Allnationsfromwesttoeastloveourwell-known folk philosopherandgreatgeniusof Turkishjoke. Everybodyadoresthebeautifuljokes of thisgreat folk philosopherwhichmaintaintheiractuality in allages. Nasreddin Hodja, or Hoca whichmeansteacher in Turkish
Thehistoricalsourcesstatethat Nasreddin Hodjawasborn in Hortuvillage of Sivrihisar district of today's Eskişehir in 1206. Rumor has it that he conducted his primaryeducation in Hortu in Abdullah Hodja'smedresah, andpassed his days of childhood in Hortu. He settleddown in Sivrihisar with his familybecause of scarcity in Hortu, andcontinued his educationthere.
He died in 1284 in Aksehirwhen he wasaboutto be eighty. A domedtombborebysixcolumnswasconstructed on his grave. Under thedome, there is a marblecoffinpertainingto Nasreddin hodja. Theepitaph in theheadside of thecoffinreads 683 afterhijrah, thedate of his datereverse. There is theSeljukianperiodlockforsymbolicpurposestolocktheTomb, which is open in allsides.
His Rumors Sivrihisar is a tiny but cutetown of Seljukianperiod of thatday. Young Nasreddin sawthefirstminaretthere, wenttoTurkishBathwith his friends, andtoreoutgreenalmondsfromgardens. His playingthecocktothechildrenwhosaidtheylaideggs in thebath, his beingcaughtbythegardenownerwhile he wasstealingfruitsfromthetreeandansweringthequestion (Whatareyoudoing on thetree?) that (I am a nightingale) and his chirpinglike a nightingaleareamong his childhoodmemories in Sivrihisar.
Nasreddin Hoca was a philosopher, wise, wittymanwith a good sense of humor. His storieshavebeentoldalmosteverywhere in theworld, spread amongthetribes of Turkic World andintoPersian, Arabian, Africanandalongthe Silk Road toChinaandIndiacultures, lateralsoto Europe. Of course, allthesestoriescurrentlyattributedtothe Hoca forabout 700 yearshaventoriginatedfromhim. Most of themaretheproduct ofcollectiveHumor of not onlyTurks but alsootherfolks in the World.
Theyear 1996 wasproclaimedNasreddin Hoca yearby UNESCO. He is, now in 2014, 806 yearsold. He signedthehumor of themillennium at the top.
Nasreddin Hodja - Earth'sBalance TheyaskedHodja,"Sir,inthemorningsomepeoplegothiswayandsomegotheoppositeway. Why?"Hodjaanswered,"Iftheywent in thesamedirection, the Earth wouldlooseitsbalanceandtoople."
Burgler Nasrettin Hodja'sdonkeywasstolen. Instead of consolling, his neighbourswereblaminghimsaying."Youshouldhavelockedtheshed,""Didn'tyouhearanynoises?""Youshouldhavetiedthedonkeysecurely."Nasrettin Hodjalistenedpatiently, forawhileandfinnalysaid,"Well, youareputtingalltheblame on me. Do youthinkthethiefwasinnocent?
Reachingenlightenment • Nasreddin waswalking in thebazaarwith a largegroup of followers. Whatever Nasreddin did, his followersimmediatelycopied. Everyfewsteps Nasreddin would stop andshake his hands in theair, touch his feetandjumpupyelling "Hu Hu Hu!". So his followerswouldalso stop and do exactlythesamething. • One of themerchants, whoknew Nasreddin, quietlyaskedhim: "Whatareyoudoingmyoldfriend? Whyarethesepeopleimitatingyou?" • "I havebecome a SufiSheikh," replied Nasreddin. "ThesearemyMurids (spiritualseekers); I am helpingthemreachenlightenment!" • "How do youknowwhentheyreachenlightenment?" • "That’stheeasypart! Everymorning I countthem. Theoneswhohaveleft – havereachedenlightenment!"
TO RIDE DANKEY REVERSELY Nasrettinhodja:O inhabitants Let love each other , Let's be tolerant,let`s be respectful to each other.Welive a very happy world. One of the villagers asks: “Why did you get on a donkey reversely? Nasrettinhodja: If I rode a donkey straightly and passed in front ofyou , you would be behind me.If you passed in front of me the lead time I would be behind you.when I ride reverse donkey, I donot turn my back to you.”