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Between Knowledge and Accessibility: Research and University/Industry Collaboratio n Dr Silvia Florea Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Vilnius, Oct. 22-24 2009. advance of knowledge in interdisciplinary projects circulation of knowledge more widely growing university/industry collaboration
Between Knowledge and Accessibility: Research and University/Industry CollaborationDr Silvia FloreaLucian Blaga University of SibiuVilnius, Oct. 22-24 2009
advance of knowledge in interdisciplinary projects • circulation of knowledge more widely • growing university/industry collaboration • increased targeting of state research funding • movement towards “big science” projects
university/industry collaboration • research commercialization • boost non-state sources of revenue • enhance the quality of academic programs • increase efficiency
United States • industry funding for university research and development in science and engineering (between 1980 and 2000) nearly doubled as a percentage of total university research dollars, from 4% to almost 8 %.(NSB, 2002). • high profile collaborations: Univ. of California at Berkeley and Novartis (1998)-5 year agreement Stanford, Exxon Mobil and three other firms ( 2003)-10 year agreement
Europe • invention disclosures (25%) • patent applications (53%) • patent grants (36%) commercialization • start-ups established (45%) promotion
Barriers of European HE institutions • initiatives designed in national perspective • no trans-national dimension of knowledge transfer • prohibition for public-sector researchers to be involved in the creation of spin-offs • lack of information
Romania • reduction of public funds • pressure to secure alternative funding • partnership institutionalization • the Reform Program of HE and UR RO-4096 (1996 -2002) Total: 84 mil USD European Union- USD 9.6 million World Bank -USD 50 million Government contribution -USD 24.4 million
National University Research Council (NURC) • main Romanian funding organization for university and postgraduate research programs • consultancy body of the Ministry of Education and Research • the interface between the university research community and the Ministry of Education • plays an important role in: - evaluation of scientific research performance - funneling research funds
Building Industry-University Collaborations at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu • teaching, research and public service • Centers: The Quality Research Centre The services it offers are: -research for improving product and service quality; -establishing partnerships for taking part in national and international research projects, financed by the EU, WB etc.; -consulting for developing and implementing quality systems; -training in the field of quality for all kinds of staff (inspectors, quality managers, internal auditors etc.); -renting facilities and equipment; -consulting for improving efficiency of activities, products and services.
Recent collaborations: • Developing the documentation regarding quality and implementing the quality system at S.C. Poliflex SRL (now being certified). • Developing the documentation regarding quality and implementing the quality system at S.C. FOORI SRL Sibiu (Romanian-German firm, ISO 9002 certified - Romanian Railway Certificate). • Developing the documentation regarding quality and implementing the quality system at S.C SAFA SRL Sibiu (ISO 9001 certified - SIMTEX). • Developing the documentation regarding quality and implementing the quality system at the Regional Centre for Professional Training of Elected Representatives and Civil Servants of the Local Public Administration (now being certified). • Developing the documentation regarding quality and implementing the quality system at S.C. RETEZAT SA Sibiu (ISO 9001 certified). • Training over 180 specialists in the Quality Management (COMPA, POLIFLEX, PHOENIX MECANO MOULD, KRUPP BILLSTEIN COMPA, KRUPP COMPA SPRINGS, KUHNKE RELEE, MULTIMEDIA CAPITAL etc.).