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Electronic Audit Program Update

Electronic Audit Program Update. Theresa H. Alexander May 4, 2005. Agenda. Audit Process Electronic Audit Process Highlights Compliance Status Process Improvement Initiatives. Audit Process.

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Electronic Audit Program Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Electronic Audit Program Update Theresa H. Alexander May 4, 2005

  2. Agenda • Audit Process • Electronic Audit Process Highlights • Compliance Status • Process Improvement Initiatives

  3. Audit Process • Source downloads the monitoring plan & quality assurance database and compares this information to the data acquisition & handling system (DAHS) database • Source uses the most recent version of the MDC to evaluate the Electronic Data Report (EDR)

  4. Audit Process • All critical errors are addressed • corrects the errors • uses data substitution procedures • seeks additional help • requests regulatory relief • EDR is submitted to the Emissions Tracking System (ETS)

  5. Audit Process • ETS evaluates the EDR • correct format • completeness • checks calculations • Source receives instant feedback from ETS • ETS accepts the EDR

  6. Audit Process • The Electronic Audit Process begins once ETS accepts the EDR

  7. Process Highlights • 100% auditing of continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) data • Use Monitoring Data Check (MDC) software to check for: • Quality control status • Quality assurance tests (relative accuracy test audits & linearity checks) • Application of bias adjustment factors

  8. Continued • Source receives feedback from the Electronic Audit process • Automatically tracks critical errors with the internal Audit Tracking System • EMB works with the sources to correct unresolved and complicated issues that affect emissions • Insights into possible issue areas through the processing of petitions

  9. Compliance Status • Acid Rain Program Effort • Units processed - 3394 • without critical errors - 3230 • with critical errors - 164 (affect SO2 emissions) • responded quickly & corrected critical errors -147 • more challenging resolutions - 17 • petitions • substitute data • few hours

  10. Compliance Status • NOx Budget Trading Program Effort • Units processed - 2595 • without critical errors - 2316 • with critical errors - 279 (affect NOx Mass) • responded quickly & corrected critical errors - 247 • more challenging resolutions - 32 • petitions • substitute data • few hours

  11. Process Improvement Initiatives • Continue enhancement of the MDC checks • Improve tracking of compliance deadlines • Enhance MDC to include checks for Appendix D & Appendix E audits • Folding all checks into re-engineering • Continue daily communications with the sources

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