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Agenda. Mini-lesson on how the moon moves Quarter-penny demonstration Mini-lesson on moon phases Exit Ticket. Objective for today. By the end of today… All SWBAT understand the movements of the moon and why moon phases occur. Moon Myths: China. Cheng’e. Moon Myths: China, Korea, Japan.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda • Mini-lesson on how the moon moves • Quarter-penny demonstration • Mini-lesson on moon phases • Exit Ticket

  2. Objective for today By the end of today… • All SWBAT understand the movements of the moon and why moon phases occur.

  3. Moon Myths: China Cheng’e

  4. Moon Myths: China, Korea, Japan Moon Rabbit

  5. Moon Myths: Greece Selene/Luna

  6. Moon Myths: Inuit Anningan

  7. Moon Myths: Africa Mawu

  8. Moon Myths Jacob

  9. Moon Phases

  10. Moon Phases Today Next time How the moon moves, Introduction to moon phases Detailed look into the different phases of the moon

  11. How does the moon move? • Quarter and penny demo • Put the quarter flat on your desk • Move the penny through one revolution around the quarter, keeping Lincoln’s face always looking at Earth.

  12. How does the moon move? • Think-pair-share: • How many rotations did the penny make as is revolved around the quarter? • (By rotation, we mean how many times did it spin 360 degrees.)

  13. Only ONE rotation !!!

  14. How does the moon move? • Key Point #1: The moon revolves around Earth in the same amount of time the moon takes to rotate on its axis.

  15. Interesting Facts • It takes the moon 27.3 days to revolve around Earth. • The moon’s orbit is elliptical. • Because the moon also revolves around Earth every 27.3 days, a “day” and a “year” on the moon are the same length.

  16. Key Point #2: The same side of the moon, the “near side,” always faces Earth. The “far side” of the moon always faces away from Earth, so you never see it from Earth.

  17. Key Point #3: The different “shapes” the moon takes are called moon phases. Moon phases are caused by changes in the relative positions of the moon, Earth, and the sun.

  18. Half of the Moon is always lit up by the sun. As the Moon orbits the Earth, we see different parts of the lighted area. http://www.nasm.si.edu/apollo30th/moontheater/phasepage2.html

  19. Two things make it seem as if the moon is changing shape in the night sky: 1. The revolution of the moon. 2. The angle at which we see the lighted part of the moon’s surface.  These are called “phases” of the moon.

  20. Key Point #4: The phase of the moon you see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces Earth.

  21. Brain Break

  22. The Moon passes through four major shapes during a cycle that repeats itself every 29.5 days.  The phases always follow one another in the same order: New moon First quarter Full moon Third quarter

  23. There are also four other phases of the Moon used that are in between the four major phases. Waxing Crescent Waxing Gibbous Waning Crescent Waning Gibbous

  24. Waxing and Waning "Waxing" means increasing, or growing larger. "Waning" means decreasing, or growing smaller.

  25. Wax ON, Wane OFF

  26. Waxing & Waning http://www.nasm.si.edu/apollo30th/moontheater/phasepage4.html

  27. http://www.nasm.si.edu/apollo30th/moontheater/phasepage4.htmlhttp://www.nasm.si.edu/apollo30th/moontheater/phasepage4.html

  28. Exit Ticket • 1. How many different moon phases are there? • 2. What is causing us to see different shapes of the moon? • 3. Which means “growing”: Wax or wane? • 4. How much of the moon is always lit up by the sun?

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