1. Atomic Emission Spectrum
2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum
3. Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic waves:
Formed when an electric field (shown as blue arrows) couples with a magnetic field (shown as red arrows).
The magnetic and electric fields of an electromagnetic wave are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the wave.
4. Each type of wave corresponds to a different wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum.
Each color in the visible spectrum is a different wavelength, too!
5. Atomic Emission Spectra and Niels Bohr Bohrs greatest contribution to science was in building a simple model of the atom.
The Bohr model was based on an understanding of the EMISSION SPECTRUM of excited atoms.
6. Emission Spectrum of Excited Hydrogen Gas
7. Emission Spectrum of Excited Atoms EMISSION SPECTRUM of an element
A range of light released from excited atoms of that element
Excited atoms emit light of only certain wavelengths
The wavelengths of emitted light are unique for each element.
8. Emission Spectra of Other Elements
9. Bohrs Model Electrons can be found in specific circular orbits called ENERGY LEVELS
An amount of fixed energy separates one energy level from another
10. Bohrs Model Energy levels are analogous to rungs of a ladder
Electrons cannot exist between energy levels
just like you cant stand between rungs on a ladder
A quantum of energy amount of energy required to move an electron from one energy level to another
11. Emission Spectrum of Excited Atoms When an atom is exposed to an energy source, its electrons absorb energy
Absorbed energy allows the electrons to move to higher energy levelscalled the EXCITED STATE
Electrons naturally want to relax back down to their original, lowest energy levelcalled the GROUND STATE
12. When an electron makes a transition from a higher energy level to a lower energy level, a particle of light called a photon is emitted. Emission Spectrum
13. The energy of a photon is equal to the difference in energy between the EXCITED STATE and the GROUND STATE of the electrons
The further they fall, the more energy is released and the higher the frequency
The energy of the emitted photon determines the color of light that an atom emits (expressed in WAVELENGTHS) Emission Spectrum
14. The color of light released varies from element to element, depending on its electron configuration. Emission Spectrum
15. The Whole Process
16. Difference between energy levels
Exact energy of the emitted photon
Corresponding wavelength and color
17. A Demo http://www.visionlearning.com/library/flash_viewer.php?oid=1347&mid=51
18. The Electromagnetic Spectrum
19. Pickle Electrocution!
20. Light Math