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Active form of amino acids in plants and obtainment systems It is possible to supply amino acids to the plant so that it can save energy in synthesizing them, thus obtaining a better and faster response from the plant being grown.
Active form of amino acids in plants and obtainment systems It is possible to supply amino acids to the plant so that it can save energy in synthesizing them, thus obtaining a better and faster response from the plant being grown. By this means, amino acids are rapidly taken up by the plants and immediately transported to the growth points. However, the quality of an amino acid-based product is directly related with the obtainment method used. The easiest way to obtain amino acids that are useful for agriculture is by protein hydrolysis, breaking the peptide bridges by which the various amino acids are joined together. Hydrolysis gives amino acid chains or shortchain and free (single) amino acids. It is the latter that can be used most beneficially by plants. The better the hydrolysis process is, the more free amino acids and short-chain oligopeptides will be obtained, with less long-chain polypeptides. Racemization. The exposure of food proteins to certain processing conditions such as those that take place during chemical hydrolysis, induces different chemical changes. One of them is the racemization of all L-amino acids to their D-isomers. The racemization of the Lamino acids in proteins depends on the pH, time and temperature. The presence of D-amino acid residues in the protein chain reduces its digestibility and nutritional quality. Enzymatic hydrolysis uses enzymes. Enzymes offer advantages that include efficient control of the hydrolysis process, fast reaction speed, gentle hydrolysis conditions and high specificity. Although more expensive, this hydrolysis process is gentler and more natural than chemical hydrolysis and guarantees that all the amino acids obtained are in the “L” (levorotatory) form, which is the form required for effective assimilation and use by plants. This is the system used by Prothemco – (APC Europe) in all its products.
In the following tests, carried out in lettuces and strawberries, yield of both crops on the plots treated with PEPTON was much higher than other plots, which were treated with a standard product (and current Spanish market leader), obtained by acid hydrolysis. Compared with an acid hydrolysis standard product Plant weigh en Gr. (10 days after treatment) Compared with an acid hydrolysis standard product First harvest production in Kg./Ha (130 days after transplant) Compared with an acid hydrolysis standard product Crop production efficacy (In 19 harvest) – Ton./Ha Acid hydrolysis / enzymatic hydrolysis, crop results with PEPTON Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. .x 7 aplic. Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. .x 5 aplic. Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. (one application) In hydroponic tomato growing, the yield of 19 consecutive harvests, which encompass the main production period, shows the advantages of PEPTON over the acid hydrolysis standard.
3. Benefits of amino acids in the plant life cycle The amino acids are basic nutrients and building blocks for proteins. They are essential for all of the different forms of life, which include plant life. They take part in multiple plant metabolism processes and make up the proteins in plant cells. The plants synthesize these compounds from inorganic nitrogen, using its metabolic pathway, depending on their requirements. However, this synthesis requires expenditure of a considerable quantity of energy which could be used in protein synthesis to accelerate the plants’ growth. At times of stress, the plants’ energy is not used to form proteins but to synthesize different AA (Mertz 1952). Consequently, a direct supply of amino acids facilitates protein synthesis and plant growth. Almost all of the AA in plants are in the “L” form, which is the only form in which the plants can use them. The “L”-form AA are the only biologically useful amino acids in that they can be used to form plant proteins. It has been found in experiments that, depending on the type of stress to which they are exposed, plants accumulate and, therefore, require certain types of AA. An external supply of amino acids in an appropriate balance helps considerably in overcoming the different periods of stress that plants may suffer for various reasons.
PLANT LIFE CYCLE AND BENEFITS OF PEPTON DURING THE LIFE CYCLE PEPTON promotes initial sprouting and root growth, enabling stronger plant rooting. This is a very important aspect after transplanting the young plants, when they have to overcome external aggressions and grow quickly. It is even more important in forced greenhouse growing, when plants must start producing as quickly as possible. It also enables greater plant homogeneity, avoiding planting failures and inconvenientreplantings. The roots development efficacy Roots weigh in gr./plant Trial realized in 2005 in strawberry (Camarosa) in Huelva In Camarosastrawberries grown in Huelva in bedded soil under tunnels, the mean weight of the treated and control plants’ roots was measured after four applications of PEPTON, one application every two weeks, in spring by drip irrigation, obtaining the following results: Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. .x 4 aplic. During intense cold stress at the start of growth The roots development efficacy Percentage of the roots dry weight increase after transplant (60 days after transplant) “Frigo” strawberry plants (naked-root plants kept in cold storage at -2ºC) from a high-elevation nursery were transplanted to the final bedded fields and under a semicircular tunnel, initially uncovered. A winter treatment programmewas started immediately, with a total of five applications spaced 2 weeks apart at the doses given below. It just so happened that there were very sharp night frosts during the five days after transplantation, with minimum temperatures down to -6ºC. By 60 days after transplantation and with four applications completed at the time of performing the test, the results given below were obtained. Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. .x 4aplic
PEPTON has been shown to stimulate growth Of young plants and also growth of their leaf area. This is an important property in leafy vegetables and also in ornamental plants, where the highest commercial value is obtained with large leaf volumes. In vegetable garden fruits, faster growth means stronger plants and earlier production, enabling better prices to be commanded for these crops. The plants growth efficacy Size of the Plants in cms.(40 days after transplant) The plants growth efficacy Plants weigh in gr./plant.(40 days after transplant) The leaves growth efficacy Foliar area in cms.2 (40 days after transplant) Dosage of product in gr/lt. Mixed into the soil subtract Dosage of product in gr/lt. Mixed into the soil substract The leaves growth efficacy Foliar area in cms.2 (40 days after transplant) The leaves growth efficacy fresh weigh of the leaves in gr./plant (13 days after treatment) In just two foliar applications of PEPTON (in summer and autumn) performed on olive trees, a slight increase was observed in the number of new leaf pairs (in the new shoots appearing during the year). Dosage of product in gr/lt. Mixed into the soil substract Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. (one application)
In mandarin orange trees grown in the Valencia region, the strength of the sprouts of growing 3 and 5-year-old trees after weekly applications of PEPTON via drip irrigation, from May to the end of August, was measured on a scale from 1 to 5 on two occasions, mid-July and end of September, with the results given below. This shows the increased tree strength that an application schedule can provide. Stronger trees are more resistant and also more productive, with all the benefits this entails. Efficacy over the trees vigour Trees vigour in scale of values from 1 to 5 At July 13 and September 29 Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. .x 14aplic. Efficacy over wood buts development in trees Buts lengt in cns. In olive trees, just two foliar applications of PEPTON (in summer and autumn) during the first year obtained a significant growth of new shoots, which will promote increased production the following year. Dosage of product in gr./Hl. .x 2aplic.
Efficacy of PEPTON versus other Biostimulants The response obtained with PEPTON has been compared with other plant-based amino acid formulations in mandarin orange and strawberry crops. PEPTON has been shown to be clearly superior to these other composites in terms of increased vigour of the trees and quantity and quality of the harvest obtained. In the total number of fruits harvested In the number of kg harvested Compared with a vegetal origin of aminoácids standard product Fruits quantity / treatment (In 4 harvest) Compared with a vegetal origin of aminoácids standard product Kg./ treatment (In 4 harvest) Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. .x 4 aplic. Dosage of product in Kg./Ha. .x 4 aplic.
Dose and method of administration PEPTON can be applied as a foliar spray and to the soil in fertirrigation. When several applications are made, the number of applications will vary depending on the crop’s requirements and the goals pursued with the crop. As a general rule, we recommend: In foliar spraying: PEPTON 85/16, apply 150 to 300 g /100 l of water per application In the case of PEPTON 25/90, 300 to 600 cc/Hl. (At least two to three applications) Through the irrigation system: PEPTON 85/16, apply 2 to 4 kg /Ha. per application In the case of PEPTON 25/90, 4 to 8 L/Ha. (At least three to four applications) If very frequent applications are made, it is recommended to give half the dose in each application (it can be mixed with other fertilisers)
CONCLUSIONS: Benefits provided by PEPTON during crop growth and production periods o PEPTON promotes growth of the root system, improving plant rooting o PEPTON stimulates general growth of the plants o PEPTON promotes formation of new sprouts in tree crops and increases their strength o PEPTON stimulates the formation of flower buttons o PEPTON promotes set and fructification, increasing the number of fruits o PEPTON improves the plants’ resistance in stress situations caused by excess cold or heat o PEPTON increases the number of higher grade fruits o PEPTON increases the fruits’ sugar levels o PEPTON helps reduce certain diseases in tomatoes o PEPTON contributes to earlier harvests and increased volume in early harvests o PEPTON increases the harvest’s quantity or general weight o PEPTON promotes better quality production o PEPTON helps reduce rejects (the part of the harvest that has no commercial value)