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CHAPTER 13. Security. Corruption ( 貪污 ). Misuse of entrusted power for private benefit 賄賂 ( Bribery) : voluntary Grease Payments : make someone do what they are supposed to do Bribe : make someone do something illegal 勒索 (Extortion) : forced. Dangerous goods (DG) :0~5.

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  1. CHAPTER 13 Security

  2. Corruption (貪污) • Misuse of entrusted power for private benefit • 賄賂( Bribery) : voluntary • Grease Payments: make someone do what they are supposed to do • Bribe: make someone do something illegal • 勒索(Extortion) : forced

  3. Dangerous goods (DG) :0~5 • Divided into three groups • Its treat to health • Flammability • reactivity • Packaging: IMDG Code • Training : for anyone “handling” DG • Documentation: a signed certificate

  4. Security • Threats of attack to both cargo and the people involved in the logistics process • Theft : • Two Greatest treats to cargo • Dwell Time • Changes in control

  5. Item to Steal • Food • Electronics, expensive clothing, perfumes and cosmetics • Cocaine • Computer Chips • 50% of all major heists are planned in logistics department • Bank robber & container thieves –p315

  6. Terrorism • Vandalism • 911 • Paradigm shift • Transportation Security Administration (TSA): 67,000 workers • List of banned companies and individuals • www.bxa.doc.gov

  7. Smuggling • Conveying goods or persons, without permission, across the borders of a country or other political entity. • Case: p.316 • Where smuggling is found mostly?

  8. Smuggling • Major categories of smuggling: • 高課稅商品 Highly taxed goods (進口皮件或車輛) • 麻醉毒品 Narcotics (海洛因) • 武器 Weapons (火藥或槍枝) • 垃圾 Garbage (本國無法自行處理,須載往他國) • 危險廢棄物 Hazardous Waste (核廢料) • 贓物 Stolen Goods (偷來的東西來進行銷贓行為)

  9. Smuggling • Three general ways that contraband crosses borders: • 強行闖關(open run) • 偷渡過境(secret crossing) • 挾藏貨物(concealed cargo)

  10. Enforcement against Smuggling • One of the largest industries in the world • US spend $40 billion a year • Keys • Information- US: database of stolen cars • Anti- smuggling police • X-ray machines • Documentation: Electronic Visa Information Service (ELVIS) • Transshipment: look at shipments from problem areas

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