly Available Specification (PAS) into an International Standard (IS). In such cases, the committee may pass a resolution at a meeting to approve the conversion provided that the of scope of the document will not be expanded, and a call for experts will be launched. If it is intended to expand or revise the scope of the document, then a NWIP will be required. For the conversion of a TS or a PAS to an IS, a two-thirds majority resolution is required. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: ISO committee leaders shall ensure that their handling of TS and PAS complies with these provisions. Impact on US/TAGs: None.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Clause 2.7.5Handling of Technical Comments at the FDIS Stage What Has Changed? All comments received will be retained for the next review and will be recorded on the voting form as “noted for future consideration”. However, the committee secretary along with ISO/CS staff may seek to resolve obvious editorial errors. Technical changes to an approved FDIS are not allowed. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: ISO committee leaders shall ensure that their handling of FDIS comments complies with these provisions. Impact on US/TAGs: None.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Clause of Meetings – Registration and Accessibility What Has Changed? P and O members are now required to use the ISO meetings application to register their delegates and experts attending a meeting. The hosting organizations are advised to verify and provide information on accessible means to meeting facilities. As per clause, a document describing logistics for the meeting shall be circulated. As well as location and transport information, it should provide details of the accessibility of meeting facilities. This includes availability of lifts or ramps at the meeting location as well as accessible public transport to the meeting facilities. During the planning process, there should be a request for notification of specific accessibility requirements. The hosting body should make its best efforts to satisfy these requirements. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: Committee secretaries and WG convenors shall ensure that when they issue first notices for upcoming meetings they ask if any attendees have special needs for accessibility. Committee secretaries and WG convenors will then work with their hosts to ensure that the accessibility requests are addressed. Impact on US/TAGs: US/TAGs shall work with ANSI to register delegates and experts in the ISO meetings application. US/TAGs and US organizations hosting ISO meetings shall ensure that they can provide for any accessibility requests from official delegates and experts.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Annex SKDeadlines for Posting Committee and WG Documents What Has Changed? Minutes of meetings shall be issued within four weeks after the meeting. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: Please ensure that minutes of committee and WG meetings are produced and issued within four weeks after the meeting. Impact on US/TAGs: None.
ISO Directives, Part 1, Annex SPSector-Specific Management and Management System Standards What Has Changed? The text has been significantly revised and reformatted to direct ISO committees on what they shall do in their development of sector-specific management standards and management system standards to ensure alignment and respect for the generic standards. Impact on US Persons Serving as ISO Committee Leaders: ISO committee leaders and WG convenors shall ensure that they comply with the provisions of Annex SP. Impact on US/TAGs: None.
For questions on the content of this course, please contact Steve Cornish at scornish@ansi.org or 1-212-642-4969 • For questions regarding compliance requirements for this course, please contact Sara Desautels at sdesautels@ansi.org or 1-212-642-4937
Once you complete this ISO Directives Refresher Course, please click here to complete the registration form so your attendance can be recorded. You must complete the registration form to comply with the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) requirement for training on new changes to the ISO Directives, processes and procedures that are introduced each year.