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Cell Organelles

Cell Organelles. SER. Cell Wall. Nuclear Envelope Nucleus Nucleolus. SER. RER. Vacuole. Ribosomes. Golgi Apparatus. Mitochondria. Lysosomes. Chloroplast. Cell Membrane. Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton. Centrioles. Cell Wall and Cell Membrane. Cell Wall

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Cell Organelles

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  1. Cell Organelles SER Cell Wall Nuclear Envelope Nucleus Nucleolus SER RER Vacuole Ribosomes Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Lysosomes Chloroplast Cell Membrane Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton Centrioles

  2. Cell Wall and Cell Membrane • Cell Wall • Plant, eubacteria, archaebacteria, fungi cells • Nearly all prokaryotes • Protection • Support, Filtration, Over Expansion and Storage • Made from fibers of carbohydrates (plants= cellulose) • Cell Membrane • All cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) • Protection and Filtration • Semipermeable • Anchors cytoskeleton • Flexible • Phospholipid bilayer (complex double wall) All Organelles

  3. Nucleus • Found in most eukaryotic cells • Control center of cell • Contains DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) • Controls gene expression and DNA replication • Controls cell eating, movement and reproduction • Nuclear envelope- double layer membrane that separates the nucleus from the cells cytoplasm • Filters exchanges between the cell and its nucleus via nuclear pores • Protects genetic material • RNA travels through to send directions to the rest of the cell • Chromatin- DNA condensed to fit in the nucleus • DNA and protein complex • Chromosomes- Condensed chromatin-threadlike • During mitosis • All genetic info of the cell, transmits heredity • Nucleolus- makes ribosomes (begins) All Organelles

  4. Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton • Cytoplasm- cytosol and all organelles • Cytosol- fluid inside cell • Mostly water (transparent) • Storage of organic and inorganic molecules and site for manufacturing biomolecules and energy • In all cells • Cytoskeleton- network of protein filaments • Maintains cell shape • Also aids in movement of some cells and objects or substances inside the cell • Motor proteins move organelles along cytoskeleton • Microtubules- hollow tubes of protein • Maintain shape and serve as “tracks” • During cell division help separate chromosomes • Centrioles- not present in plant cells • Bundles create cilia and flagella • Microfilaments- long thing fibers • Support and aid in movement All Organelles

  5. Ribosomes and the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum • Ribosomes- made of RNA and proteins • All cells have • Site of protein manufacturing • Puts amino acids in order following instructions from the nucleus (RNA) • Free ribosomes- in the cytoplasm- create proteins for the cell to use • Attached ribosomes- on the RER- create proteins for export • Rough ER- part of internal membrane system • “maze” of cisternae (folds) • Also contains tubules and vesicles • All eukaryotic cells have • “Rough” because of attached ribosomes • Attach when protein synthesis begins • Proteins are made and modified (and packaged) • Modification especially of proteins for export and the cell membrane • Often proteins go to Golgi Appartus next • Surrounds nucleus (membrane attaches to nuclear envelope) All Organelles

  6. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum • Makes lipids (and phospholipids), breaks down carbohydrates, helps regulate Calcium ions (Ca2+) and detoxifies drugs • Also modifies some proteins (special enzymes) • Contains enzymes to make sugar (glucose) out of nonsugars • Refines steroids • Liver cells have many SER • Made of cisternae, tubules and vesicles • Roller coaster shaped • Part of internal membrane (attached to RER) • Also attached to cell membrane sensor proteins • Brings in biomolecules vital to cell • Found in all eukaryotic cells All Organelles

  7. Golgi Appartus • 1 of largest organelles in cell, stack of membranes (5-8 cisternae, number depends on function of cell) • 3 parts: Cis= closest to nucleus, Medial= middle, and Trans= closest to cell membrane • Vesicles, cisternae and lumen (walls) • Also called Golgi Body, Golgi Complex and Dictysome • Found in most eukaryotic cells • Part of inner membrane system • Attach lipids and carbohydrates to proteins • Proteins start in the cis membranes and are modified as they move to the trans membranes • Different enzymes in each membrane do different jobs • Vesicles bring substances to and from the Golgi Apparatus • Small enclosed compartments that store/ transport cell products and wastes • Secretes cell chemicals • Create lysosomes • Some break down and storage • Secretion • Send proteins to final destination • Named after Camillo Golgi (discovered) All Organelles

  8. Lysosomes and Vacuoles • Lysosomes- small organelles filled with enzymes (mostly digestive) • Gets rid of some of cells waste • Digest food particles (lipids, carbs and proteins), engulfed viruses & bacteria, macromolecules, and unneeded cells and organelles • Disease fighting, Autophagy • Remove debris • Mostly in animal cells • Build in Golgi Apparatus • Vacuoles- Store water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates • Many plants have one large one • Pressure gives cell structural support • Also in single-cell organisms and animals (smaller) • Small vacuoles= vesicles All Organelles

  9. Chloroplasts • In plants and other photosynthetic organisms • photoautrophs • Not in animal or fungal cells • heterotrophs • Use energy from sunlight to create energy-rich food molecules • Photosynthesis (water + carbon dioxide + energy= sugar and oxygen) • Substances used by cells to make usable energy • Bound by two membranes (double membrane) • Outer= regulates what goes in and out of organelle, inner= regulates intake of sugars and protiens going to the cell’s cyotplasm • Stroma= Aqueous part • Thylakoids= photosynthetic membranes (discs) • Green pigment= chlorophyll; found in photosynthetic membranes • Grana= Large stacks of thylakoids • Lamella holds all together • Contains own ribosomes and DNA All Organelles

  10. Mitochondria • Release energy stored in food molecules • Cellular respiration- uses food to make high energy compounds that the cell can use for growth, division, development and movement • Sugar + oxygen  water, carbon dioxide and ATP • ATP- adenosine triphosphate- usable energy of cells (chemical) • Enclosed by two membranes (double membrane) • Bean shaped • Inner membranes- cristae (folds- where reactions occur) • Matrix- inside- contains enzymes, DNA, ribosomes • Outer membrane regulates what goes in and out of organelle • Found in nearly all eukaryotic cells All Organelles

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