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This report focuses on the identification of key technologies in the Lorraine region from 2000 to 2005. It includes the determination of opportunities, industrial demand analysis, and estimation of research potential. The report also highlights the competitive position and diffusion means for technology adoption, leading to the preparation of an action plan.
STRATIN.C. FORESIGHT EXERCISE IN LORRAINE KEY TECHNOLOGIES 2000/2005 Pierre BOURGOGNE Director of innovation Regional council of Lorraine TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Determination of the fields opportunities potential identification of main technologies in Lorraine · Face to face interviews Analyse of the industrial demand and · Estimation of the potential of of research & technology offer enterprises creation in Lorraine · Definition of strategic criteria Identification of the major technologies for Lorraine Consensus building Determination of major technologies (working groups) · · Analyse of the competitive position Diffusion means and competitive situation · Analyse of the means and tools for the technological diffusion Preparation of the action plan TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Evaluation criteria (1) • Internal criteria • adequacy to the regional scientific potential • adequacy to the regional education potential • adequacy to the regional industrial potential • adequacy to the regional specificities TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Evaluation criteria (2) • External criteria • effects on jobs • financial effects • industrial effects • economical effects • environnemental & societal effects • technological effects TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
What is a key technology ? Valorisation of advanced scientific & technological competences Demand of the existing industrial fabric CHOICE Positioning on emerging and promising markets Missing links TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Captors • Computer aided small series manufacturing • Eco-building • Agro-food engineering Technologies • Non-toxic glues • Process safety The short term report 4,00 7 3,50 45 39 6 60 70 1 48 59 2 12 Mécatronic techn. 72 Designing advanced techn. 53 18 55 16 Rapid manuf. and tooling 3,00 29 External criteria 51 54 62 Sustainable development techn. 46 4 50 17 41 Surface engineering 61 20 19 26 73 3 58 42 Food safety and quality 67 52 34 68 Industrial valoris. of agro prod. 21 30 8 14 74 36 44 ICTs 63 66 71 2,50 38 37 5 15 Advanced materials 11 64 27 56 65 40 43 35 Medical techn. 9 49 31 57 22 Process engineering techn. 47 69 13 24 23 10 28 2,00 25 33 32 Internal criteria 1,50 4,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Smart captors • Computer aided small series manufacturing • Eco-building • Agro-food engineering Technologies • Non toxic glues • Process safety The short term report 4 3,5 3 2,5 5 4 1 6 2 3 TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005 2,5 3 3,5 4
Smart captors • Eco-bâtiment • Food process engineering techn. • On-toxic glues • management and evaluation tools for the environmental and health risks • Process safety • Testing and measuring systems • Composites with a matrix made of vegetable fibers • Traceability The long term podium 4,00 29 39 72 12 1 3,50 46 2 45 40 18 48 7 External criteria Critères externes 70 41 26 68 3,00 44 55 36 19 3 37 38 16 Mecatronic techn. 42 51 31 66 23 Advanced designing techn. 35 50 4 53 Rapid manufacturing and tooling 17 63 20 34 Sustainable development techn. 27 60 Surface engineering 2,50 52 22 54 49 13 59 14 Food safety and quality 28 21 5 64 47 Non-food indust. valorisation 8 69 30 ICTs 65 43 11 61 10 6 58 Advanced materials 67 62 24 Medical techn. 33 15 9 Processs engineering techn. 57 2,00 56 73 32 74 71 25 1,50 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 Internal criteria Critères internes TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
4 • 1 Smart captors • 2 Eco-bâtiment • 3 Food process engineering techn. • 4 Non-toxic glues • 5 Management and evaluation tools for the environmental and health risks • 6 Process safety • 7 Testing and measuring systems • 8 Composites with a matrix made of vegetable fibers • 9 Traceability The long term podium 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1 8 3 9 6 7 TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005 2,5 3 3,5 4
Selection of 29 key technologies LEVEL 1: 5 KT Smart captors (4) Eco-building Non-toxic glues Food process engineering techn. Process afety Internal/external criteria , ST /LT > 3 LEVEL 2: 5 KT Short term Computer aided small series manufacturing (44) Long term Measuring and testing systems (30) Composites with organic matrices made of vegetable fibers Management and evaluation tools for environm. and health risks (76)traceability (89) Internal/external criteria , ST /LT < 3 LEVEL 3: 19 KT 19 Complementary technologies TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Technology transfer potential Competition level Market growth Scientific potential Education potential Industrial Entry ticket potential Fuel cells Eco-building Surface treatment engineering Non-food valorisation of agro-products Food quality security Mecatronics Advanced design technoologies Process engineering Rapid tooling and manufacturing Composites materials Fibers materials High temperatures materials TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
MID 2003 KEY TECHNOLOGIES EXERCICE LORRAINE SITUATION Fuel cells Process engineering Eco-building Surface treatment engineering Rapid tooling & manufacturing Non food from agro industry consolidation engine Food safety & quality Composite/advanced materials Mecatronic technologies Fibre/advanced materials Design advanced technologies High temperature materials nugget emergence TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Objectives of the second stage Identification of the 3 or 4 French regions in competition with Lorraine in each 12 key technologies clusters Mapping and hierarchisation of the technological competences in each selected regions Evaluation of the competitive position of Lorraine in comparison with the other French regions on the 12 key technologies clusters TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Rapid tooling and manufacturing Advanced materials / Composites Mecatronic technologies Advanced materials / fibres Advanced matrials / high temperatures Non-food valorisation of agro products Process engineering Eco building Fuel cells Adv. technos for processes & prod. design Food safety and quality Surface treatments and engineerng TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Technological clusters & Regions Number of Region Technologies technologies Process engineering Nord Pas de Calais 3 Non food valorisation of agro products Advanced materials/fibres Languedoc 1 Roussillon Process engineering Process engineering Rapid tooling and manufacturing Mecatronics technologies Design advanced technologies Fuel cells Rhône Alpes 9 Surface treatment and engineering Advanced materials/composites Advanced materials/fibres Advanced materials/high temperature Process engineering Rapid tooling and manufacturing Mecatronics technologies Ile de France 5 Fuel cells Non food valorisation of agro products Rapid tooling and manufacturing Eco building Midi Pyrénées 4 Advanced materials/composites Advanced materials/high temperature TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Technological clusters and Regions Number of Region Technologies technologies Rapid tooling and manufacturing Surface treatment and engineering Alsace 3 Non food valorisation of agro products Mecatronics technologies Fuel cells PACA 4 Eco building Advanced materials/fibres Mecatronics technologies Design advanced technologies Haute Normandie 3 Advanced materials/composites Design advanced technologies Fuel cells Franche Comté 3 Surface treatment and engineering Design advanced technologies Auvergne 2 Food safey and quality Bourgogne 1 Food safey and quality Bretagne 1 Food safey and quality Aquitaine 1 Eco building Champagne Surface treatement and engineering 2 Ardennes Advanced materials/fibres Picardie 1 Non food valorisation of agro products Basse Normandie 1 Advanced materials/composites Limousin 1 Advanced materials/high temperature Centre 1 Advanced materials/high temperature TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Advanced materials / Composites Code NAF : 25.2 Chiffres clés français Chiffres clés Lorraine Nombre d’entreprises : 10 063 (CT) + 140 (LT) Salariés : 1 092 672 (CT) + 24337 (LT) Nombre d’entreprises : 380 soit 4% Salariés : 48 160 soit 4% Secteur fournisseurs Secteur d’application Transformation des composites, Thermoplastique, Moules, Fonderies, chimie InnoPlast / Matra / Plastic omnium / Hutchinson / Acome / Unijecet / Gimm menuiseries / Construction aéronautique et automobile, bâtiment, loisirs, matériels ferroviaires,Biomédical, manufacture, médical, fibres, matériels électriques et électroniques Dassault/ Volvo / Bouygues / Vinci / Rossignol / France Centres de recherches : Ecoles des mines / INSA Lyon / PPE / PEP / Compositec / CETIM / SAINT GOBAIN (vetrotex) Procédés innovants: Développement de l’Estampage / Pultrusion / Analyse fonctionnel Autres faits Le marché se divise en deux : les matières premières (3.3 milliards € en France) , la transformation (2 078 M€) CA France : 15 % production européenne / All (28%) / Italie (18%) EXAMPLE ADVANCED MATERIALS / COMPOSITES TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Advanced materials / Composites Materiaux avancés / composites Nombre de salariés Nombre d'entreprises Court Terme Long Terme Court Terme Long Terme Régions Total % Total % Total % Total % France 859 548 100% 24 337 100% 6854 100% 140 100% Lorraine 37 847 4,40% 341 1,40% 264 3,85% 4 2,86% Midi Pyrénées 35 826 4,17% 313 1,29% 260 3,79% 5 3,57% Basse Normandie Utilisateur 26 415 3,07% 0 0,00% 167 2,44% 0 0,00% Haute Normandie 36 733 4,27% 625 2,57% 210 3,06% 4 2,86% Rhône Alpes 96 660 11,25% 4 873 20,02% 955 13,93% 15 10,71% Total Régions 233 481 27,16% 6152 25,28% 1 856 27,08% 28 20,00% France 233 124 100% 3 209 100% Lorraine 9 972 4,28% 112 3,49% Midi Pyrénées 4 749 2,04% 80 2,49% Basse Normandie 4 774 2,05% 82 2,56% Fournisseur Haute Normandie 14 091 6,04% 134 4,18% Rhône Alpes 41 874 17,96% 604 18,82% Total Régions 75 460 32,37% 1 012 31,54% Points atypiques: Rhône Alpes est largement en avance en termes de nombres de salariés (17,96%) et d’entreprises (18,82%). La Lorraine est comparable aux autres régions pour ce qui est du nombre d’utilisateurs, mais se distingue avec la Haute Normandie pour le nombre de fournisseurs. EXAMPLE ADVANCED MATERIALS / COMPOSITES TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Advanced materials / Composites Midi Pyrénées Rhône Alpes Haute Normandie Basse Normandie Lorraine Moyenne Nombre, CA, nombre d'emplois 4 1 3 2 5 3 des structures de transfert Nombre d'incubateurs, 27 25 8 12 14 17,2 pépinières d'entreprises, fonds Transfert de Technologies Budget consacré dans le CPER 0 2,28 1,66 0 0 0,788 pour ces domaines Liste des opérations ou 20 35 8 4 9 15,2 organisations Nombre d'emplois salariés 36 139 101 533 37 358 26 415 38 188 47926,6 (Utilisateur) Nombre d'emplois salariés 4 749 41 874 14 091 4 774 9 972 15092,0 (Fournisseur) Nombre d'entreprises 265 970 214 167 268 376,8 (Utilisateur) Nombre d'entreprises 80 604 134 82 112 202,4 (Fournisseur) Entreprises R&D (Utilisateur) 6 201 8 369 1 826 1 088 676 3632,1 R&D (Fournisseur) 328 1 500 753 70 382 606,7 DIRD (Utilisateur) 825 1 297 208 102 63 498,9 DIRD (Fournisseur) 26 132 68 5 35 53,2 Nombre de doctorants 373 875 167 93 209 343,4 EXAMPLE ADVANCED MATERIALS / COMPOSITES Nombre de chercheurs du 735 1780 248 190 597 710 secteur public Recherche Nombre de brevets 10 77 7 6 7 21,4 Nombre de formations 4 6 1 2 9 4,4 TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Advanced materials / Composites Technology transfer Critères Midi Pyrénées Rhône Alpes Haute Normandie Basse Normandie Lorraine Number, turn over, jobs Leader Weaknesses Opportunities Weaknesses Leader of TTstructures Number of incubators, nurseries founds Leader Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Weakneses founds Public budget (CPER) Weaknesses Leader Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Number of operations or organisations Leader Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Weaknesses Points atypiques: Midi Pyrénées et Rhône Alpes sont les 2 régions leader. Légère avance pour Rhône Alpes qui a inscrit cette technologie au CPER. Research and upper education Critères Midi Pyrénées Rhône Alpes Haute Normandie Basse Normandie Lorraine Number of PhD under preparation Opportunities Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Weaknesses Number of “public “ researchers Opportunities Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Weaknesses Number of patents Weaknesses Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Weaknesses Number of different diplomas Opportunities Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Leader Points atypiques: Rhône Alpes domine largement la recherche publique. Midi Pyrénées la seconde. Lorraine possède de nombreuses formations. EXAMPLE ADVANCED MATERIALS / COMPOSITES TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Adanced materials / Composites Analysis without Rhône-Alpes Points atypiques: La Lorraine est placée juste derrière la région Midi Pyrénées Haute-Normandie bien positionnée sur cette technologie (Réseau interrégional de recherche Matériaux, Polymères, Plasturgie(1,66 M € CPER) Technology transfer Critères Midi Pyrénées Haute Normandie Basse Normandie Lorraine Nombre, CA, nombre d'emplois Compétitorf Weaknesses Weaknesses Leader des structures de transfert Nombre d'incubateurs, pépinières Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Opportunities d'entreprises, fonds de soutien Budget consacré dans le CPER Weaknesses Leader Weaknesses weaknesses pour ces domaines Liste des opérations ou Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses weaknesses organisations Points atypiques: Research and upper education Lorraine et Midi-Pyrénées possèdent un bon réseau de recherche dédié aux composites, avec un léger avantage pour MP qui est le second pôle français de recherche sur les matériaux avancés. Critères Midi Pyrénées Haute Normandie Basse Normandie Lorraine Nombre de doctorants Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Opportunities Nombre de chercheurs du secteur Leader Weaknesses Weaknesses Leader public Nombre de brevets Leader Opportunities Weaknesses Opportunities Nombre de formations Opportunities Weaknesses Weaknesses Leader EXAMPLE ADVANCED MATERIALS / COMPOSITES TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Advanced materials / Composites Enterprises Critères Midi Pyrénées Rhône Alpes Haute Normandie Basse Normandie Lorraine Number of jobs Faiblesses Leader Faiblesses Faiblesses Faiblesses (users) Number of jobs Faiblesses Leader Opportunités Faiblesses Faiblesses (spplyers) Numer of enterprises (Users) Faiblesses Leader Faiblesses Faiblesses Faiblesses Number of enterprises Faiblesses Leader Faiblesses Faiblesses Faiblesses (supplyers) R&D (users) Leader Leader Faiblesses Faiblesses Faiblesses R&D (supplyers) Faiblesses Leader Compétitif Faiblesses Faiblesses DIRD (users) Leader Leader Faiblesses Faiblesses Faiblesses DIRD (supplyers) Faiblesses Leader Compétitif Faiblesses Faiblesses Points atypiques: Midi Pyrénées est la seule des 5 régions à pouvoir rivaliser au niveau de la recherche privée chez les utilisateurs avec la région Rhône Alpes.La région Haute Normandie reste quant à elle compétitive au niveau de la recherche et en termes de nombres d’emploi salariés. EXAMPLE ADVANCED MATERIALS / COMPOSITES TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Advanced materials / Composites Analyse without Rhône Alpes Points atypiques: La Lorraine est mise en avant au niveau de ses entreprises. En ce qui concerne la recherche privée, le niveau d’investissement y est élevé, alors que les effectifs sont faibles. Entreprises Critères Midi Pyrénées Haute Normandie Basse Normandie Lorraine Nombre d'emplois salariés Opportunités Opportunités Faiblesses Compétitif (Utilisateur) Nombre d'emplois salariés Faiblesses Leader Faiblesses Compétitif (Fournisseur) Nombre d'entreprises (Utilisateur) Compétitif Opportunités Faiblesses Compétitif Nombre d'entreprises Faiblesses Leader Faiblesses Opportunités (Fournisseur) R&D (Utilisateur) Leader Faiblesses Faiblesses Faiblesses R&D (Fournisseur) Leader Opportunités Faiblesses Opportunités DIRD (Utilisateur) Opportunités Faiblesses Faiblesses Leader DIRD (Fournisseur) Faiblesses Faiblesses Faiblesses Faiblesses EXAMPLE ADVANCED MATERIALS / COMPOSITES TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
MID 2004 Results – comparative situations Lorraine Technologies Leaders Competitor Opportunities Weaknesses Design advanced technologies 7 0 4 4 Advanced materials / high temperatures 7 0 3 6 Leader Process engineering 5 0 3 8 Advanceed materials / composites 4 3 5 4 Eco building 4 0 1 7 Food safety and quality 3 5 2 6 Surface treatment and engineering Competitor 2 5 3 6 Rapid tooling and manufacturing 1 4 4 7 Advanced materials / Fibres 2 1 8 5 Non-food valorisation of agro products 1 2 4 9 Opportunities Fuel cells 2 1 1 12 Mecatronic technologies 2 0 1 13 TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Strategy : Scenario 1 –1 • Weighing system : • Emphasising technologies over 30% / general mean • Same weight for the different functions • Short term technological strategy on excellences poles, low risk • Podium : • Design advanced technologies • Advanced materials /high temperatures • Eco building • Advanced materials / composites TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Strategy : Scenario 1 –2 • Weighing system : • Emphasising technologies between 10 & 30% / general mean • Same weight for the different functions • Middle term technological diversification strategy, average risk • Podium : • Food safety and quality • Surface treatment engineering • Rapid tooling and manufacturing • Advanced materials / composites TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Strategy : Scenario 1 – 3 • Weighing system : • Emphasising technologies between - 10 & 10% / general mean • Same weight for the different functions • More long term consolidation strategy on high potentiel technologies greater risk • Podium : • Advanced materials / fibres • Advanced material / composites • Advanced materials / hautes températures • Design advanced technologies TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Strategy : Scenario 2-1 • Weighing system : • Emphasising new current technologies (existing enterprises & short term development) • Same weight for the different functions • Consolidation strategy on close to the market technologies (job emphasising and development of turn over) • Podium : • Design advanced technologies • Advanced materials / composites • Advanced materials / high temperatures • Food safety and quality TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
Strategy : Scenario 2-2 • Weighing system : • Emphasising speculative technologies (strong R&D and development) • Same weight between technologies • Results emphasising emergence strategy of a materials pole • Same ranking as before for four technologies: • Designe advanced technologies • Advanced materials / composites • Advanced materials / high tempareture • Food safety and quality EARLY 2005 TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005
STRATIN.C. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION pierre.bourgogne@cr-lorraine.fr TENERIFE MEETING APRIL 17th & 18th 2005