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2010 RCAS advisory review. Yia-Chung Chang. Optoelectronics. Nano-biotechnology. PL Chen , CH Lee, JY Cheng, JJ Shyue, YC Tung ( CF Chou, GH Lin). J Tang , YJ Cheng, SY Lin, CW Chu, MH Shih, SH Chang LJ Li (DP Tsai, CK Sun, MH Hong, YJ Lai, JI Chyi). Mechanics & Engineering Science.
2010 RCAS advisory review Yia-Chung Chang Optoelectronics Nano-biotechnology PL Chen, CH Lee, JY Cheng, JJ Shyue, YC Tung (CF Chou, GH Lin) J Tang , YJ Cheng, SY Lin, CW Chu, MH Shih, SH ChangLJ Li(DP Tsai, CK Sun, MH Hong, YJ Lai, JI Chyi) Mechanics & Engineering Science Advanced Computation & Modeling PK Wei, CY Kuo, KK Liang, JH Lin, CW Pao (Norden E. Huang, CC Chang, FG Tseng) YC Chang, CC Kaun, TH Hsieh, AM vd Brink, V. Nazarov, SW Chang (YL Chen)
Advanced Computation& Modeling 馬尚德 (Alec Maassen van den Brink)– Quantum computing 張亞中(Yia-Chung Chang) –Nanostructure electronics & photonics 謝東翰(Tung-Han Hsieh) – Web computing New Hire: Shu-Wei Chang -Nanophotonics 關肇正 (Chao-Cheng Kaun)– Ab initio transport Vladimir Nazarov-CDFT
Thematic Center for Optoelectronics Yuh-Jen Cheng(程育人) Jau Tang (湯朝暉) Shih-Yen Lin (林時彥) Shih-Hsin Chang (張仕欣) Chih-Wei Chu (朱治偉) Ming-Hsiung Shih(施閔雄) Lain-Jong Li (李連忠)
Thematic Center for Mechanics and Engineering Science Chih-Yu Kuo (郭志禹) Chun-Wei Pao (包淳偉) Pei-Kuen Wei (魏培坤) Kuo-Kang Liang (梁國淦) Jung-Hsin Lin (林榮信)
Nano-biotechnology(奈米生物組) Chau-Hwang Lee (李超煌) Jing-Jong Shyue (薛景中) Ji-Yen Cheng(鄭郅言) Yi-Chung Tung(董奕鍾) Peilin Chen(陳培菱 )
Significant events Personnel: • Dr. Chih-Wei Chu (朱治偉) has been promoted to associate research fellow, effective January 8, 2010. • Dr. Pei-lin Chen (陳培菱) has been promoted to research fellow, effective March 10, 2010. • Dr. Chao-Hwang Lee (李超煌) has been promoted to research fellow, effective May, 2010. • Dr. Chun-Wei Pao(包淳偉) was appointed as assistant research fellow, starting November 1, 2009. • Dr. Lain-Jong Li (李連忠) was appointed as associate research fellow, starting Februay 1, 2010. • Dr. Vladmir Nazarov was appointed as associate research fellow, starting on July 1, 2010. • Dr. Shuwei Chang (張書維) (Ph.D, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) is expected to report to work as assistant research fellow in September, 2010. • Dr. Pei-lin Chen (陳培菱) was appointed as the associate director for general affairs, starting June 15, 2010 • Three candidates (V. Podzorov, Chao-Min Cheng, and E. Il'ichev) were interviewed, and two female candidates have been scheduled to have an interview in August. Decision will be made after August to select one or two candidates.
Outreach & Activities • RCAS organized a RCAS Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Single Molecule/Confocal Microscopy during on Oct. 15, 2009. A delegation from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan was invited to attend the workshop. • RCAS co-sponsored the 6th ACUP (Asian Conference on Ultrafas Phenomena) held at NTU during Jan. 10-13, 2010. • RCAS invited Dr. Monique Combescot (Director of 1st Class, CNRS, Paris) to give a lecture series on “Many-body theory of Exciton Condensation” in Academia Sinica during January 11-22, 2010. • The second annual RCAS workshop has been held on Feb. 10 and 11, 2010. In the workshop, Total attendance was around 200. • RCAS and NCTU arranged a NCTU-RCAS Optoelectronics Workshop on March 5, 2010 to exchange research experience and discuss future collaborations. RCAS Optoelectronics group held an open house for all NCTU students during the afternoon of that day. A follow-up collaboration proposal wasestablished. • RCAS will co-organized the 2010 Cross-Strait Workshop on Engineering Mechanics (海峽兩岸工程力學研討會) in May, 2010. The main organizer is Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University. • RCAS Invited Nobel laureate, Prof. Ahmed Zewail to visit AS during June 28&29,2010 and give a lecture. • RCAS established the ANNA(Asian Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Association) – Taiwan Chapter (Jau Tang and L. J. Li served as Chair & Executive Officer) Prof. Ahmed Zewail will serve as the honorary President of ANNA.
Space Current situation: Nanobio group: 2F of IoP (~1000 m2) B2F(~400 m2) Headquater & ACM group: 11F(~400 m2) + 3 offices (~70 m2) on 10F, Humanity & Social Science Building 4 offices in Institute of Ethnics (~100 m2) Mechanics group: 17 offices (~500 m2) in Institute of History and Linguistics Optoelectronics group : 5F, Tien-Chia-Ping building and 5F, Microelectronics and Information System Research Center, NCTU (~1600 m2)
Building plans RCAS expects to have two branches: • Taipei Branch- biotechnology related research The administration staff, nano-bio group, mechanics group, and part of the advanced computation group will be located in the“Coordinated Science and Technology Building”on the Sinica campus. (estimated area= 1500 pings = 5000m2) • Hsin-chu Branch- semiconductor related research It is proposed that the optoelectronics/advanced materials group and part of the advanced computation group will be located in a new building on the NCTU campus. Currently, there are two options for the building site: • Between the Tien-Chia-Ping building and the 4th Engineering Building(工四館) (estimated area= 1100 pings = 3600m2) • Near the south gate of NCTU,next to NSRRC, NTHU, and Industrial Park. (estimated area= 1500 pings = 5000m2)
中央研究院跨領域科技研究大樓新建工程 委託單位:中央研究院 規劃設計:潘冀聯合建築師事務所 2009.6.30
方案一 田家炳增建透視圖 田家炳光電中心 工六館[5 ] 工三館[6 ] 中研院研究中心7 田家炳光電中心[7] 工三館[6 ] 科學一館[4 ] F F 工四館[9 ] 工五館[8 ] F N F F F F F 工六館[5 ] 往北大門 交映樓[7 ] F 交映樓[6 ] 視角一 F 田家炳光電中心東側銜接 F 往南大門 視角二
方案一 標準層平面圖 2 4.9 11.8 儲藏室 資訊.電氣室 個人研究室 個人研究室 貴重儀器 實驗室 7.4 教學實驗室 個人研究室 個人研究室 個人研究室 教師辦公室 空調 機房 教師辦公室 個人研究室 教學準備室 教學實驗室 7.4 個人研究室 交誼廳 教師辦公室 共同實驗室 教師辦公室 教師辦公室 教學實驗室 7.4 梯廳 教師辦公室 教學準備室 女廁 4.8 男廁 女廁 田家炳光電大樓 應科大樓 7F 中研院研究中心新建面積 總樓地板面積=3605㎡ 建築面積=505㎡,地下一層、地上七層(1樓挑高) 地下一層面積=505㎡(地下停車場15輛) 一至七層面積=505x7=3535㎡ 估計造價:主體結構8000萬元、裝修設備3500萬
一、基地位置: • 基地位置:新南大門東側。 • 基地面積:約1.9公頃。 基地 基地 基地位置示意圖 NCTU 鑽石計畫頂尖研究中心大樓
路 安 新 安 路 新 N 一、基地現況 東北季風 東西晒 休閒區 基地位置 面積:19000 m2 廣場 國家高速電腦中心 120 m2 180 m2 同步輻射入口 新南大門 同步輻射研究中心
+0 +4000 +3600 +3200 +2800 +2400 +2000 +1600 +1200 +800 +400 -350 • 二、建築規劃: • 建築面積約3,300 ㎡。 • 樓地板面積26,400 ㎡。 依據上述使用空間計算所需留設之法定停車數量,作為地下室開挖面積概估。 RF 10F 9F 8F 7F 6F 同步輻射 5F 4F 3F 2F 10 m 1F B1
建築入口 校園管制點 連結動線 服務動線 人群動線 四、方案設計 二、建築規劃 方案 二 廣場 交大頂尖研究中心 陡坡 1300m2×7(層) 綠帶 綠帶 交大頂尖中心 1.可彈性設置建築入口的配置計畫,提供不同需求的 空間管制。 2.H型的平面計畫,可平均分配基地中之開放空間。 3.建築錯落的配置,留設北向綠帶,強化與校區的連結。 4.水平向配置,與交大建築配置走向彼此呼應。 1300m2×10(層) 中研院應科中心 1300m2×3(層) 共用地下層 7200m2×1(層)
交大與中研院共同推動研究合作計畫草案 • 成立一經費委員會,專責處理經費。使用、分配、研究推動及研究審查,成果報告及合作計劃擬定辦法修訂,而委員會設置在交大光電中心之下運作。 • 經費委員會內設召集人一人,由委員會委員互相推舉產生,委員會內設有委員9人,其中按比例分配光電系教師4人,交大電物系、材料系、應化系、南部交大光電學院、中研院應科中心,各享有一名教師代表進入委員會參與委員會事務,而各系之委員產生均由單位主管分別指派擔任。委員任期一次為二年,召集人至少每半年召開一次委員會,討論相關改進事宜。 • 自2011開始至2015年,中研院應科中心每年支付900萬元統籌款進入光電中心帳。(其中包含房租租金、館舍維護費用、設備費及研究經費,惟水電費不含在內)。2016年以後,經費將另行規畫。
中研院碩士學程招收學生規畫草案 • 為了維持中研院與交大研究合作順暢,學校提供10名碩士生給中研院,員額暫時掛在光電研究所之下。10名學生招生、授課、畢業事宜,均與光電所碩士生權利義務相同。 • 光電所之生師比會因10名學生增加而提高,所以中研院有義務商請研究員在每年負有開課之義務。按比例中研院需要提供兩名正式全職老師之授課數目,目前交大老師每年平均授課數目為3門,故中研院每年必須提供4~6門課程之師資,平衡光電所之生師比,以符合教育部之要求標準。中研院與交大合聘之教授,在本學程授課之時數,可一併計入合聘教授指導交大博士生在交大合聘教授規範中所需之授課時數。 • 為此,中研院可有權指派兩名研究員參與本所之課程規劃,及出席系務會議之權利並參與討論。 • 每年碩士班招生之所有相關業務(含出題、改題、分發等),須提供相關人員給予必要之協助處理。
RCAS Publications *PNAS, Adv. Mat., PRL, Adv. Func. Mat., Cancer Res., JACS, Anal. Chem. #citations: 1673 (since 2004),
Achievements since 2004 • Since 2004, RCAS has published more than 470SCI papers. (>200 SCI papers since 2009) • Total impact factor > 600 • Total number of citations > 1673 • Number of patents filed in Taiwan >16 • Number of patents filed in U.S.A. >18.
Mission: To develop novel optical and electro-optic technologies for investigating the interactions between nanomaterials and biological systems, or biological phenomena on the nanoscale. Nanobiotechnology (biophotonics)
1. Biomedical micro/nanofluidic devices Development of high throughput screening systems Integrated systems for cancer prognosis and diagnosis Development of 3D cell culture systems 2. Nanomaterials for biological Novel nanostructures and nanoparticles for bio-sensing Synthesis and modification of nanopartilces for drug delivery Studies of cellular interaction at nanoscale 3. Advanced bioimaging and biosensing Super-resolution microscopy 3D cellular imaging using electron microscopy Multi-dimensional imaging techniques Nonblinking and less toxic fluorescence markers for medical imaging Long-term plan:
Observed that the cell adhesion and transfection efficiency were both enhanced on the patterned superhydrophobic surfaces. (PL Chen) [ Lab Chip 556 (2010)] Observation of active membrane waves on living cells and comparions between the measured data and a theoretical model. (CH Lee) [PRL103, 238101 (2009)] Verification of the cancer-cell filopodial response to the concentration gradients of epidermal growth factor in a microfluidic chip. (JY Cheng, CH Lee) [Lab on a Chip 9, 884 (2009).] Study on the correlation between cancer cell metastais and electrotaxis. (JY Cheng)[Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24, 3510 (2009)] Imaging of 3D nanostructure inside organic electronic devices by combining scanning probe microscopy and cluster ion slicing. (JJ Shyue) [ACS Nano 4, 2547 (2010)] 3D Nanoscale Imaging of Polymer Bulk-Heterojunction Materials by Scanning Electrical Potential Microscopy and C60+ Cluster Ion Slicing. [Analytical Chemistry 81 8936 (2009)] Development of a 384 hanging drop array for high-throughput 3D cell spheroid culture and drug testing. (YC Tung)[Biomaterials, 30, 3020 (2009)] Research Highlights
Thematic Center for Optoelectronics Optoelectronics Mission: To elucidate important physical processes and develop nano-scale or submicron optoelectronic devices for energy, environment and health applications. Health Energy Environment
Long-term plan: 1. Flexible optoelectronics • multi-layer organic electronics, high conductive polymer for transparent electrodes • carbon nanotube- and graphene-based nanoelectronics • flexible micro- & nano- laser/LED sources 2. Nanostructured optoelectronics • epitaxially grown fullerene and organic nano/micro electronics • organic dyes for solar cells devices • self-assembled QDs and nanoparticle devices • nano-heaters for photoacoustic source • nanoplasmonic devices & photonic integrated circuits • GaN based nano-structured UV-blue LED and lasers • photonic crystal nano-lasers & microcavity QED effects 3. Advanced materials for energy related applications • epitaxially grown graphene, organic nano and microrods, conjugated oligomoner • synthesis organic dye for solar cells devices • wide-bandgap semiconductor epitaxial growth • metamaterials and its applications
Research Highlights Developed several schemes to suppress blinking for high performance nonblinking QD single-photon sources. [J. Tang, ACS Nano 3, 3051 (2009)] We have combined confocal optical microscopy with a fluorescence module to study the opticophysical properties within bulk heterojunction films for organic solar cells. This powerful technique allows the direct and simple study of the relationship between the fabrication conditions and the vertical film morphology. [Anal. Chem. 82, 1669, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 9062 (2010)] Developedcompact flexible photonic crystal and microdisk lasers on PDMS substrate. These low threshold lasers not only work as efficient light sources, but also function as sensing devices. [MH Shih, Optics Express 17, 991-996 (2009);Optics Letters 34, 2733 (2009)] Demonstrated applications of light-emitting diodes, detectors and memories for type-II GaSb/GaAs quantum dots (with optimized growth conditions [SY Lin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 123503 (2010)] Demonstrated a defect selective passivation epitaxial growth for high quality GaN substrate and 50% efficiency improvement in lighting LED applications. [YJ Cheng, Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 211103 (2009)]
Mission: Biomechanics studies & medical imaging via mechanical tools Medical imaging (Ultrasound, Optics) Biomechanics of Tissues and Blood Flow Biophysics System technology Analysis method Blood Vessel/Soft Tissue Characterization Diagnosis and Clinical Application Collaborators: NTU Hospital (臺大醫院), Mackay Hospital (馬偕醫院), NTU (台灣大學), NCU (中央大學) NTHU (清華大學), USC (南加州大學),….etc.
1. Dynamic Studies of Biomolecular Interactions : Modeling:Development of enhanced sampling techniques for prediction and refinement of protein or biomolecule structures, with the applications in pharmaceutical sciences Experiment:Biomechanics studies via bio-AFM, FRET/Spectroscopy, IR, and fluorescence lifetime experiments. 2. Mechanics of Mesoscale Structures Homogenization, renormalization and multi-grid method will be developed to predict the global thermal/mechanical and behaviors of subwavelength (acoustic, plasmonic) structures. Fabrication and applications of phononic crystals, metamaterials and plasmonic devices. 3. Environment Related Mechanics The main theme is to establish a series of kinetic models for debris/granular flows based on the continuum mechanics. Theoretical/numerical predictions with erosion/deposition mechanisms based on Hui’s unified coordinate method will be checked or confirmed by relevant experiments in the lab and measurements in the field. Long-term plans
Research Highlights A giant birefringence was investigated in plasmonic nanoslit arrays due to the different propagation properties of TE and TM waves. The magnitude of birefringence is as high as 2.7 which is much larger than other birefringent materials.(PK Wei)[Appl. Phys. Lett.95, 013105 (2009)]. It was reported by “Laser Focus World” in TECHNOLOGY REVIEW 2009: Accelerated ingenuity (CY Kuo) successfully resolved the geological catastrophe of the Morakot typhoon into the processes of the landslide which buried the Shiaoling village. (CW Pao)Running massive parallel-replica dynamics simulation of Ag nanowire stretching on Roadrunner with extremely slow strain compared with experiments (July 2009 - September 2009): Reached 1ms simulation time scale with atomistic resolution.
Advanced Computation & Modeling Nanoscale optoelectronics modeling Quantum information & Computing Nanometrology software development
Long-term plan: 1. Computational study of nanostructures and modeling of nanoscale devices Aiming at putting together a complete package from ab initio to realistic scale for modeling of nanoscale devices 2. Quantum information and spintronics Superconducting qubits, quantum measurement, andspintronics devices. For more practical applications (e.g. quantum cryptography), entangled photons may also be considered. 3. Software development for optical metrology & plasmonics Development of optical metrology for isolated features, including biological structures on the nanoscale.
Research Highlights • Surface plasmon resonance ellipsometry based sensor for studying biomolecular interaction [Y. C. Chang, PK Wei, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25, 2633-38 (2010)] • Optical metrology of randomly-distributed Au colloids on a multilayer film [Optics Exp. 18, 1310-15 (2010)] • Obtained an exact solution for the exchange-correlation (xc) kernel of a periodic system to the second-order in the periodic potential [V. Nazarov , YC Chang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 113001 (2009)] • Open a way for interpolation between low- and high frequency behavior of the xc kernel of an arbitrary system by expressing it in the high-frequency limit through a few ground-state properties [V. Nazarov, PRB 81, 245101 (2010)] • Demonstrated that the high-/low-conductance traces observed in the alkanediisothiocyanate [-SCN-(CH2)n-NCS-, n=4, 6, 8] single-molecule junctions can be related to the difference in the electronic structures between the molecular contacts with different interface configurations of the Au electrodes [CC Kaun, PR B 81, 035424 (2010)] • Using extensive numerical analysis, we have gained a thorough understanding of quantum tunneling in the Duffing model for qubit readout. For detector applications, these tunneling events are an error processes which should be quantified. In the nontrivial classical limit, some analytical understanding is also possible.[vdB, in preparation]
Collaboration chart 那查洛夫 施閔雄 林時彥 朱治偉 李連忠 程育人 張仕欣 湯朝暉 林榮信 包淳偉 李超煌 謝東翰 郭志禹 梁國淦 陳培菱 鄭郅言 薛景中 董奕鐘 馬尚德 關肇正 魏培坤 張亞中 施閔雄 林時彥 朱治偉 李連忠 程育人 張仕欣 湯朝暉 林榮信 包淳偉 李超煌 那查洛夫 謝東翰 郭志禹 梁國淦 陳培菱 鄭郅言 薛景中 董奕鐘 馬尚德 關肇正 魏培坤 張亞中
Industrial Collaborations • ITRI- QWIP FPA group, Center for flat-panel displays • CSIST(中山科學院)-QWIP group • Foxconn Inc.(鴻海)-Optical metrology, Multiscale mechanics, flexible electronics • LandMark Optoelectronics Inc.(聯亞) - QWIP • Xpert compound semiconductor Inc.(翔合)- MBE Mass-Production for QD Optoelectronic Devices • Hiap-Li Photonics (協立光電)- 3D LCD display • ULVAC-PHI (Japan) - Cluster ion beam based surface analysis for soft matters • Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc. - UV LED. • ChungHwa Picture Tubes, LTD. (華映)– High density glass microarray for LED and TFT Displays