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Telling the Story of a Constuctivist Connection Between Art Museum and Classroom

Telling the Story of a Constuctivist Connection Between Art Museum and Classroom. Viki Thompson Wylder: FSU Museum of Fine Arts Marcia Meale: Ruediger Elementary School Fran Kautz: Buck Lake Elementary School Julie McBride: Gilchrist Elementary School Barbara Davis: FSU Schools

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Telling the Story of a Constuctivist Connection Between Art Museum and Classroom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Telling the Story of a Constuctivist Connection Between Art Museum and Classroom Viki Thompson Wylder: FSU Museum of Fine Arts Marcia Meale: Ruediger Elementary School Fran Kautz: Buck Lake Elementary School Julie McBride: Gilchrist Elementary School Barbara Davis: FSU Schools Shannon Smale: Lincoln High School

  2. Once upon a time…

  3. http://www.schoolartsdigital.com/schoolarts/200710_sample/ • “Story represents a pathway to understanding that doesn’t run through the left side of the brain” • Daniel Pink • Author of “A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age”

  4. Catalogue is available when you leave

  5. Lesson Plan Packet is online! http://www.mofa.fsu.edu/pics/thestory.pdf

  6. The Story • 3 year collaboration with FSU Museum of Fine Arts and various schools (K-12) from Leon County (13 schools and 18 teachers) • In the final year of the project, 12 additional schools joined • Teachers curated the exhibit scheduled for May of 2008 • Selecting artists/artworks • Locating funding for author/artist visits, fieldtrips • Putting together a catalog with artist biographies • Writing curriculum packet to go with exhibit

  7. Primary Committee Member and Participating Schools: • Apalachee Elementary: Pam Brewster • Belle Vue Middle School: Althea Valle • Buck Lake Elementary: Fran Kautz • Chiles High School: Julie Childers, Kelly Little, and Leslie Cohen • Deerlake Middle School: Linda Johnson • FSU Museum of Fine Arts: Viki Thompson Wylder; Ashley Hickman • FSU School: Barbara Davis and Pam Wallheiser • Gilchrist Elementary School: Julie McBride • Lincoln High School: Marilyn Proctor-Givens • Pineview Elementary: Sara Chang and Sunny Spillane • Raa Middle School: Teresa Coates • Riley Elementary: Megan Garriga • Ruediger Elementary: Marcia Meale • Tallahassee Community College: Laura Thompson • Trinity Catholic School: Maria Augustynia

  8. Timeline for THE STORY • Summer 2005 Idea discussed with FSU Museum of Fine Arts • Fall-Spring Presentation of artists and artworks monthly • Fall 2006 Final selection of artist/communications with artists Work on Preface event • Spring 2007 Prepare Catalogue Preface Event in May (exhibition and workshop) • Summer 2007 Write curriculum packets Plan and schedule artists’ visits and activities Catalogue to printer by August1 • Fall 2007 Send out curriculum packets Implement artists’ visits and activities COCA Arts in Education Expo- Faith Ringgold visits Tallahassee • Spring 2008 Continue artists’ visits/activities, Conduct teacher workshops, Mount exhibition artists upstairs, student exhibit downstairs Field trips to museum.

  9. Selecting artists and artworks

  10. Preface EventSpring 2007

  11. Summer 2007 • Write Lesson Plans for curriculum packet • Artists biographies(written in narrative form to include character, setting event conflict/challenge and resolution and only use 150 words!)

  12. Plan and implement artists interactions with schools2007-2008 school year Mark Fletcher-Riley Elementary

  13. Faith Ringgold

  14. Adrian Fogelin

  15. Jack Dowd -FSUS Middle School

  16. Kathy Wilcox- FSUS High School

  17. Sydney Scherr- Deer Lake Middle school

  18. DeLoss McGraw “virtual interaction” Buck Lake Elementary

  19. Teacher Workshops- January – July 2008

  20. Culminating EventsMay 9-July 11 2008

  21. A Romero Britto Welcome

  22. Opening Reception

  23. Make and Take Activities

  24. Performance Art by Wennie Huang

  25. Student Exhibition

  26. Field Trips to Museum

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