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Topics: Inner-core super-rotation Human-induced earthquakes Simulation of block-slider systems governed by rate-state friction Earthquake relative location The Parkfield experiment The 27 February 2010 magnitude 8.8 Maule earthquake The 11 March 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake.
Topics: • Inner-core super-rotation • Human-induced earthquakes • Simulation of block-slider systems governed by rate-state friction • Earthquake relative location • The Parkfieldexperiment • The 27 February 2010 magnitude 8.8 Maule earthquake • The 11 March 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
Inner-core super-rotation: Does Earth’s inner core rotate slower, faster or at the same rate as the rest of the plant? Song, X. & Richards, P. Seismological evidence for differential rotation of the Earth’s inner core. Nature,382, 221–224 (1996). Zhang, J., Song, X. D., Li, Y. C., Richards, P. G., Sun, X. L., & Waldhauser, F. , Inner core differential motion confirmed by earthquake waveform doublets, Science, 309, 1357-1360, (2005) Wen, L. Localized temporal change of the Earth’s inner core boundary. Science314, 967–970 (2006). Cao, A., Masson, Y. & Romanowicz, B. Short wavelength topography on the inner-core boundary. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA104, 31–35 (2007).
Human-induced earthquakes: Avouac, J.P., Human-induced shaking, Nature Geoscience News and Views, 2012. González. et al. The 2011 Lorca earthquake slip distribution controlled by groundwater crustal unloading, Nature Geosci. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ Ngeo1610, 2012. Giardini, D., Geothermal quake risks must be faced, Nature, 462, 848-849, 2009. Ker and Stone, A Human Trigger for the Great Quake of Sichuan? Science, News of the week, 323, 2009. Fig. from Avouac, Nature Geoscience, 2012
state [t] State [s] Numerical simulation of block-slider systems governed by rate-state friction: • Examine the effect of the constitutive parameters (A, B and Dc) on the cycle length • Examine the effect of a stress step on the “clock-advance”
Earthquake relative location: • Rubin, A.M., 2002, Aftershocks of microearthquakes as probes of the mechanics of rupture, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 2142, doi:10.1029/2001JB000496. • Rubin, A.M., and D. Gillard, 2000, Aftershock asymmetry/rupture directivity among central San Andreas fault microearthquakes, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 19,095-19,109. doi: 10.1029/2000JB900129 • Rubin, A.M., D. Gillard, and J.-L. Got, 1999, Streaks of microearthquakes along creeping faults, Nature, 400, 635-641, doi: 10.1038/23196
Magnitude Year The Parkfield experiment: A lesson from the best recorded earthquake • Bakun et al., Implications for prediction and hazard assessment from the 2004 Parkfieldearthquake, Nature437, 969-974, 2005. • And many more…
The 27 February 2010 magnitude 8.8 Maule earthquake Madariaga, et al., Central Chile finally breaks. Science 328, 181, 2010. Vigny, et al., The 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Megathrust Earthquake of Central Chile, Monitored by GPS, Science 332, 1417, 2011. Moreno, et al., 2010 Maule earthquake slip correlates with pre-seismic locking of Andean subduction zone. Nature 467, 198, 2010. Cubas, et al., Megathrust friction determined from mechanical analysis of the forearc in the Maule earthquake area, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013. Fig. from Madariaga, Nature, 2010.
The 11 March 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake Fujiwara, et al., The 2011 Tohoku-OkiEarthquake: DisplacementReaching the Trench Axis, science 334, 2011. Simons, et al., The 2011 Magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-OkiEarthquake: Mosaicking the Megathrustfrom Seconds to Centuries, Science 332, 2011.