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Barış Manço vas born on 2 January 1943. His father name is Hakkı and his mother name is Rikkat Manço . His mother was The Turkish Art Music Artist. Baris Manco went to Galatasaray Hihg School in 1957. he founded a music group with his friends.
Barış Mançovasborn on 2 January 1943. His father name is Hakkı andhis mother name is Rikkat Manço. His motherwasTheTurkish Art Music Artist.
BarisMancowentto Galatasaray Hihg School in 1957. he founded a musicgroupwith his friends.
His finishedhighschool.Afterthat, he srudiedgraühics, interiordesignandpainting in theBelgianRoyalAcedemybetweentheyears of 1963-1971.
He gotmarriedto Lale Manco in 1978. They had twosons. Theirname’swasDogukanandBatikan. • He joined Eurovision in 1983, but he onlypassed semi finalsbecause he failedfinals.
He won 12 goldand 1 silverprizesand he die on 1 February 1999 in Moda/Istanbul…