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Life Span Development

Life Span Development. Study of the changes that occur as people grow up and grow old From conception to death. Babies. Grasp reflex Rooting reflex. Growth. Lift head 3-4 months Rolls Over 4 months Grasp objects 5-6 months Crawls 8-10 months Walk 12-13 months Maturation

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Life Span Development

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  1. Life Span Development Study of the changes that occur as people grow up and grow old From conception to death

  2. Babies • Grasp reflex • Rooting reflex

  3. Growth • Lift head 3-4 months • Rolls Over 4 months • Grasp objects 5-6 months • Crawls 8-10 months • Walk 12-13 months • Maturation • internally programmed growth

  4. Intellectual Development • Schemes • plans of knowing • Assimilation • try to fit the world into their scheme • Accommodation • change their scheme to fit the characteristics of the world

  5. Object Permanence • Things continue to exist even though they can not see or touch them • http://youtube.com/watch?v=NjBh9ld_yIo

  6. Representational Thought • Picture things in their head

  7. Conservation • Principle that a given quantity does not change when its appearance changes • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtLEWVu815o

  8. Piaget's Stages • Sensory Motor (0-2 yr....) • infant uses schemes that primarily involve their body and sensations

  9. Piaget's Stages • Preoperational Stage (2-6 yr.....) • when the child begins to use mental images or symbols to understand things

  10. Piaget's Stages • Concrete Operational Stage (6-12 yr.....) • able to use logical schemes but limited to concrete objects

  11. Piaget's Stages • Formal Operational Stage (12-adult) • able to solve abstract problems

  12. Mental Retardation • People less able to learn and understand than most at the same age • I.Q. less than 70 • Can be due to birth trauma, brain injury, disease

  13. Emotional Development • Children become attached to certain important people • Imprinting • attachment is a sudden, virtually permanent learning process • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UIU9XH-mUI

  14. Emotional Development • Humans • 6 months can differentiate between people • 6 months to 3 yrs. Attachment becomes strong • separation anxiety 8-10 months

  15. Socialization • Learning the roles of behavior of the culture in which you are born and grow up in

  16. Development of Language • Must learn to make sign • Must give sign meaning • Must learn grammar • Talking 13 months to 2 years • 2 years 50 word vocabulary • From 18 months to 5 years children add 5-10 words a day to their vocabulary • Telegraphic speech • incomplete, leaving words out but statements get their point across

  17. Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development • Oral Stage (1yr) • pleasure through mouth • Anal Stage (2yr) • pleasure through bathroom • Phallic Stage (3-5yrs) • pleasure through genitals • Latency Stage (5yr) • child explores the world • Genital Stage (Adolescence) • receives pleasure from giving and getting

  18. Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development • Oedipal conflict • Boy child wants mom • Electra Complex • Girl child wants dad • On an unconscious level the child become a rival of the parent of the same sex • sublimation • redirection of sexual impulses

  19. Cognitive Development Approach • Stress cognitive or thinking in development • Child is the shaper • Moral development • Kohlberg(1968) • at every age children know right from wrong

  20. Kohlberg • 6 stages of moral development • 1st children totally egocentric • 2nd “market place” “work the system” • 3rd sensitive to others needs and wants • 4th law and order • 5th concerned if law is just • 6th golden rule

  21. Learning Theories of Development • Conditioning • Shape child’s behavior through rewards and punishment • Imitation • Observing others and acting like them BoBo Doll • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdh7MngntnI

  22. Harlow • Creature comfort • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlfOecrr6kI

  23. Erikson’s Stages • Trust vs Mistrust • If an infant is well cared for , she will develop faith in the future.But if she experiences too much uncertainty about being taken care of , she will come to look at the world with fear and suspicion.

  24. Erikson’s Stages • Autonomy vs Doubt • Here the child learns self-control and self-assertion. But if he receives too much criticism , he will be ashamed of himself and have doubts about his independence.

  25. Erikson’s Stages • Initiative vs. Guilt • When the child begins to make her own decisions , constant discouragement or punishment could lead to guilt and loss of initiative.

  26. Erikson’s Stages • Industry vs. Inferiority • The child masters skills and takes pride in his competence. Too much criticism of his work at this stage can lead to long-term feelings or inferiority.

  27. Erikson’s Stages • Identity vs. Role Confusion • The teenager tries to develop her own separate identity while “fitting in” with her friends. Failure leads to confusion over who she is.

  28. Erikson’s Stages • Intimacy vs. Isolation • A person secure in his own identity can proceed to an intimate partnership in which he makes compromises for another. The isolated person may have many affairs or even a long-term relationship but always avoids true closeness.

  29. Erikson’s Stages • Generativity vs. Stagnation • A person who becomes stagnated is absorbed in herself and tries to hang onto the past. Generativity involves a productive life which will serve as an example to the next generation.

  30. Erikson’s Stages • Integrity vs.Despair • Some people look back over life with a sense of satisfaction, and accept both the bad and the good. Others face death with nothing but regrets.

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