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Unit 2 Smart Cars. Text A Smart Cars. Outline I. Questions II. Text Organization III. Background Iv. Language Points. Suppose you are a futurist, what effects has computer science brought/may computer science bring to our lives?
Unit 2 Smart Cars Text A Smart Cars
Outline I. Questions II. Text Organization III. Background Iv. Language Points
Suppose you are a futurist, what effects has computer science brought/may computer science bring to our lives? • Suppose you are a designer of cars, how smart will your cars be?
Background • Global Positioning System (GPS): space-based radio-navigation system, consisting of 24 satellites and ground support. GPS provides users with accurate information about their position and velocity, as well as the time, anywhere in the world and in all weather conditions. • GPS determines location by computing the difference between the time that a signal is sent and the time it is received. GPS satellites carry atomic clocks that provide extremely accurate time. The time information is placed in the codes broadcast by the satellite so that a receiver can continuously determine the time the signal was broadcast.
The signal contains data that a receiver uses to compute the locations of the satellites and to make other adjustments needed for accurate positioning. The receiver uses the time difference between the time of signal reception and the broadcast time to compute the distance, or range, from the receiver to the satellite. The receiver must account for propagation delays, or decreases in the signal’s speed caused by the ionosphere (电离层) and the troposphere (对流层). With information about the ranges to three satellites and the location of the satellite when the signal was sent, the receiver can compute its own three-dimensional position.
As of March 1998, 24 GPS satellites were in operation. Replenishment satellites are ready for launch, and contracts have been awarded to provide satellites into the 21st century. GPS applications continue to grow in land, sea, air, and space navigation. The ability to enhance safety and to decrease fuel consumption will make GPS an important component of travel in the international airspace system. Airplanes will use GPS for landing at fogbound airports. Automobiles will use GPS as part of intelligent transportation systems. Emerging technologies will enable GPS to determine not only the position of a vehicle but also its altitude.
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Automobile Industry World Top 10 Based on production quality: 1.Volvo(沃尔沃,Sweden) 2. Bayerische Motorenwerke AG(BMW,宝马,Germany) 3. General Motor Corporation(GMC,通用, USA) 4. Hyundai(现代,South Korea) 5. Volkswagen (大众,Germany) 6. Ford (福特,USA)
7. Peugeot-Citroen (标致-雪铁龙,France) 8. Mercedes-Benz (奔驰,Germany) 9.Renault (雷诺,France) 10. Fiat (菲亚特,Italy) Based on sales: 1.Toyota (丰田,Japan) 2. General Motor Corporation(GMC,通用, USA) 3. Volkswagen (大众,Germany) 4. Ford (福特,USA)
5.Hyundai(现代,South Korea) 6. Peugeot-Citroen (标致-雪铁龙,France) 7. Honda (本田,Japan) 8. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft(DMG,戴姆勒—克莱斯勒,Germany) 9. Bayerische Motorenwerke AG(BMW,宝马,Germany) 10. Fiat (菲亚特,Italy) (以上为2006年11月数据)
Cars Symbol Germany: UK:
Cars Symbol USA: France:
Cars Symbol Japan: Italy:
China 奇瑞 华晨中华 吉利 长城 红旗 哈飞
Language Points 1. manufacture (L7): (v.) 1) make goods on a large scale using machinery The car was designed, developed, and manufactured in collaboration with Honda. 2) (n.) • During World War II, steel supplies were used in the manufacture of weapons. • This country imports many foreign manufactures. (pl.)制造品,产品 manufacturer制造商
2. lucrative (a.) producing much money; profitable 生利的,赚钱的 • A lucrative marketing strategy is very important to a company. 一套赢利的市场策略对一个公司是非常重要的. • There is still an illegal but lucrative trade in ivory between Africa and South-East Asia. lucrative business / market / contract / job
3. presently (adv.) now; in a short time, soon 现在,目前,不久 • The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal. 国务卿正在考虑该项建议. • This is a relatively clean source of energy compared to presently available nuclear power.
4. approximate (adj.) fairly correct or accurate but not completely so 近似的;大概的 approximately (adv.) : about 5. eliminate (vt.) remove (sb./sth.) that is not wanted or needed; get rid of 消除;消灭;排除 • Eliminate/ exclude /include ⑴ eliminate 指把已进入者从中除去. • He was eliminated from the tennis match in the first round. ⑵exclude 指把想进入者拒之门外. • He was excluded from the tennis team.
6. alert (vt.) warn (sb.) that there may be danger, trouble, etc.使警觉,使警惕;使注意 An anonymous letter alerted the police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport. (adj.) 警觉的,留意的; • be alert to 对…警惕 • alert movement 每捷的行动 (n.) • on (the) alert (for/against ) 警戒着,随时准备着,密切注意着; • a 24-hour alert 昼夜警备
7. convert (vt.) 1) (cause to) change from one form or use to another • The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home. 那家旅馆将被改建成私人疗养院。 2) to make someone change their opinion or habit. • I have converted to decaffeinated coffee. He’s converted to Islam. 他皈依了伊斯兰教。
8. bother (v.) (often used with not 不屑,不费事) • Most people don’t bother to make a will when they are still young. • Oscar didn’t bother to return Fay’s call—that could wait till morning.
9. drastic: (adj.) strong, sudden, and often severe. After the computer revolution, we can see a drastic change occur in the automobile industry. Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order. 为恢复秩序必须采取严厉措施。 (adv.) drastically The size of the army was drastically cut. Services have been drastically reduced. 服务极剧减少了。
10. poise (v.) 1) be ready to take action at any moment The army is poised (for action/to act). 部队准备好行动。 The automobile company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign. 汽车公司已做好准备展开新的广告战。 2) in a steady position.[~ between] The tone of the book is poised between comedy and moral seriousness. 3) behaving in a calm, confident way. I walked to the microphone, poised and smiling.
11. attempt to do sth. (v.) (n.) attempt at sth./at doing sth. 试图/尝试做某事 Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs. 为削减费用,关闭了两家工厂。
12. mount 1) (vt.) 将…固定住;将…置于架上 Some automobiles were designed with a transmitter mounted on the rear axle. 有些汽车设计了固定在后轴上的变速器。 2) (vt.) 登,爬,上(脚踏车,山,梯,王位等) mount the steps 登上台阶 mount the bike 骑上自行车 3) (vi.) 增长,上升,上涨(常与up连用) Our expenses are mounting up. 我们的花费在不断增加。
With-introducer of a logical subject • With his key lost, he couldn’t get into the office. 由于钥匙丢了,他进不了办公室。 (表示原因) • The children began to watch TV with the homework done. 孩子们完成作业以后开始看电视。 (表示时间) • I’d like to see the new film with time permitting. 如果时间许可,我想看那部新电影。 (表示条件) • The battle ended with the enemy defeated. 战斗结束了,敌人被打败了。 (表示结果)
13. Highway(n.) : Expressway : • Underground / subway • Light rail ( elevated railway ) • Inner-ring road • Outer-ring road • Elevated road; viaduct • Over-pass ( overbridge, crossover, interchange ) • Maglev train: Magnetically levitated train
14. bunch (v.) group together (both active and passive) • bunch together / up (to move closer and form into a group, to make people or things do this) • They bunched together to allow others to squeeze into the crowded elevator. • (n.) things of the same type; a large amount of a bunch of keys / bananas / flowers / a bunch of people = a group of people
15. boon : (n.) sth that is very useful and makes your life a lot easier or better • The new software will prove a boon to home computer users. • Toronto’s loss is a boon to the other candidate cities hoping to host the 2012 Summer Olympics. • boon companion: (literary) a close friend
16. magnetic (adj.) • adj. having the properties of a magnet • magnetic force • magnetic field • magnetic personality/charm (qualities that make other people feel strongly attracted to you)有魅力的,有吸引力的 • To be a successful businessman you must be enthusiastic and magnetic.
17. incorporate (v.) to include sth. so that it forms a part of sth. • incorporate sth. (in/into/within) sth. • Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan. • We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design. • (adj.) incorporated • (n.) incorporation
18. monotonous: (adj.) dull and never changing or varying ;constant and boring单调的,一成不变的 • The preacher’s monotonous voice put me to sleep. • 19. hypnotic (adj.) of or producing hypnosis(催眠状态)or a similar condition 催眠的;有催眠作用的
20. gross (adj.) glaringly obvious; whole; total 1) 总的(whole ,entire, total) B显著者的,严重的 C粗俗的,粗野的 D臃肿的 • His gross income is $5000. • He made a gross mistake but refused to admit it . • He regretted very much having said something gross. (vt.) 获得……..总收入(或毛利) • The firm grossed $3 million. • GDP: Gross Domestic Production • gross weight /net weight
21. hazard • 1) (n.) a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage ;a danger or risk危险;危害 • A soldier’s life is full of hazards. • 2)(v.) expose sth to danger; risk(使遭受危险) • Rock-climbers are hazarding their lives • 3)(v.) suggest tentatively试探性地提出 • I don’t know where he is but I could hazard a guess.我不知道他在哪里,但我可以猜猜看。 hazardous (adj.) 危险的,昌险的
22. erratic (adj.) 不规则的,不可靠的,无常的 • The clock is rather erratic. • erratically adv. Being out of practice the team played very erratically(失水准).
23. vibrate (v.) 1)(cause to) move rapidly and continuously backwards and forwards ; shake.)使振动,使摇摆 • The whole house vibrates whenever a heavy lorry passes. 2) (cause to) resound or quiver with rapid slight variations of pitch振动出声或发颤音 • His voice vibrated with passion.他激动得声音发颤。
24.correlate (vt.) 相关影响或相互关联 • Frequency of illness often correlates with age. 发病率往往与年龄大小有关。 • correlate with 表示两者相互依存
25. navigation (n.)导航;领航 an expert in navigation 导航专家navigational (adj.)导航的,领航的 navigational aids 导航器材 • 26. capability (n.) 能力,才能 Age affects the range of a person’s capability. 年龄影响着一个人能力的大小。 (国家的)军事力量,军事武器 Britain’s nuclear capability 英国的核力量 • Cf. capacity
27. rotate (v.) • 使旋转,使转动 Rotate the wheel through 180 degrees. 将方向盘转动180度。 • 人员轮换,轮值 When I joined the company, I rotated around the different sections. 我加入这个公司时,轮换过几个不同的部门。 • rotation ( n.) 旋转,转动;轮换,交替 • rotational adj. 旋转的,转动的
Phrases 1. turn (sth.) into/become a reality 使成为现实 • The plan will soon be turned into a reality. • Working at home and communicating with fellow workers via their PCs has become a reality. 2. rank as among :rank as one of 位居其中 • The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries. • Today’s match ranks as one of the most exciting games that these two have ever played .
3. in the air空气中,在空中,悬而未决 • It’s in the air that they may get divorced.据说他们可能离婚. 4. start up 发动,启动,开始 • We couldn’t start the car up.那辆车我们发动不起来.
5. get/be stuck in sth(Para.7) • I am afraid I can’t make it on time –I’m stuck in the traffic. 6. take control of控制 • Jack took control of the business after his father died. • 杰克在父亲去世后接管了生意。
7. as well也,又 • I am afraid this dress is too small for me as well. 恐怕这件连衣裙我穿也太小了。 • 辨识:as well as 意为“和”,“及”,“既…又…” • He is my friend as well as my teacher. • 他既是我的老师又是我的朋友。
Frustrating/ frustrated : • Modifying adjective • Predicative adjective • frighten • The frightened look on the boy’s face made his mother embrace him. • The frightening look on the man’s face made the boy cry for his mother.