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Chimpanzees. By: Bailey Durfee. classification:. kingdom:              Animalia phylum:                Chordata class:                    Mammalia order                     Primates family:                  Pongidae genus:                  Pan Species:               Troglodytes.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chimpanzees By: Bailey Durfee

  2. classification: • kingdom:              Animalia • phylum:                Chordata • class:                    Mammalia • order                     Primates • family:                  Pongidae • genus:                  Pan • Species:               Troglodytes

  3. Description • look likes a monkey • very long arms • hands and feet look like humans         weight: male: 90-115 lbs. female:57-110 olbs         height: male: 3-4ft female:2-3ft         

  4. Habitat: Part of the world: Western Africa

  5. Diet: • Chimpanzees are omnivores • meats: termites,ants, and small animals. • Plants:leaves fruits, seads, tree bark,and flowers

  6. Chimps • Chimpanzees can reproduce at age: 12-13 • Number born: 1, twins are rare • Gestation: 8.5-9 months • They can be born at any time of the year • Chimps stay with their mom for the first seven years and then go to live on there own.

  7. Chimps to Human • Closest animal to humans. • 98% of human DNA is similar • Genetic studies show that chimpanzees and humans share a common ansestor.

  8. Extra info: • They have a cry when in danger • They live up to 60yrs. in captivity. • They have existed for 70million yrs. • every evening chimps make them selves a new place to sleep that night. • chimps are 7X stronger than man •  chimpanzees are endangered

  9. Sources:www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/apes/chimp/

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