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The School Communities Tapestry @ NorthLight

The School Communities Tapestry @ NorthLight. Mrs Chua-Lim Yen Ching Mrs Loo-Ng Pek Har. Mission T o provide an engaging career-oriented and values-focused education for youth in preparing them for lifelong learning and employability

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The School Communities Tapestry @ NorthLight

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  1. The School Communities Tapestry @ NorthLight Mrs Chua-Lim Yen Ching Mrs Loo-Ng PekHar

  2. Mission To provide an engaging career-oriented and values-focused education for youth in preparing them for lifelong learning and employability VisionA choice school of youth prepared for life and living.

  3. Address communities’ sentiments towards the school (Vollmer, 2011) • Understand its mission • level the playing field for its disadvantaged students as they enter the workforce • cost of rehabilitation in contrast to education

  4. Students’ Needs • Every Child Has • Basic Health Care • Safe Learning Environment • A Caring Adult • Genuine Opportunities

  5. NorthLight’s Core Theory of Success Provide more Resources Deepen Mission Quality Planning Quality Actions Internal Processes Quality Results Quality Collective Thinking Attract Believers Quality Relationship Rebranding by Stakeholders External Support (Source : Daniel Kim’s Core Theory of Success, 1997)

  6. Engaging the Communities on Mission • NLS Portal • Publications

  7. Engaging the Communities on Mission • Teaching Fraternity • Learning Journeys • Teacher Work Attachments • Consultancy Work • Well Wishers • Learning Journeys

  8. NLS Partners’ Creed Support the Mission Help the Cause Affirm the Child Recognise the Potential Encourage the Growth

  9. Our Partners

  10. Our Partners • National Agencies and Organisations • Charities and Self-Help Groups • Corporate Businesses • Schools • Individuals • Parents Support Group

  11. Nature of Partnership • Scholarships and bursaries for postsecondary education • -Work experience and attachments • Jointly organized projects; CIP • Funding for facilities, equipment and service enhancements • Delivery and development of learning programmes and materials • Financial support for needy students

  12. Nature of Partnership • Parents Club, self-initiated projects, support for school programmes and activities • Heartwork @NorthLight

  13. Partnering with John Little Our students at their Industrial Attachment

  14. Partnering with World Bank Learning and Prosperity

  15. Partnering with NIE • Joint project between NLS students from the New Media Club and 3 Trainee Teachers • Production of 5 audio • books

  16. Students’ Learning from Partnership … we learnt to see life…in a different light. We may have failed once or twice academically or have a lot of problems in our life that could be causing us much pain and suffering, but these are nothing compared to the challenges the Lighthouse school students face every minute in their daily lives. We have realized that the one and main obstacle in our life is the big ‘ME’. Instead of comparing ourselves to the more fortunate people, thinking of the lesser fortunate sure will help us consider our problems small and appreciate life even more.”

  17. Partnering with Tribal DBB • SHINE e-book • A voice over for 2 • original stories • Available in ipad, • apps store • Use their voice to • encourage children • world -wide to stay • strong and not to • give up

  18. Through our Partners, Luis Nani came to share with the students his hardship and struggles as a child, encouraging to press on…

  19. Broadening and Deepening Relationships • Annual Partners Award Ceremony • Annual Survey

  20. Student Cohort’s Mean EQ Scores

  21. Our Students Their experiences of successes

  22. Staying True to Our Mission

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