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Is Your Major Right for YOU?. About 80% of students change their majors at least once. On average, college students change their major three times over the course of their college career.Many choose a career or major based on TV, friends, life's interactions, parentsBut there is a BETTER way?
1. QEP Career Planning Career Services Edison State College
Kevin Kennedy and Janice Esdale
2. Is Your Major Right for YOU?
About 80% of students change their majors at least once.
On average, college students change their major three times over the course of their college career.
Many choose a career or major based on TV, friends, life’s interactions, parents
But there is a BETTER way…..
3. 3
4. Personality Assessment (E) Extraversion – Introversion (I)
--------Where you get your Energy-------
(S) Sensing - Intuition (N)
---------How you gather Information------
(T) Thinking – Feeling (F)
-------- How you make Decisions---------
(J) Judging – Perceiving (P)
---------- How you Approach Life ----------
5. Career Interest Inventory
6. Values & Needs
Examples of values and needs
Family situation
Helping others
7. TYPEFOCUS "Everything I feel about myself and have learned about myself through much trial and error in my first few years at university have been accurately relayed to me via this assessment so far. I wish I had done this thing when I first stepped onto campus two years ago."
"Well, I found that I have definitely chosen the correct career to pursue. I guess the most interesting/surprising thing was how accurate the outcome of this test really was!"
8. Occupational Outlook Handbookhttp://online.onetcenter.org
10. Edison JobNet Edison JobNet
Available 24 /7
Employment opportunities
Resume and cover letter assistance
11. Use Career Services! Learn about themselves using assessments and discussion.
Assist in interpreting and understanding assessment results.
Assist in narrowing down options based on personality, interests, values and needs.
Provide info and guidance for career exploration.
Help set personal and educational goals.
In conjunction with academic advising, develop an educational plan.
Develop cover letters and resumes.
Practice interviewing skills.
Assist with a job search.
12. Career Services Edison State College Kevin Kennedy, Coordinator - Lee 239-489-9394kkennedy@edison.edu
Gary Rhine, Coordinator - Collier239-732-3709 Email: grhine@edison.edu
Janice Esdale, Coordinator - Charlotte941 637-5605jesdale@edison.edu
Heath Daniels – Hendry Glades863-674-0408hdaniels@edison.edu