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Contributions à la génération de tests à base de contraintes Arnaud Gotlieb INRIA Rennes, France SIMULA Oslo, Norway. Soutenance d’habilitation, 12/12/2011. Embedded Software Testing. Java Card - Oberthur. HVAC - Thales. TCAS - Airbus. Saturn C90 – Cisco Norway.
Contributions à la génération de tests à base de contraintes Arnaud Gotlieb INRIA Rennes, France SIMULA Oslo, Norway Soutenance d’habilitation, 12/12/2011
Embedded Software Testing Java Card - Oberthur HVAC - Thales TCAS - Airbus Saturn C90 – Cisco Norway BCE Rafale – Dassault Electronics • Critical software developmentinvolvesstrong V&V requirements: • At system testinglevel, safety-relatedproperties have to bechecked • Atintegrationtestinglevel, HW/SW integrationfailures must bedetected • At unit testinglevel, programmingfaults must bedetected and removed • Attheselevels, conformance to software certification standards isenforced Several (complementary) techniques at the unit level (code level): software model-checking static-analysis based verification software testing and Constraint-Based Testing…
Model-based Testing Spec. / Model Test case generation Code-based Testing Correct ? Test set implementation Execution Verdict: pass / fail Software Testing
Spec. / Model Constraint generation Constraint solving Constraint model Test set Implementation Execution Verdict: pass / fail Constraint-Based Testing
Constraint-Based Testing (CBT) Constraint-Based Testing (CBT) is the process of generating test cases against a testing objective by using constraint solving techniques Introduced 20 years ago by Offut and DeMillo in(Constraint-based automatic test data generation IEEE TSE 1991)Developed in the context of code-based testing and model-based testing Lots of Research works and tools !
CBT: main tools CEA - List (Osmose S. Bardin P.Herrmann) Univ. of Madrid (PET M. Gomez-Zamalloa, E. Albert, G. Puebla) Univ. of Stanford (EXE D. Engler, C. Cadar, P. Guo) Univ. of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (CPBPV M. Rueher, H. Collavizza, P.V. Hentenryck) INRIA - Celtique(Euclide, JAUT A. Gotlieb, F. Charreteur) … Tools withexternalindustrial usage : GATEL (CEA B. Marre, since 2004) Test Designer (Smartesting B. Legeard, since 2003) PEX (Microsoft P. de Halleux, N. Tillmann, since 2009) Tools withinternalindustrial usage : InkaV1 (Dassault A. Gotlieb, B. Botella, in 2001) PathCrawler (CEA N. Williams, since 2004) SAGE (Microsoft P. Godefroid, since 2010)
f (int x1, int x2, int x3) { if(x1 == x2 && x2 ==x3) if(x3==x1*x2) ... } The automatic test data generation problem (1) • Select either a path, branch, source code element, or testing criterion • Generate a test input or a test set that covers the element • Predict the expected outputs (i.e., reachability problem in infinite-state systems) Solving this problem would have broad industrial impact: • increase software quality and reliability through better code coverage and more systematic test inputs generation; • decrease testing costs through augmented automation; • automate conformance to Software Certification Standards as they require covering testing criteria (e.g., DO-178C, ISO 2626-1,…) ;
f (int x1, int x2, int x3) { if(x1 == x2 && x2 ==x3) if(x3==x1*x2) ... } The automatic test data generationproblem (2) Given a location k in a program under test, generate a test input that reaches k Reachabilityproblem in infinite-state systemsisundecidable in general! Evenwhenaddingbounds, hard combinatorialproblem UsingRandomTesting, Prob{ reack k} = 2 over 232 232 232 = 2-95 = 0.00000…1. Constraintsolving techniques are required! • Loops (i.e., infinite-state systems) and infeasible paths • Pointers, dynamic structures, higher-order computations (virtual calls) • Floating-point computations, modular computations
Our thesissincefiveteenyears: ConstraintProgramming techniques caneffectively and efficientlyaddresstheseproblems Illustratedwith2selected contributions in mytoday’s talk: 1) Constraint-based program exploration for automatic test data generation 2) Constraints over memorymodelsfor testing pointer programs
Motivations Constraint-based program exploration for automatic test data generation(contribution 1) Constraints over memory modelsfor testing pointer programs(contribution 2) Conclusions and furtherwork Outline
value of i to reach e ? e A reacheability problem a f( int i, … ) { a. j = 100; while( i > 1) b. { j++ ; i-- ;} … d. if( j > 500) e.… t f b … d t f
e Backtrack ! Path-oriented exploration f( int i, … ) { a. j = 100; while( i > 1) b. { j++ ; i-- ;} … d. if( j > 500) e.… a t f b … 1. Path selection e.g., (a-b)14-…-d-e d t 2. Pathcondition generation (via symbolicexec.) j1=100, i1>1, j2=j1+1, i2=i1-1, i2>1,…, j15>500 f 3. Pathcondition solvingunsatisfiable FAIL Even without loops, #pathsis exponential with #decisions
e Constraint-based program exploration f( int i, … ) { a. j = 100; while( i > 1) b. { j++ ; i-- ;} … d. if( j > 500) e.… a t f b … 1. Constraint model generation d t 2. Control dependenciesgeneration; j1=100, i3≤ 1, j3 > 500 f 3. Constraint model solvingj1 j3entailed unroll the loop 400 times i1 in 401 .. 231-1 No backtrack !
Constraint-based program exploration (Contribution 1) - Based on a constraint model of the whole program (i.e., eachstatementisseen as a relation )- Constraintreasoning over control structures- Requires to builddedicatedconstraintsolvers: * propagation queue management withpriorities * specificpropagators and meta-constraints * structure-aware labelling heuristics Prototype toolimplementation: Euclide (Gotlieb ICST’09)
i1 in -4..2 no i1= 3 ? i1 in -5..3 i*=++i; /* i2 = (i1+1) 2*/ i2in5..16 ? i2 = 9 ? i2 = 7 ? i2 = 16 Assignment as Constraint Viewing an assignment as a relation requires to normalize expressions and rename variables (through single assignmentlanguages, e.g. SSA) i*=++i ;i2 = (i1+1)2 Using finite-domains bound-consistency filtering:
Statements as constraints • Type declaration: signed long x; x in -231..231-1 • Assignments: i*=++i ; i2 = (i1+1)2 • Memory and arrayaccesses and updates: v=A[i] ( or p=Mem[&p] ) variations of element/3 • Control structures: dedicatedmeta-constraints(interface, awakening conditions and filteringalgorithms)Conditionnals (SSA)if D then C1;elseC2 iteLoops (SSA)whileD do C w
Conditional as meta-constraint: ite/6 if( x > 0 ) 0 j1 = 5; 1 2 j2 = 18; 3 = …. j3 … ite( x > 0, j1, j2, j3, j1 = 5, j2 = 18) iff x > 0 j1 = 5 j3 = j1 (x > 0) j2 = 18 j3 = j2 ( x > 0 j1 = 5 j3 = j1 ) (x > 0) j2 = 18 j3 = j2 ( (x > 0) j3 = j2 ) x > 0 j1 = 5 j3 = j1 Join( x > 0 j1 = 5 j3 = j1 , (x > 0) j1 = 18 j3 = j2 )
Loop as meta-constraint: w/5 v3 = ( v1 , v2 ) while( Dec ) 2 1 body 3 • w(Dec, V1, V2, V3, body) iff • DecV3V1 bodyV3V1 w(Dec, v2,vnew,v3, bodyV2Vnew) • DecV3V1 v3=v1(DecV3V1 bodyV3V1 ) DecV3V1 v3=v1 • (DecV3V1 v3=v1) DecV3V1 bodyV3V1 w(Dec,v2,vnew,v3,bodyV2Vnew) • join(DecV3V1 bodyV3V1 w(Dec,v2,vnew,v3,bodyV2Vnew) , DecV3V1 v3=v1)
f( int i ) { j = 100; while( i > 1) { j++ ; i-- ;} … if( j > 500) … no i = 23, j1=100 ? iin 401..231-1 j1 = 100,j3> 500 ? i3 = 10 ? i3 = 1, j3 = 122 • w(Dec, V1, V2, V3, body) :- • DecV3V1 bodyV3V1 w(Dec, v2,vnew,v3, bodyV2Vnew) • DecV3V1 v3=v1(DecV3V1 bodyV3V1 ) DecV3V1 v3=v1 • (DecV3V1 v3=v1) DecV3V1 bodyV3V1 w(Dec,v2,vnew,v3,bodyV2Vnew) • join(DecV3V1 bodyV3V1 w(Dec,v2,vnew,v3,bodyV2Vnew , DecV3V1 v3=v1) w(i3 > 1, (i,j1), (i2,j2), (i3,j3), j2 = j3 + 1 i2 = i3 - 1)
Features of constraint-based exploration • Specialmeta-constraintsimplementation for ite and w • By construction, w isunfoldedonlywhennecessarybut w may NOT terminate ! only a semi-correct test data generationprocedure • JoinisimplementedusingAbstract Interpretationoperators(e.g., interval-based union, weak-joinoperator, widening in Euclide) • Specialpropagatorsbased on linear-based relaxationsUsingLinearProgramming over rationals(i.e., Q_polyhedra) Abstraction-based relaxations
Duringconstraint propagation, constraintscanberelaxed in Abstract Domains (e.g., Q-Polyhedra, Octagons, …) Z = X * Y, X in a..b, Y in c..d d b a c Abstraction-based relaxations • { Z - Ya – Xc +ac ≥ 0, • Xd – Z –ad + aY ≥ 0, • bY – bc – Z + Xc ≥ 0, • bd – bY – Xd + Z ≥ 0, • a ≤ X ≤ b, c ≤ Y ≤ d} • To benefitfromspecializedalgorithm (e.g., simplex for linearconstraints) and capture global states of the constraint system • Requiresafe/correct over-approximation (to preservepropertysuch as:if the Q-Polyhedraisvoidthen the constraint system isunsatisfiable) • Q-Polyhedra in Euclide, implementingDynamicLinear Relaxation, propagation queue withpriorities
Joinoperationscanberealized by convexhull, but usuallytoocostly ! In Euclide, wetookadvantage of the weak-join of Q_polyhedra(based on simplex calculations) Abstraction-based relaxations:weak-joinoperator(Sankaranarayanan et al. VMCAI’06) A B
Abstraction-based relaxations:weak-joinoperator(Sankaranarayanan et al. VMCAI’06) A B
Abstraction-based relaxations:weak-join operator (Sankaranarayanan et al. VMCAI’06) A B
Constraint-based program exploration(summary of contribution 1) Foundations of the approach(GotliebBotellaRueher ISSTA’98, CL’2000) Abstraction-based relaxation (DenmatGotliebDucassé ISSRE’07) Global constraint w, extendedwithwidenning (DenmatGotliebDucassé CP’07) Euclide: A Constraint-basedtestingplatform for C (Gotlieb ICST’09) Application on the TCAS case study(Gotlieb KER Journal 2011)*** PhDThesis of Tristan Denmat(Defense in June2007)Post-doc of Pierre Rousseau (2007-2008) *** Prototype toolsimplementation: Taupo(INRIA T. Denmatin 2007), Euclide (INRIA A. Gotlieb in2009)
Constraints over memorymodels for testing pointer programs(contribution 2) How to applyconstraint-basedreasoning over statementlike *p := *p+1 ? p Thenfail or exception a p Thena2 = a1+1 *p := *p + 1 p a Thena2 = a1+1 or b2 = b1+1 b p Thenp2 = p1+1, meaningthatp nowrefers to the nextmemory location
Our propositions How to represent abstract memories and to reason on them ? 1) Constraintreasoning over Memory, as a set of graphs (Gotlieb et al., IST 2007) a2 an a1 .... p Constraintreasoning over Memory, as a structured set of unboundedarrays (Charreteur et al., JSS 2009)
Exploiting points-to informations for modeling use/def of dereferenced pointers Pointer Static Single Assignmentform x1 p ... xn Use of a dereferenced pointer: Def of a dereferenced pointer: Memory as a set of graphs
Global constraintsto represent pointer dereferencing Def of a dereferenced pointer: combinator_d Use of a dereferenced pointer: combinator_u X = *P ; istrueiffi such as P = Pi X = Vi *P = Exp; istrueiffi such asP = Pi Xi = Exp {Xj = Vj} ji NB: When P = 0 (invalidaddress) thenu and dfailor throw an exception
t next Weaknesses of this Memory model • Requires a preliminary points-to analysis that may be too imprecise when dynamic (de-)allocation is involved • Pointers as function inputs, can point to anything on the heap • Some conditions may constrain the shape of dynamic data structures. How to handle this in a constraint solver ? constrains t to int P(struct cell * t) { if( t == t->next ) { …
Memory, as a structured set of unboundedarrays V : integer within a finite domain Type : 16,32,64 bits, signed, unsigned dom : {possible values} Min .. Max TAB : tableau status: closed or not cont. : { @i – Vi, …} V : float within an interval Type : float (32), double (64) dom. : Min .. Max • M : memory • Integers : TABi • Floats : TABf • Pointers : TABp • Structures : [S1,S2,..] V:pointer possibly_null : yes, no dom : {possibles values} nondom : {non-possible values} S : structure status : closed or not cont. : {@i}
C program Constraints store i = i + 1 -----------------------------------> load_elt(@i, I1, M1) I2 = I1 + 1 store_elt(@i, I2, M1,M2) *p = 3 ------------------------------------> load_elt(@p, P1, M2) DP1 = 3 store_elt(P1,DP1,M2,M3) Everystatementisinterpreted as constraints over Memory states
M1 : Status : not closed Includes : i – Vi j – Vj k – Vk … M2 : Status : not closed Includes : i – Vi’ j – Vj’ k – Vk’ … Store_elt P : Domain pointer {i,j} V: Domain Integer 1.. 5 store_elt(P,V,M1,M2)
M1 : Status : not closed Includes : i – Vi 1.. 2 j – Vj 5.. 9 k – Vk 2 … M2 : Status : not closed Includes : i – Vi’ 3..6 j – Vj’ 7..18 k – Vk’ ? … Store_elt P : Domain pointer {i, j} V: Domain Integer 1.. 5 store_elt(P,V,M1,M2) Automaticdeductionsafter the constraint propagation step: P = i, V = Vi’ in 3..5, Vj = Vj’ in 7..9, Vk = Vk’ =2
Awake Model for the definition of a new constraint success exit SVAR ConstraintsStore Suspend fail failure reduce
store_elt(P,V,M1,M2) If( dom(P) = {p} and p != Null ) then add( M2[p] = V) and .. If( M2[i] != M1[i] ) then add( P = i and M2[i]=V) and .. success SVAR ConstraintsStore Awake Suspend If( dom(V) = or dom(P) = ) then fail If( dom(P) = {p} and p = Null) then fail reduce failure dom(P) {i / dom(M2[i] dom(V) != } dom(V) idom(P) dom(M2[i]) dom(M1[i]) dom(M2[i]) dom(M1[i])if( i dom(P) ) dom(M2[i]) dom(M1[i]) dom(M2[i])if( i dom(P) ) dom(M2[i]) dom(M1[i] dom(V)) otherwise
Constraints over memorymodels for testing pointer programs(summary of contribution 2) Constraintreasoning over Memory as graphs (GotliebDenmatBotella ASE’05, COMPSAC’05, IST’07) Memory, as a structured set of unboundedarrays(GotliebBotella ICCSEA’06, Charreteur et al. TAIC-PART’07, JSS 2010) Extension to Bytecode Java, inheritance and polymorphism (CharreteurGotlieb, ISSRE’10) *** PhDThesis of Florence Charreteur (Defense in March 2010) *** Prototype toolsimplementation: Inka V1 (Dassault A.Gotlieb, B.Botella, in 2001)InKaV2(Dassault A. Gotlieb, B.Botella in 2006), JAUT (INRIA F. Charreteur, in 2010)
SymmetricTesting: usingsymmetries to test programs (Gotlieb ISSRE’03, Gotlieb Bernard QSIC’06) Constraints over floating-point variables(BotellaGotlieb Michel STVR 2006, Carlier Gotlieb ICTAI’11) Probabilisticconstraintreasoning for statisticaltesting - New probablisticconstraintcombinators(Petit Gotlieb CP’07, QSIC’07) - Statistical test case generation(Gotlieb Petit RT’06, JSS 2009) Explanation-basedgeneralization of infeasiblepaths in DynamicSymbolicExecution(Delahaye BotellaGotlieb ICST’10, TSE in revision) Testingconstraint programs withconstraints(LazaarGotliebLebbah CP’10, Constraints Journal, ICST’11) Whatwasleftapart:
ConstraintProgrammingisworth to Software Testing automation:In this talk, 2 main contributions to the domain of CBT:- Constraint-based program exploration (w)- Constraints over memory models for testing pointer programs Stronglyinvolved in the development of 3 Research prototype tools :Euclide, Inka and FPSE (more than 30KLOC Prolog, Java, C) Researchprojects: ACI V3F, ANR CAT/U3CAT, ANR CAVERN… Applications to the testing of embedded software Conclusions Java Card - Oberthur TCAS - Airbus BCE Rafale – Dassault Electronics
Emerging concept in code- and model-basedautomatic test data gener. ConstraintProgramming techniques offers:- Global constraintsmodelling to handlecontrol and data structures (whilepure SAT-solvingdoes not workwell in thatcontext) - Versatility and flexibility of CP (while pure LP or SMT approaches are veryrigid). Handles non-linearconstraints over finitedomains. - Generic techniques to implement new solvers, with abstraction-based relaxation, even if unsatisfiabilitydetection has to beimproved by combining techniques (e.g., SMT/CP) Mature tools (academic and industrial) alreadyexist, but application on real-sizedindustrial cases still have to bedemonstrated ConclusionsConstraint-BasedTesting
Arrayconstraintsolving.A combined SMT/CP approachfor solvingconstraintswitharrays and arithmetics. Constraintsolver CCFD and large experimental validation over random formulas.joint workwith S. Bardinfrom CEA Constraint-BasedTestingfromfeaturemodels, in the context of the testing of highly-configurable systemsPhD A. HervieuVALVES project Furtherwork HVAC - Thales Saturn C90 – Cisco Norway
Thankyou! • PhDstudentsTristan Denmat, Matthieu Petit, Florence Charreteur, Mickael Delahaye, NadjibLazaar, Aymeric Hervieu • Post-docSandrine Gouraud, Pierre Rousseau, Matthieu Carlier • Co-authorsOlivier Lhomme, Michel Rueher, Claude Michel, Yahia Lebbah, Michel Leconte, Mireille Ducassé, Bernard Botella, Patrick Taillibert, Franck Calvet, Bruno Marre , Benjamin Blanc, Frédéric Dadeau, Nicky Williams, Catherine Dubois, Patrick Bernard, Matthieu Wattel, Benoit Baudry, Sébastien Bardin, Lionel Briand
Constraintsolving over floating-point expr. for testingnumerical programs (Contribution 3) • Numerical programs used in embeddedsystemscontain lots of floating-point computations • - Automatic test data generationthroughsymbolicexecutionischallenging for those programs as: * floating-point computations exhibit round-off errors Absorption (Xf + == Xf), Cancellation( Xf-Yf==K.( X-Y ) when K>>1* floating-point variables are currentlyhandled as reals or rationals inconstraintsolvers (even if floating-point numbers are used)
On the reals :x (0,10000) On the floats : no solution ! An illustrative program float foo( float x) { float y = 1.0e12, z ; 1. if( x < 10000.0 ) 2. z = x + y; 3. if( z > y) 4. … Is the path 1-2-3-4 feasible ? Path conditions: x < 10000.0 x + 1.0e12 > 1.0e12
On the reals : no solution On the floats: x (0, 32767.99…) Conversely, float foo( float x) { float y = 1.0e12, z ; 1. if( x > 0.0 ) 2. z = x + y; 3. if( z == y) 4. … Is the path 1-2-3-4 feasible ? Path conditions: x > 0.0 x + 1.0e12 = 1.0e12 Our approach: to builda dedicatedconstraintsolver over the floats, able to capture floating-point solutions Prototype tool: FPSE (BotellaGotlieb Michel STVR 2006, Carlier Gotlieb 2011)
Notations:with[a add b] representingnear(a + b)Illustrated for the near-to-evenrounding mode only Our approach to solveFP constraints:IntervalPropagation over FP variables a+ x mid(a,a+) near(x) a a-
Floating-point projections - Direct and indirect projections for the assignment:proj(r, r:= a add b) (direct) [r := aaddb] leads to proj(a, r:= a add b) (1st indirect)proj(b,r := a add b) (2nd indirect) - Direct projections (over numericfpnumbers):If Ir= [rl,rh], Ia = [al,ah] and Ib = [bl,bh] then[r := aaddb][rl’,rh’] [aladdbl, ahaddbh] [rl,rh][r := asubsb][rl’,rh’] [al subsbh, ahsubsbl] [rl,rh] ...
Ex: Direct projection [r := a add b] rh’ min(ahadd bh, rh) impossible rl’ max(aladd bl, rl) impossible Monotony of rounding :r1 r2 near(r1) near(r2) rh ah bh bl al rl IEEE-754 accuracyproperty
More complex : indirect projections If Ir= [rl,rh], Ia = [al,ah] and Ib = [bl,bh] then 1st indirect projection of [r := a add b] [al’,ah’] [mid(rl,rl-) subsbh, mid(rh,rh+) subsbl] [al,ah]1st indirect projection of [r := a subs b] [al’,ah’] [mid(rl,rl-) addbl, mid(rh,rh+) addbh] [al,ah] 2nd indirect projection of [r := a subs b] [bl’,bh’] [alsubsmid(rh,rh+), ahsubsmid(rl,rl-)] [bl,bh]
Ex: 1st indirect projection [r := a add b] impossible ah’ min(mid(rh,rh+) subsbl, ah) al’ max( mid(rl, rl-) subsbh, al) not optimal, but computable withnear-to-even ah rh+ rh IEEE-754 accuracyproperty bh bl rl rl- al