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Bylaws Amendment Review

Learn about the election process for the Board of Directors and the organizational structure of state associations in the ACTE. Includes criteria, processes for nominations, and updates on affiliations and unifications.

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Bylaws Amendment Review

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  1. Bylaws Amendment Review

  2. Article VII—Election of Board of Directors • B. Process of Nomination • 2. The ACTE Nominating Committee shall present to the Assembly of Delegates at least two candidates for the office of president-elect. Additional nominations may be made from the floor providing each nominee has been interviewed and deemed compliant with applicable criteria in the Board Policy Manual by the Nominating Committee and is approved by a majority of the delegates voting. If there are not two candidates for office, the office shall be declared vacant by the Board of Directors.

  3. Article IV—Organizational Structure • Affiliated State Associations • Affiliated state associations are organizations which are organized for the purpose of providing leadership and services to promote, improve, and maintain the quality of career and technical education in that state. Affiliated state associations are those applying for and approved by the Board of Directors for this status. In addition, one association organized for individuals employed by federal and national offices shall be recognized as a state association and shall conform to the requirements of and have the rights and privileges accorded to state associations in these Bylaws. Affiliated state associations shall meet the following criteria: 1. Effective January 1, 1999, each state may have a single affiliated association. Any state, the District of Columbia, commonwealth, territory, insular area, or nation shall be considered eligible for affiliation with ACTE as state associations. 2. The organizational structure of each affiliated state association shall embrace all those interested in career and technical education who are from that state. 3. The bylaws, policies and activities of an affiliated state association shall not be in conflict with the ACTE Bylaws and must meet the requirements of ACTE operating policies. 4. Each affiliated state association shall provide its members an opportunity to affiliate with any division category in the ACTE structure.

  4. 2020 Election Status

  5. 2020 Slate

  6. Items of Note • We are utilizing the awards portal again for the nominating committees to review the applicants this year. • Candidates will once again utilize the campaign toolkit. • ACTE Staff prepared a new toolkit for Region and Division Nominating Committees to assist with their processes.

  7. Items of Note • Marketing VP is vacant. Due to the membership probation status of Marketing, and the potential for Marketing to loose its Board seat in July 2020, it is recommended that the Board wait to fill the Marketing VP vacancy until December at the earliest, depending on the trajectory of the Marketing membership numbers. • Trade and Industrial Education had one additional applicant that is still completing their application. As of June 19, the application is yet to be completed. If the application is not complete by the end of the grace period, T&I will be contacted to make a recommendation to the Board regarding the vacancy, and the Board will be asked to fill the vacancy at the July Board meeting.

  8. Annual Report Update and Affiliation/Unification Report

  9. Pennsylvania ACTE • The Pennsylvania remains on probation. ACTE Staff contacted them to complete the report. They did complete it, but they copy and pasted answers from a previous entry. ACTE Staff is waiting for PAACTE leadership to correct their submission and has sent several reminders.

  10. Unification Updates • In Discussion: • Massachusetts (both MAVA and MVA) have expressed an interest in unification, most recently at the VISION 2018 meeting. ACTE staff is following up with leadership to determine the next steps. • Waiting: • Wyoming and Tennessee discussions are both at a stand still. Wyoming has expressed an interest in unification; however, they have not followed through on requests for further discussion from ACTE. Tennessee had a promising meeting with ACTE staff at VISION 2018, however, they have not responded to follow up contact from ACTE staff. ACTE Staff is still hoping Virginia will consider unification, but there is no action to report.

  11. Affiliation Updates • In Progress Towards Completion: • ACTE staff is still in discussion with Rhode Island regarding unification and creating an active state association. The group has filed for the non-profit status and EIN. It is anticipated that Rhode Island will affiliate as a unified state association in the Fall once they complete their insurance.

  12. Division Affiliate Task Force Report

  13. To identify a new term for the category “Division Affiliate”

  14. To recommend benefits for Division Affiliates

  15. To determine the goal of/benefits to ACTE of having Division Affiliates • The Task Force felt the need to continue the Division Associate concept as a way to connect and collaborate with external organizations that have a vested interest, input or relationship to the Division. The benefits to ACTE would be stronger divisions because of the relationships with their associates. Divisions would be able provide for their members more effectively which will make ACTE stronger.

  16. To further differentiate, if needed, Division Affiliates from Division Sections • The Task Force discussed the differences between Associates and Sections. The Task Force recommended clarifying the policy related to sections, simplifying the section and interest group distinction. Associates will be for external groups, while sections will be for internal interest groups.

  17. To outline policies regarding membership requirements for Division Affiliates in regards to National Affiliate membership as well as unified membership

  18. To outline policies regarding Division Affiliate requirements for maintaining their status as a Division Affiliate; To review and edit as needed the current policies related to Division Affiliates

  19. VIII.6 The Board of Directors shall be responsible for approving the affiliation association of any organization within a Division. If an external organization or a group representing a level of instruction or function in career and technical education (i.e., state administrators or supervisors, local administrators or supervisors, secondary teachers, postsecondary teachers or teacher educators) desires to seek affiliation association with a Division to become a Division Associate Member, the affiliates’ organizations’ officers/representatives must submit a request in writing to the Vice President of the Division involved. In addition, the following information must be provided: (12/03), (3/07), (7/07), (7/12), (7/17)

  20. Names and addresses of current officers/representatives; • Articles of Incorporation or constitution; • Bylaws Proof or a statement indicating the constitution, bylaws and policies of the organization shall not be in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Operating Policies of ACTE or Policies of the Division. • Number of current members; • Estimate of potential; • Identity of sub-groups (state or local); • Statement of why affiliation is being requested; and • Current ACTE National Affiliate Organization Membership (nonunified status) or List of current members with contact information (unified status)

  21. The Vice President will present the request at the next scheduled meeting of the Division's policy committee. If a majority of the policy committee members present approves the request for Division affiliation Associate Membership, the Vice President will submit the request and recommendation ACTE Board of Directors for action. • In order to maintain status as a Division Associate Member, external organizations must maintain their National Affiliate Organization Membership or unified membership with ACTE.

  22. VIII.1a The board recognizes three (3) organizational groups within the division structure: (3/07), (7/09), (11/11), (3/14) • Divisions – interest groups with at least 750 members. • Sections – interest groups with at least 25 but fewer than 750 200members. The groups can be formed under New and Related Services or another Division if it is closely aligned. Formal external organizations will not be considered sections of any division, although they can be recognized as a Division Associate • Interest Groups – interests groups may be formed under any division with policy committee approval • Division Associates – formal external organizations, as defined in the policy manual.

  23. VIII.14B Sections may be created either by the board of directors based on industry knowledge or by a group of interested members. Criteria for the creation of sections include: (3/07), (6/09), (3/14) • The interest of the new section is clearly defined as being directly involved in, or closely related to, career and technical education. • The interest of the section is national in scope. • The proposed section can show evidence of expanding and improving career and technical education. • The section can identify at least 25 individual members of ACTE with an interest in the proposed section. • An existing division whose membership has fallen below 750 200shall become a section. • The section must submit a statement of purpose as well as a list of leaders and members. The request to become a section, accompanied by information identified in the criteria, will be submitted to the vice president of the New and Related Services Division. At the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Division’s Policy Committee, the request will be considered. Formal external organizations will not be considered sections of any division, although they can be recognized as a affiliate Division Associate.

  24. Board Action Requested • Approve the Task Force’s recommendations as presented in this report. • Sample motion: • I move to approve the Division Affiliate Task Force recommendations and policy updates as presented.

  25. Campaign Policies Review

  26. Summary of Changes The Committee recommends removing the permitted section of the old policies and instead list only those items that are prohibited. The Committee also clarified the confusion regarding “leadership position” and the campaigning that could or could not be done by individuals in leadership positions.

  27. Section Removed Permitted Campaign Activities • Material may only be distributed through free, electronic means such as email and social media. • Any candidate or a supporter of a candidate (including state associations and affiliate organizations) may speak personally to any other individual or group and ask for support in the election. • Candidates may ask supporters to write personal letters of support to colleagues on their behalf. Such letters must be distributed through electronic means. • Candidates may send an email blast to division/members via ACTE headquarters. Candidates are allowed to submit uniform emails to ACTE for ACTE to distribute to relevant members through the e-blast system. The e-blast will include all candidates’ information.

  28. Updates • The following policies have been set forth to regulate campaigning procedures. These campaigning procedures apply to the candidate at all stages of the application/nomination/voting process, supporter of a candidate, state associations and affiliate organizations: • Guidelines for Election of President • Prohibited Campaign Activities • Negative campaigning is not allowed. • Campaign material that is not distributed through free, electronic means such as email and social media, is prohibited.  • The development of any printed material such as, but not limited to, campaign brochures, flyers, posters or any other type of physical, non-electronic material by candidates or their supporters is strictly forbidden. • Sales and promotional gimmicks such as campaign buttons or other giveaways are forbidden. • Following the nomination for a position, candidates who are current board members, policy committee members, standing committee members or in other national ACTE leadership positions should not be provided visibility opportunities beyond those typical of their normal duties.

  29. Board Action Requested • Approve the recommended campaign policy changes as presented. • Sample motion: • I move to approve the recommended campaign policy changes as presented.

  30. Board Policy Revisions

  31. Renewals • ACTE has a policy that all policies need to be reviewed and reconfirmed or deleted after five (5) years.  Several policies are up for review in 2019; it is recommended that all of the eligible policies be renewed. Since there are so many policies up for renewal, please see the Board Policy Manual with track changes to view the proposed renewals. • However, the one 2014 policy that Staff does not recommend updating is VIII.1a, which is addressed in the Division Affiliate Task Force report for review and consideration

  32. New Policies • Notification of Outreach Activities • Any group, such as but not limited to Committees, Task Forces, Divisions, or Regions, must notify ACTE staff of requests for sponsorships, exchange of funds or in-kind contributions prior to conducting outreach activities.  

  33. New Policies • Region and Division Policy Manual Review • The Region and Division Vice Presidents will review their policy manuals at least every three (3) years.

  34. Updates to Current Policies • Board Liaisons • VI.5 The board may invite organizations and governmental agencies to designate a liaison to the board. Individuals may also be invited to serve as liaisons to the board. During its spring meeting, the board will determine if any organization, governmental agencies and/or individuals should be invited to liaison status for the next ACTE fiscal year. Invitations are extended for one year, and may be renewed at the discretion of the board. Liaisons may participate in allinvited portions of board and board subcommittee deliberations, except executive sessions. Board liaisons do not have voting privileges. Liaisons or the organization/agency represented are responsible for expenses incurred to attend board meetings. (12/03), (7/07), (7/12), (7/17)

  35. Updates to Current Policies • Board Code of Conduct • Board members shall carry out their responsibilities in good faith with reasonable care, honesty and due diligence. Board members shall be informed, actively participate in board discussions, regularly attend board meetings, be responsible for setting ACTE’s strategic direction, fulfill requests and tasks in a timely manner, and respond in a timely manner to communications.

  36. Removal of Policy • VIII.14C With the approval of the division policy committee, interest groups may be created to engage and serve member needs at the division level. (3/14)

  37. Board Action Requested • Approve the updated policies as presented in this report and the draft policy manual. • Sample motion: • I move to approve the Board Policy Manual Revisions as presented.

  38. Updates to Current Policies XVI.10 The Resolutions Committee meets through audio and/or web conferencing after this date the submission deadline to determine whether each resolution will move forward. During this meeting, the Committee may clarify or amend resolutions as long as the original intent is maintained, synthesize related resolutions, and identify other ACTE leadership bodies that may have a stake in the issues addressed by the resolutions for consultation, including legal review as needed. The committee should consider whether the resolution meets the intended purpose, is aligned with the priorities of the organization, is timely and is important to the field. The Resolutions Committee may decline to approve a resolution if it deems such action in the best interest of ACTE. (12/08), (7/13) , (7/18)

  39. XVI.11 All Resolutions approved by the Resolutions Committee resolutionsand their background materials must be submitted to ACTE board of directors as a package by July 1. Resolutions not submitted to the board as part of the package may be forwarded as separate recommendations to the board of directors and/or standing committees. (12/08), (7/13) , (7/18)

  40. XVI.12 The board of directors considers all resolutions at the July meeting. In accordance with the ACTE Bylaws, the Board then submits refers Board approved resolutions to the Assembly of Delegates with “do pass” or “do not pass” recommendations, which include comments or concerns. The Board of Directors may decline to approve a resolution if it deems such action in the best interest of ACTE. (12/08), (7/13) , (7/18)

  41. XVI.13 Board approved resolutions with background materials are posted on ACTE website and are distributed electronically to divisions, regions and state associations no later than July 30 of each year for discussion. (12/08), (7/13) , (7/18)

  42. XVI.14 During the annual CareerTech VISION, the Resolutions Committee will hold an open meeting to discuss the proposed Board approved resolutions. Any amendments or new resolutionsproposed for consideration at this time must be submitted to the Resolutions Committee by 4:00 p.m. on the opening day of the CareerTech VISION, and must include a rationale for their urgent consideration, justifying the circumvention of the normal review process. After the open meeting, the Committee will meet to finalize a set of resolutions to be submitted to the Assembly of Delegates. The Committee will limit any changes to those that are of a critical nature, and will table other submissions until the next year’s process. The Resolutions Committee may decline to approve an amendment if it deems such action in the best interest of ACTE. (12/08), (7/13), (7/10), (7/15), (3/19)

  43. XVI.16 Resolutions not submitted to the Committee by the deadline, or not approved by the Committee, may be considered on the floor of the Assembly of Delegates — only as amendments to resolutions properly before the Assembly. (12/08), (7/13) , (7/18)

  44. Board Action Requested • Approve the updated policies as presented in this report, to go into effect after VISION 2019. Sample motion: • I move to approve the updated Resolutions process policies as presented, and for these new policies to go into effect after VISION 2019.

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