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Asset Recovery Process in Turkiye

This text provides a chronology of the asset recovery process in Turkey, including the implementation of laws, establishment of the Proceeds of Crime Unit, and developments in the financial crimes division. It also discusses the statistics on seized assets and the challenges of asset identification and tracing.

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Asset Recovery Process in Turkiye

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  1. Asset Recovery Process in Turkiye M.Murat YAŞAR, Phd, Police Chief 14-15 December 2011, Ankara TAIEX Seminar on Asset Recovery Offices

  2. Chronology of Asset Recovery in Turkiye • 2005 Criminal Law containing asset recovery provisions and Criminal Porocedure Law containing securing & seizure of assets subject to recovery comes into force • 2005-2007, EU Twinning Project on Financal Sources of Crime, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Project Completed, • 2007 Proceeds of Crime Unit established • 2009 Financial Investigator Training program started (171), recruitment policy changed

  3. Chronology of Asset Recovery in Turkiye • Turkey promises to adopt 2007/845/JHA, Coordination by Ministry of Justice (MOJ), Free Movement of Capital Chapter • 2010 MOJ; Ministry of Interior(MOI), Ministry of Finance (MOF) 2 Interministrial Meetings • 2010 TAIEX Seminar on Asset Recovery; MOJ, MOI, MOF, Italian, German and Spanish experts • 2011 Financial Crimes and Proceeds of Crime Division established • 2011 MOI becomes a CARIN member

  4. EL KOYMA İSTATİSTİKLERİ Gayrimenkul ve Araç İstatistikleri Mali Suçlar ve Suç Gelirleriyle Mücadele Şube Müdürlüğü 4

  5. EL KOYMA İSTATİSTİKLERİ Nakit Para İstatistikleri Mali Suçlar ve Suç Gelirleriyle Mücadele Şube Müdürlüğü 5

  6. EL KOYMA İSTATİSTİKLERİ Kıymetli Evrak İstatistikleri Mali Suçlar ve Suç Gelirleriyle Mücadele Şube Müdürlüğü 6

  7. Assets subject to recovery • 2007/845/JHA ….for the purposes of the facilitation of thetracing and identification of proceeds of crime and other crimerelated propertywhichmaybecometheobject of a freezing, seizureorconfiscationorder • «Proceeds of crime and other crimerelated property», «assets» arelisted in CriminalLawArticles 54, 55: • Material benefits; • Obtained through the commission of a crime: • Constituting the subject of a crime • Provided for the commission of acrime • Economic proceeds obtained by the investment or conversion of materialbenefits • Propertiesused in orallocatedforcommission of a deliberateoffence

  8. Identification & Tracing of Assets • General principles: • Criminal asset confiscation: No civil forfeiture • No extended criminal asset confiscation “In dubio pro reo”: No reversal of or sharing the burden of proof • No special provision in Criminal Procedure Law • Identification methods • Physical & electronic search • Physical & electronic surveillance • Wiretapping • Undercover Officers • Financial Documentation, etc.

  9. Identification & Tracing of Assets • Similarmethodstoidentify • Tracing of financialevidence is burdensome • Toomanyinstitutions • Somedatabasesdon’texist • No accesstomost of thedatabases • Time consumingwrittencorrespondence, problems in compilation & analysis of data • No accesstoSTRs

  10. Facilitation of Identification & Tracing of Assets • 2007/845/JHA ….for the purposes of the facilitation of thetracing and identification of proceeds of crime and other crimerelated property whichmaybecometheobject of a freezing, seizureorconfiscationorder

  11. Facilitation of Identification & Tracing of Assets • Legal problemsconcerningconfiscation & seizureshould be addressed • ARO Authorizationprocessshould be completed • Access toinformationproblemsshould be solved.

  12. ThankYou, • M.Murat YAŞAR, • myasar@kom.gov.tr

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