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Primordial nucleosynthesis and New Physics Maxim Pospelov University of Victoria and Perimeter Institute. K. Jedamzik and M . Pospelov, arXiv:0906.2087 R. Cyburt and M. Pospelov, arXiv:0906.4373 . Outline of the talk. Current status of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis .
Primordial nucleosynthesis and New PhysicsMaxim PospelovUniversity of Victoria and Perimeter Institute K. Jedamzik and M. Pospelov, arXiv:0906.2087 R. Cyburt and M. Pospelov, arXiv:0906.4373
Outline of the talk • Current status of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. • Lithium problem. Possible solutions. • Particle decay/annihiliation after the BBN. • Catalyzed BBN. 5. Conclusions.
BBN and Particle Physics Particle physics can Affect the timing of reactions, via e.g. new thermal degrees of freedom 2. Introduce non-thermal channelse.g.via late decays or annihilations of heavy particles, E À T. Provide catalyzing ingredients that change hijkvi(MP, 2006). Possible catalysts: electroweak scale remnants charged under U(1) or color SU(3) gauge groups. Relevant for charged NLSP-gravitino LSP scenario.
Elemental Abundance A<1,2,3,4,7 – BBN; A>12 –Stars; A=6,9,10,11 –“orphans” (cosmic ray spallation)
BBN abundance curves All nuclear rates drop <Hubble Deut. bottleneck n/p freeze-out
Non-thermal change of elemental abundances due to late time energy injection
Catalyzed Production of 6Li and 9Be at 8 KeV, suppression of 7Be+7Li at 35 KeV 6Li 9Be Day 1, 5:25a.m. 0:03a.m.
SBBN, current Status (Cyburt, Fields, Olive 2008) Theoretical predictions of abundances as functions of bYellow band: WMAP-suggested input for baryon to photon ratio b=6.14 10-10 7Be branch
Lithium problem The fraction of energy density in baryons is measured rather precisely, No more wiggle room with b for BBN. 2. There is a noticeable tension between predicted and observed amounts of 7Li, • Measurements have an unaccounted systematic error. • We do not understand the cycling of 7Li in stars. What we see is not primordial. C. Calculations (e.g. nuclear rates) are wrong. D. New Physics interference. What kind of new physics? 4. Unexpected 6Li problem? Not yet...
Deuterium and Lithium abundances Coc et al, ApJ 2004
Possible astrophysical resolution of 7Li discrepancy There is a growing suspicion that pop II stars can themselves deplete lithium by admixing it from the atmospheres into a hot interrior where it gets destroyed (Korn et al., 2006, employs diffusion and extra mixing). Can it provide a factor of 2-3 suppression? Can the suppression work uniformly along the Spite plateau, without introducing extra scatter? Would the measured abundances of other elements be OK?
Emerging 6Li problem?A lot of speculations about primordial 6Li! 6Li/H ~ 2 £ 10-11 Unexpected plateau (?) of 6Li with metallicity (Asplund et al., 2005)
9Be vsmetallicityThere is no evidence for primordial values No serious BBN models ever predicted anything in excess of 10-15
More on 7Li generation during the BBN In fact, it is 7Li+7Be that we are interested in (much later, 7Be captures an electron and becomes 7Li). Things are simple: there is one reaction in, and one reaction out 3He+!7Be + - IN. 7Be +n ! p +7Li – OUT, (followed by 7Li+p ! 2) At T>25 keV, 7Li is unstable being efficiently burned by protons. 4He, 3He, D, p, and n can be all considered as an input for lithium calculation. • 3He and n abundances ? All reactions are too well-known. 3He is indirectly measured by the solar neutrino flux. • 3He(, )7Be reaction is now known with better than 10% accuracy. New nuclear ways of destroying 7Be ?
Burning of 7Be using deuterium It has been suggested (Coc et al., 2004) that if the reaction rate of 7Be(d,p)®® is arbitrarily increased by a factor of ~ 100, the lithium problem can be “solved” right during the BBN. Subsequent experimental search (Angulo et al., 2005) have shown no enhancement in this reaction. It is important, however, that the search was made at E~400 keV, and the extrapolation to BBN regime was done assuming smoothness of astrophysical S-factor (cross section). Such assumptions can be spectacularly violated by the presence of near threshold resonances ( e.g. F. Hoyle, 1950s).
9B energy levels from TUNL nuclear data project
Zooming in: 16.7 MeV resonance near 7Be +d Nothing much is known about 5/2+, 16.7 MeV +/- 100 keV resonance in 9B. Information about mirror nucleus, 9Be, shows that this resonance is extremely narrow. We (R. Cyburt and MP) try to determine parameters of this resonance phenomenologically, and then see if it can be consistent with nuclear physics/quantum mechanics.
Parameters of the resonance Above the black line, 7Li/H < 0.5 [7Li/H]SBBN, and the Lithium problem is “solved”. One needs a resonance in 160-200 keV range, and Gamma > 10 keV.
Uncertainty in 7Li due to 9B resonance ¡ ~10 keV is a problem because of the Coulomb screening. Such a large deuterium separation width at a resonance energy of 200 keV implies extremely large radius for the 7Be+d interaction channel, as large as 10 fm. This is border-line of what is allowed by QM. If indeed lithium problem is solved that way, it implies “new nuclear physics”, i.e. 16.7 MeV resonance in 9B is a 10 fm-size bound state of 7Li and Deuteron. Being completely agnostic about properties of this resonance within QM, we arrive at the the following prediction for primordial lithium
Enlarged error bars for 7Li Experimental studies of the property of this resonance are required!
Nonstandard BBN scenarios Late injection of electromagnetic/hadronic energy distorts primordial abundances, especially for those elements where the SBBN processes are extremely inefficient (4He(d,°)6Li is the radiative E2 reaction, suppressed by 8 orders of magnitude relative to “normal” reactions) Energy injection with baryons in the final stay allows to circumvent this by a chain of endo-thermic but photonlessreactions (Dimopoulos et al, 1980s) 4He + p 3H + p + p, Q=-16 MeV There is a possibility of suppressing 7Be if O(10-5) neutrons per proton are injected (Jedamzik, 2004). This also increases D/H. Typical lifetime ~ 1000 sec is required.
BBN with energy injectionannihilating dark matter Thermal WIMP benchmark
Catalyzed BBN Suppose that there is an electroweak scale remnant X- (and X+), e.g. SUSY partner of electron, or , with the following properties: • Masses are in excess of 100 GeV to comply with LEP/Tevatron. • Abundances per baryon YX are O(0.1-0.001). In a fully specified model of particle physics they scale as YX» (0.01-0.05)mX/TeV. • Decay time X is longer than 1000 sec; no constraints on decay channels. Are there changes in elemental abundances from mere presence of X-? Yes!Anything at all that sticks to He with binding energy between 150 KeV and 1500 KeV will lead to the catalysis of 6Li production! Any quantities of (8BeX) in excess of 10-10 at 8 keV will lead to the catalysis of 9Be to >10-13 level.
Properties of bound states X- (4HeX-) (7BeX-)Bohr radius is 2 times larger than nuclear Bohr orbit is within nuclear radius
Recombination of 4He and X-(4HeX) bottleneck Naive equilibrium Saha-type equation gives a rapid switch from 0 to 1 at 8.3 KeV Realistic solution to Boltzmann equation leads to a gradual increase of the number of bound states. Catalyzed synthesis of 6Li will start below 9keV
After bound states have formed, new reaction channels open up • Main SBBN channel for 6Li production 4He + D !6Li + ; Q = 1.47 MeV in usual astrophysical units. 6Li(SBBN) » 10-14 NB: typical pre-exponents for reactions are 105-106, for photon-less reactions 108-1010 • Main CBBN channel for 6Li production (4HeX-) + D !6Li + X-; Q = 1.13 MeV
New Reaction Channels • A possible SBBN channel for 9Be production 8Be + n !9Be + ; Q = 1.66 MeV 9Be(SBBN) » 10-18 • Main CBBN channel for 9Be production (8BeX-) + n !9Be + X-; Q = 0.26 MeV This is a large photonless rate dominated by threshold resonance!
6Li and 9Be at 8 KeV CBBN with YX = 5£10-3, X=1 as a typical example, resulting in 6Li >10-8, and 9Be>10-11– Excluded! Observationally, 6Li/H < few£ 10-11; 9Be/H<few£ 10-13, Therefore, YX(2£104sec) < 10-5 , and typically X< 5£ 103 s.
6Li and 9Be at 8 KeV CBBN with YX = 10-1, X=2000s as a “just so” scenario 6Li/H=1.3£ 10-11; 9Be/H=7£ 10-14: A very intriguing pattern!!! 9Be/6Li = (2-5)£ 10-3 - a typical “footprint” of CBBN
Constraints on particle physics models Type I: X-! SM-[X0], E»MX . Longevity because of small couplings. Examples: NLSP slepton (stau, smuon...) !Gravitino LSP NLSP slepton (stau, smuon...) ! "Dirac" RH sneutrino LSP Long-lived EW scale triplet Higgs decaying to SM Type I requires taking care of "nonthermal" BBN effects. Type II:X-!X0 + e-[]; E » few MeV or less. Longevity because of the small energy release. Examples: Closely degenerate stau-neutralino system Closely degenerate chargino-neutralino (O(MeV) splitting) Dark matter as heavy EW multiplet (O(MeV) splitting) Before CBBN, models of Type II were believed to be unconstrained by physics of the Early Universe.
Catalytic suppression of 7Be + 7Li • The “bottleneck” is creation of (7BeX-) bound states that is controlled by 7Be+X-! (7BeX-) + reaction • There are two main destruction channels that are catalyzed: 1. p-reaction: (7BeX-) + p ! (8BX-) + by a factor of >1000 relative to 7Be + p !8B + 2. In models with weak current, the “capture” of X- is catalyzed: (7BeX-) !7Li + X0, so that lifetime of (7BeX-) becomes ¿ 1 sec. 7Li is significantly more fragile and is destroyed by protons “on the spot”. • There is significant energy injection via X+ +X-! (X+X-) ! radiation. If this process has hadronic modes, it also affects Li7. 4. Combination of 6Li and 7Li constraints indicates the lifetime 1000-2000 s.
How likely is such scenario? (SUSY landscape ? :) Suppose nature chose the weak scale supersymmetry. There are two types of regular superpartners: Neutrals: neutralinos, sneutrinos. Charged: charged sleptons, squarks, charginos All masses are at ~ TeV or less [one would hope!] “Probability” of mlightest charged < mlightest neutral : 50% Gravitino mass is a free parameter, not linked to weak scale “Probability” of mgravitino<mlightest charged < mlightest neutral : 25% In 25% cases SUSY models would have long-lived charged or strongly interacting relics!
Conclusions • Lithium problem is a serious discrepancy between SBBN prediction and Spite plateau value of 7Li abundance. Possibly indicates A. new delicate processes in the atmospheres of pop II stars, B. New nuclear physics channels (easy to check), C. New particles that catalyze 7Be destruction. Or the combination of the above. Last option is generally testable at LHC. • Energy injection via decay/annihilation of heavy relics is testable with BBN, especially in the channels that are accidentally suppressed in the standard scenario: 6Li, 9Be. • Catalysis of nuclear fusion is a new generic mechanism of how particle physics can affect the BBN predictions for lithium and beryllium. CBBN imposes important constraints on particle physics models that cannot be [yet] probed in other ways; this includes some TeV-scale SUSY models.6Li and 9Be abundances are drastically enhanced, with ratio 6Li/9Be = (2-5) £ 10-3, affected by mere presence of charged particles during BNN. 7Li+7Be can be suppressed by a factor of ~ 2.