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FINANCING. DG Environment. Commissioner: Stavros Dimas. Director-General: Mogens Peter Carl Direction A: Communication, Legal Affairs & Civil Protection Direction B: Protecting the Natural Environment Unit: Nature and Biodiversity Direction C: Climate Change & Air
DG Environment Commissioner: Stavros Dimas Director-General: Mogens Peter Carl • Direction A: Communication, Legal Affairs & Civil Protection • Direction B: Protecting the Natural EnvironmentUnit: Nature and Biodiversity • Direction C: Climate Change & Air • Direction D: Water, Chemicals & Cohesion • Direction E: International Affairs & LIFE • Direction F: Resources • Direction G: Sustainable Development & Integration
The presentation is on Natura 2000 Financing Natura 2000Financial Framework of the EU
Natura 2000 European network of protected areas Target: To ensure bio-diversitythrough the conservation of natural habitats andof wild fauna and florain the European territory
The overall Picture 25.000 Natura 2000 sites 20 % of the EU 25 territory December 2005
pSCIs Stand: Juni 2005
SPAs Stand: Juni 2005
Natura 2000 costs • Establishment of Natura 2000 • Management planning • Ongoing management actions(as nature conservation measures, Monitoring etc) • Investment costs (as restoration and improvement of habitats, infrastructure for public access etc)
Communication on Financing Natura 2000 Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Financing Natura 2000 * • Estimated costs for EU 25:6,1 billion Euro • Integration option:Use of existing Community funds * COM (2004)431 final of 15.07.2004
Communication on Financing Natura 2000 Decision for the Integration Option! • To ensure that management of Natura 2000 sites is part of the wider land management policies of the EU • Allows MS to set priorities and develop policies reflecting their national specificities • Avoids duplication of different Community funding
Next steps by the Commission • Guidance HandbookInform and support Member States and potential beneficiaries on how to use the Community funds for Natura 2000 • Workshops in 25 Member States,Bulgaria and Romania - Present the Guidance and how to use it - Discuss country specific problems and challenges - Enable co-operation/networking
Our Partners • WWF Germany • Coordination and project management • Contact point to EU • Contact point for national partners (WWF Germany) • Institute for European Environmental Policy - IEEP • Guidance handbook • Nova-Institut • Workshop concept and analysis
Financial Framework The Financial Framework is a multi annual spending plan - that translates into financial terms the Union's policy priorities and - that sets limits on European Union expenditure over a fixed period and thus imposes budgetary discipline.
Financial Framework 2007-2013 Source: Communication COM (2004) 101 final/2, “Building our common future, policy challenges and budgetary means of the enlarged union 2007-2013”
Financial Framework 2007-2013- COM Proposals - 26.02.2004: Communication COM (2004) 101 final/2“Building our common future”14.07.2004: Communication COM (2004) 487 final“Financial perspective 2007 – 2013” The Commission proposed over the 2007-2013 period: € 994.3 billion, corresponding to 1.21 % of the EU´s gross national income (GNI).
Financial Framework 2007-2013- Council Decision - In December 2005 the European Council agreed: € 862.3 billion, corresponding to 1.045 % of the EU´s gross national income (GNI).
Financial Framework 2007-2013- The final deal - 26.04.2006: Provisional consolidated version of the INTERINSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENT between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission: € 864.4 billion, corresponding to 1.048 % of the EU´s gross national income (GNI).
4. The EU as a global partner: 49,5 billion 5. Administration: 49,8 billion 3B. Citizenship: 4,1 billion 6. Compensations: 0,8 billion 1A. Competitiveness for growth: 74,2 billion 3A. Freedom, security & justice: 6,6 billion 2. Preservation & management of natural resources: 371,3 billion 1B. Cohesion for growth: 307,9 billion Financial Framework 2007-2013- The final deal - Total of €864,4 billion
Proposed Environmental Financing 2007-13 • Structural Funds (European Regional Dev. Fund, European Social Fund) • Cohesion Fund • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) • European Fisheries Fund (EFF) • Pre-Accession Instrument • European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) • Framework RTD programme • Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) • Life+ instrument (only “pure environmental financing”) • (Eur. Investment Bank , Eur. Investment Fund, Eur. Bank Rec. & Dev) Red = decentralised approach; Green = calls for proposals; Bleu = loans
Regulations, Guidelines, Frameworks and OPs Member State Member State/Regions Commission Regulations Community Strategic Guidelines National Strategic Reference Frameworks National & Regional Operational Programmes Negotiated with Commission Adopted by Commission Adopted by Council/EP Adopted by Council/EP
Thank you for your attention! Homepage DG ENV:http://ec.europa.eu/comm/environment/nature/home.htmCirca-group:http://forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/env/financing_natura/library NA201EN