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TEACHER QUALITY INSTITUTE. BY THE NUMBERS. FEA CONFERENCE. Each year TQI plans and presents a one-day Future Educators
FEA CONFERENCE Each year TQI plans and presents a one-day Future Educators Conference. It is held at Murray State University. Students and advisors have an opportunity to attend sessions relating to teaching and college life. Students compete in contests such as T-shirt design, essay writing, public announcements, club scrapbooks, and impromptu speaking. Sue Ellen Morris is the coordinator for the conference. The total number of students who have attended the conferences since 2003 is 2195.
FEA CAMP Each year TQI sponsors and presents a Future Educators Association summer camp. The camp is designed for juniors and seniors interested in a career in education. The campers are at MSU 24 hours a day for a week. Sue Ellen Morris plans the FEA Camp. Since June, 2003, 169 students have participated in the FEA Camps.
DUAL CREDIT In 2003 TQI began offering the dual credit courses of EDU 103/104 in area high schools. TQI was a pioneer in implementing this concept at MSU. From 2003-2011 TQI paid full tuition for 3 hours of credit for each dual credit student. The salary of the instructor for most courses and all materials were also funded by TQI. Beginning Fall 2013 the TQI classes will be a part of Racer Academy allowing for reduced tuition being paid by TQI.
INSTRUCTORS TQI faculty scholars, distinguished practitioners, and the alternative route to certification coordinator teach classes on campus. Constance Alexander teaches in the Humanities and Fine Arts Department. Richard Grainger teaches in the geoscience department. Cindy Thresher and Ruth Ann Harrell teach in the College of Education.
STUDENT CONTACTS TQI has on-going contact with students in area schools. Time is spent with students on special projects, modeling lessons, and presenting information in specialty areas. In 2011-2012 TQI had contact with at least 3720 students.
TEACHER CONTACTS Area teachers often call on TQI staff for assistance in the classroom. TQI is well-known in the area and teachers contact TQI when help and ideas are needed. Each year the staff is called to repeat lessons taught during the previous years as well as new presentations. In 2011-2012, TQI made 927 teacher contacts
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SESSIONS Each year TQI presents professional development sessions for area teachers. Usually TQI presents at schools. Examples of professional development sessions include book studies, EXPLORE and PLAN assistance, presentations to TAHOE, Shakespeare in the Classroom, Colonial America enactments, online meetings in math, STEM presentations and literacy circles. In 2011-2012 TQI presented 87 professional development sessions.
JOURNEY STORIES In January, 2012 the Smithsonian exhibit, Journey Stories, was displayed at the Wrather Museum. Constance Alexander worked with students and teachers to make this a memorable educational opportunity. Ms. Alexander developed educational materials for teachers to use with students. Over 4,000 visitors attended the exhibit and 85% of those attending were students from area schools. TQI partnered with the Office of Regional Outreach on this project.
ADMINISTRATOR CONTACTS TQI stays in contact with area administrators. Meetings such as WKEC Superintendents, West Kentucky Association of Educational Supervisors, Instructional Supervisors Learning Network, and Next Generation Learners are attended by the TQI Director, W.A. Franklin, and other staff members. Many administrators contact TQI regarding professional development for teachers, work with students, and alternative certification. In 2011-2012, 115 administrator contacts were made.
SCHOLARSHIPS Each year TQI awards scholarships to future and practicing teachers. Each TQI dual credit student who attends MSU and majors in education is awarded a $1000 scholarship. TQI often awards scholarships to the alternative route to certification students to aid in the cost of certification. In 2011-2012 TQI awarded $30,000 in scholarships.
NATIONAL POETRY MONTH Constance Alexander works with teachers and students during National Poetry Month. Students write and read their poems. The poems are then presented each day on WKMS radio. This year 42 poems were read on the radio.
MERR SCHOLARSHIPS Raymond Sims is the recruiter for minority students. Each year Mr. Sims visits schools and encourages minority students to attend MSU. Minority students can be awarded Minority Educator Recruitment and Retention Scholarship from the Kentucky Department of Education. In 2011-2012 $110,000 was awarded to minority students majoring in education.
ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION MSU has an alternative route to certification program. A person who has a major in a certified subject and meets all requirements can seek employment as a teacher in west Kentucky. When hired by a local school district, the teacher enters the MSU alternative certification program to take the education courses needed to become fully certified. Paperwork and observations of all alternative certification candidates, middle and high school teachers, special education teachers and administrators, come through the coordinator’s office. Since 2001, 221 teachers have entered the classroom as middle or high school teachers.
FUTURE EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION ADVISORS To promote careers in education TQI is involved in the formation of and increasing membership in local Future Educators Associations. TQI works with local advisors to help with meeting content and participation in local and state level clubs. In 2011-2012 TQI worked with 22 advisors to form new clubs or increase FEA membership.
MINORITY PRINCIPALS SCHOLARSHIPS TQI supports the minority principals program by funding scholarships to encourage minorities to prepare for administrative positions in area schools. In 2010-2011 TQI provided over $14,000 in scholarships and added $11,415 in 2011-2012.
SUMMER INSTITUTES During the summers of 2002-2011, TQI presented Summer Institutes for teachers. Each participating teacher received 3 hours of graduate education credit. TQI paid the tuition, the salary of the teachers, and all materials. From 2002-2011, 836 teachers took advantage of this program. This was one of TQI’s most successful programs and had a large impact on regional teachers.
KENTUCKY TEACHER INTERNSHIP Cindy Thresher is one of two trainers for the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program in west Kentucky. She presented 5 trainings for administrators and resource teachers. In 2011-2012, she also served as the Teacher Educator for 2 interns.
CAREER AND COLLEGE READINESS SUMMIT TQI is partnering with the College of Education and others to present a Career and College Readiness Summit on June 13, 2012. TQI is planning the professional development sessions for teachers. There will be sessions available for all teachers at all levels. There is a great need for professional development for teachers because of the large decrease in funds for PD in our schools this year.
PROGRAM SUPPORT Whenever possible, TQI supports other programs involving teachers. TQI has provided support for student teachers in Belize, an immersion program for teachers in Morelia, Mexico, an environmental program for teachers in Austria, math clubs for teachers, and support of the environmental education center.
GRANTS TQI has been successful in writing, obtaining, and implementing several grants. Grants have been awarded for math, science, Spanish, and Future Educators Association. TQI has acquired $3,425,115 in grants from 2004-2012.
PICTURING AMERICA Picturing America has been an ongoing project in TQI. Masterpiece art has been placed in schools and Constance Alexander has used the artwork to develop various writing projects with students. TQI partnered with the Office of Regional Outreach on this project.
STEM INITIATIVES TQI has emphasized and worked on several STEM initiatives. Joe Griggs has presented workshops in schools and online. Mr. Griggs was one of the first teachers to make use of online meetings with teachers using Adobe Connect Pro software. He has been the project director for several TQI math and science grants.
COMPUTERS IN THE CLASSROOM TQI was able to put a classroom set of laptop computers in three schools for 8 weeks each. The computers were used in a variety of classes by students and teachers. In the 2012-2013 year, TQI will place 5 classroom sets of Ipads in 5 schools for the year. TQI will provide on-going support in the classrooms using the computers throughout the year.
TQI STAFF W.A. Franklin, Director Lynitta Crouch, Administrative Assistant Sue Ellen Morris, Distinguished Practitioner Joe Griggs, Distinguished Practitioner Ruth Ann Harrell, Distinguished Practitioner Constance Alexander, HFA Faculty Scholar Richard Grainger, GeoScience Faculty Scholar Raymond Sims, Minority Recruiter Cindy Thresher, Alt. Cert. Coordinator
W.A. Franklin W.A. Franklin has been the Director of TQI since it was formed in 2001. He is a former geoscience professor at MSU, high school principal, and superintendent of Murray Independent School District. He has a distinguished career as an educator and has won many awards including superintendent of one of the Best 100 School Districts in the US, one of ten Readers Digest American Heroes in Education, principal of one of ten nationally recognized U.S. Exemplary Drug Awareness programs, and National Advisor of the Year for Sigma Chi Fraternity. He has served on various boards and committees at MSU and in the community Phone: 270-809-2680 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: wfranklin@murraystate.edu
Joe Griggs Joe Griggs began working for TQI in 2005. He was a mathematics and physics teacher. His last teaching position was at Graves County High School. Mr. Griggs was the project director of several TQI math and science grants. He is now a Distinguished Practitioner in Math and works in schools with students and teachers. Last summer he did a two-week workshop on math with students in McCracken County. This year he has been doing a book study with teachers implementing Singapore Math. Phone: 270-809-3188 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: jgriggs@murraystate.edu
Sue Ellen Morris Sue Ellen Morris is a Distinguished Practitioner. She began working for TQI in 2002. She taught chemistry, physics, and earth science at Hickman County High School. She is the coordinator for all aspects of the Future Educators Association and plans the summer FEA camp, the FEA conference, and works with FEA Advisors. She has also planned the professional development for the teachers attending the Career and College Readiness Summit. Phone: 270-809-3189 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: smorris4@murraystate.edu
Constance Alexander Constance Alexander is a Faculty Scholar in Humanities and Fine Arts. Prior to the TQI position in 2003, she was the President of INTEX Communications. She has also worked for AT&T and as a public school administrator and English teacher. She is an award winning writer, public radio producer, playwright and poet. She is the recipient of many awards including the Newspaper Association of America New Media Fellowship , three awards from the Kentucky Press Association for the weekly column, Main Street, and the nomination of Sound Partners for Community Health project for a Peabody Award. She works with students and teachers to enhance writing skills and to develop an appreciation for the arts. Phone: 270-809- 2686 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: calexander9@murraystate.edu
Richard Grainger Richard Grainger is a Faculty Scholar in Geoscience. He began working for TQI in 2006. He was a social studies teacher in Crittenden County School District. He teaches a geography class in the Geoscience department and works with teachers and students in the region. He is often called upon to share his mapping skills as well as his expertise in re-enactment of historical events. Phone: 270-809-3186 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: rgrainger@murraystate.edu
Raymond Sims Raymond Sims began working for TQI in 2002 as the Minority Recruiter for the College of Education. He has a Masters Degree from Eastern Kentucky University and is a doctoral candidate at SIU. He also teaches health and physical education courses in the College of Education and is the assistant tennis coach. He is an avid tennis player and teaches tennis classes. Phone: 270-809-2682 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: rsims@murraystate.edu
Lynitta Crouch Lynitta Crouch has been the Administrative Assistant since TQI was formed in 2001. Previously she worked at the University of Memphis in the Department of Geography as the Administrative Secretary to the Chair and at the Tennessee Small Business Development Center as the Administrative Secretary to the State Director. Ms. Crouch has won many awards in her field as well as writing and poetry awards. Phone: 270-809-2090 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: lcrouch@murraystate.edu
Ruth Ann Harrell Ruth Ann Harrell started in 2002 with TQI as a Distinguished Practitioner. She coordinates the dual credit classes and trains the instructors for the class in the high schools. She has been the Executive Director of The National Faculty and a consultant for the Region One Service Center. Prior to that she was an elementary instructor in the Mayfield Independent School District. Phone: 270-809-2683 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: rharrell@murraystate.edu
Cindy Thresher Cindy Thresher is the coordinator for the Alternative Route to Certification program. She began working for TQI in 2002. She was an elementary education teacher and also worked to train teachers in the use of technology in the classroom. In 1998 she was the Missouri Teacher of the Year and has earned several other distinguished awards. She has also written and helped to implement several TQI grants. She co-teaches EDU 650 for the alternative certification teachers. In 2012-13 she will be working with teachers using the classroom sets of computers. Phone: 270-809-3280 Fax: 270-809-2689 Email: cthresher@murraystate.edu