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Romanian Women’s Campaign for Change

Georgeta Ghebrea democratization movements, opposition, civic activists, bureaucrats, femocrats. Women played key role in democratization by opposing communist regime, founding movements and parties, raising gender awareness, improving social status. Instruments included protest letters, research, lobbying, and street marches. Women's movement is weak, fragmented, needs more funding. Issues include violence, social services, and gender studies. Cooperation among women's organizations is limited. Progress seen in political participation and laws against domestic violence. Challenges include communist legacy and lack of solidarity. Romania's women's organizations predominantly focus on helping, not emancipating women.

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Romanian Women’s Campaign for Change

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  1. Romanian Women’s Campaign for Change Georgeta Ghebrea

  2. Democratisation Movements • Opponents • Civic activists • Bureaucrats • Columnists • Femocrats • Scholars • Political leaders • Social activists

  3. Women’s Most Important Contributions to Democratisation Are: • Opposition to the communist regime • Founding civic and social movements • Founding political parties • Raising the social awareness regarding the gender topics • Local development • Improving women’s social status (health, education, standard of life, economic activity)

  4. The Main Instruments for Achieving These Aims Were: • Protest letters • Dissemination using a diversity of channels ,training courses mass-media, internet, seminars, conferences, campaigns) • Voluntary work for community • Doing research and feminist studies • Teaching • Lobbying • Street march and meetings • Public administration

  5. Women’s Movement • Weak, fragmented, almost absent from the public scene and under-funded • 60 NGOs for women (the database of AnA centre) • Quasi absence in the rural areas • Only few organisations clearly define themselves in terms of promoting gender issues • The others’ focus is delivering social services to deprived groups

  6. Issues • Violence against women, in the family and at work • Social services for the benefit of women, and community service in general • Gender studies • Civic education

  7. Co-operation • Collaboration between the women’s organisations is sporadic • The European Union:legislation and funding of gender policies • European NGOs:know-how and courage • The Government: insufficient support for women’s NGOs • Women politicians:weak and formal relationships • Local and regional NGOs: alliance for charity actions • Trade unions: priority to the employees’ interests over the women’s cause

  8. Outcome • As compared to the beginning of 90s, women’s political participation improved in Romania. • Law against domestic violence • Gender studies at academic level • Education in schools including gender perspective • Several NGOs have developed solid training curricula on different women’s issues

  9. Conclusion • General: • women’s marginalisation • the communist legacy • lack of solidarity • low political participation • enlargement as an opportunity

  10. Romania’s specificity: • Women are present in the Romanian public life more as individual characters, less as an organised movement • The women’s organisations try to help women, not to emancipate them • Most of women’s organisation are oriented toward other deprived groups • Elitism, academicism

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