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HANDLING THE WORD. SEMINAR-WORKSHOP. OBJECTIVES Internalize inspired concepts on evangelism load the .45 caliber pistol with bullets Practice shooting STRATEGIES Lecture Workshops (Marking & questioning). PART 1: EVANGELISM CONCEPTS Ellen G. White. Matthew 28:19.
SEMINAR-WORKSHOP • OBJECTIVES • Internalize inspired concepts on evangelism • load the .45 caliber pistol with bullets • Practice shooting • STRATEGIES • Lecture • Workshops (Marking & questioning)
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: • To be a disciple of one: • To follow his precepts and instructions • To make a disciple, to teach, to instruct
I. THE ART OF PRESENTING THE BIBLE Study Diligently, Systematically. • Observe system in the study of the Scriptures …Make the Bible its own expositor, bringing together all that is said concerning a given subject at different times and under varied circumstances. {CG 511.1; Isa. 28: 13; 2 Tim. 2: 15; 2 Pet. 1:20, 21}
Biblical System of study • KJV Isaiah 28:13 But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.
Biblical System of study • KJV 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Biblical System of study • KJV 2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
I. THE ART OF PRESENTING THE BIBLE • You will need to present truth in its simplicity... Let not your study of the Scriptures be of a cheap or casual order... Speak of those things which are essential, those things which will instruct, bringing light with every word. {6T 58.2}
Do not present subjects that will arouse controversy. Let not your instruction be of a character to perplex the mind. • Do not present the Scriptures in a way to exalt self and encourage vainglory in the one who opens the word.'' {6T 58.3}
I. THE ART OF PRESENTING THE BIBLE • There should not only be teaching, but actual work under experienced instructors. Let the teachers lead the way in working among the people, and others, uniting with them, will learn from their example. One example is worth more than many precepts. {MH 149.2}
I. THE ART OF PRESENTING THE BIBLE …all who connect with the work should first feel their need of an education, and a most thorough training process for the work, in reference to their future usefulness. (FE 113)
I. THE ART OF PRESENTING THE BIBLE The best help that ministers can give the members of our churches is not sermonizing, but planning work for them. Give each one something to do for others. (9T 82-3).
I. THE ART OF PRESENTING THE BIBLE • There should be less preaching and more teaching,--teaching the people, and also teaching young men how to labor successfully. Ministers should become efficient in teaching others how to study the Bible, and in training the minds and manners of those who would become workers in the cause of God. (GW 76; Ev 477).
II. PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL • …ask questions which will bring out light on points of truth. But some may not have wisdom to do this. When any put questions that serve only to confuse the mind and sow the seeds of doubt, they should be advised to refrain from such questioning. We must learn when to speak and when to keep silent, learn to sow the seeds of faith, to impart light, not darkness.--Testimonies, vol. 6, pp. 68, 69. (1900) {Ev 153.5}
II. PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL • …drawing the people out by questions. Come right to the hearts of your hearers, urging them to present their difficulties to you, that you may explain the Scriptures which they do not comprehend. Letter 8, 1895. {Ev 154.1}
II. PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL • Bible Work a Thorough Method. • By opening the Scriptures, by prayer, by exercising faith, he is to teach the people the way of the Lord. Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 38. (1902) {Ev 457.1}
II. PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL • …words spoken.. in season; for Satan is speaking to them by his temptations. If you meet with repulse when trying to help souls, heed it not. If there seems to be little good resulting from your work, do not become discouraged. Keep working; be discreet; know when to speak, and when to keep silent; watch for souls as they that must give an account; and watch for the devices of Satan, lest you be led aside from duty. Do not allow difficulties to dishearten or intimidate you. With strong faith, with intrepid purpose, meet and overcome these difficulties. Sow the seed in faith, and with an unsparing hand.--Gospel Workers, pp. 188, 189. (1915) {Ev 441.1}
II. PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL He should be qualified to speak to the people intelligently. {Ev 439.1}
II. PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL • Speak Clearly and Distinctly. • When you speak, let every word be full and well rounded, every sentence clear and distinct to the very last word. Many as they approach the end of a sentence lower the tone of the voice, speaking so indistinctly that the force of the thought is destroyed.
Words that are worth speaking at all are worth speaking in a clear, distinct voice, with emphasis and expression. But never search for words that will give the impression that you are learned. The greater your simplicity, the better will your words be understood.--Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 383. (1900) {CM 71.1}
II. PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL The one who gives Bible readings in the congregation or in the family should be able to read with a soft, musical cadence which will charm the hearers {6T 380.4}.
II. PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL We must arise, and co-operate with Christ. . . . Obey the gospel commission; go forth into the highways and hedges. Visit as many places as possible. Conduct simple, spirited Bible readings, which will have a correct influence upon minds.--Manuscript 53, 1910. {Ev 481.1}
III. CONDUCTING BIBLE STUDIES The work is to commence quietly without noise or trumpeting. It is to commence by giving Bible readings (not sermons)and thus educating the people. This plan will be far more efficient than starting in with sermons. --Letter 89a, 1895. {Ev 445.1}
III. CONDUCTING BIBLE STUDIES • In every new field, patience and perseverance must be exercised. Be not disheartened at small beginnings. It is often the humblest work that yields the greatest results. The more direct our labor for our fellow-men, the greater good will be accomplished. Personal influence is a power. The minds of those with whom we are closely associated, are impressed through unseen influences (GW 192)
III. CONDUCTING BIBLE STUDIES • Some Women Adapted to Bible Work. • There are women who are especially adapted for the work of giving Bible readings, and they are very successful in presenting the Word of God in its simplicity to others. They become a great blessing in reaching mothers and their daughters. This is a sacred work, and those engaged in it should receive encouragement.--Letter 108, 1910. {Ev 469.3}
III. CONDUCTING BIBLE STUDIES The plan of holding Bible-readings was a heaven-born idea. There are many, both men and women, who can engage in this branch of missionary labor. ... God will not permit this precious work for Him to go unrewarded. He will crown with success every humble effort made in His name. {GW 192.1}
1. Art of presenting the truth • Study diligently and systematically • Make the Bible its own expositor • Present truth in its simplicity • Actual work under experienced worker • Most thorough training is needed • Efficient in teaching
II. Presentation of the truth • Asking question which will bring out light • Encourage people to ask questions (facilitate) • Prayer and faith are needed • Speak intelligently, clearly, distinctly, softly, with charm, and expression • Conduct simple, spirited Bible study
III. Conducting Bible study • Commence by giving Bible study, not sermon • Patience & perseverance must be exercised • Women can reach mothers & daughters • Both men and women can do it
WORKSHOP - 1 Loading Your 45 Caliber Pistol With Bullets
Bible Marking Materials Needed: 1. New Bible (for evangelism only) 2. Bible Marking Guide 3. Marking Pen
WORKSHOP # 1: Marking Step 1: Cut your Bible Study Index and paste it at the inner cover of your Bible Step 2: Marking topic # 1 (Greatest Love) a. Go to the first text. Encircle v. 16 b. At the bottom of the page, write: 2 GL – Isa. 59: 2 c. Go to Isa. 59: 2 and encircle v. 2
At the bottom of the page, write: 3 GL - Rom. 3: 23 • Go to Rom. 3: 23 and encircle v. 23 • At the bottom of the page, Write: 4 GL – Rom. 5: 8 • Go to Rom. 5: 8 and encircle v. 8 • At the bottom of the page, write: 5 GL – John 1: 12
Go to John 1: 12 and encircle v. 12 • At the bottom of the page, write: 6 GL – Rev. 3: 20 • Go to Rev. 3: 20 and encircle v. 20 • At the bottom of the page, write: 7 GL – Gal. 2: 20 • Go to Gal. 2: 20 and encircle v. 20 • At end of the passage, v. 20, put a shaded box
Activity 2 • Learning Objective: • construct questions • Rules in constructing questions: • short, direct, Christ-centered questions in which the answer is found in the text • Link the question one after the other until you form a clear picture/message of the topic
Practice Topic: Second Coming 1 SC – John 14:1-3 Q: ____________________________ A: ____________________________ 2 SC – Acts 1:9-11 Q: ____________________________ A: ____________________________
3 SC – Rev. 1:7 Q: _________________________ A: _________________________ 4 SC – 1 Thes. 4:16, 17 Q: _________________________ A: _________________________
Activity Sheet 5 SC – Matt. 8:11 Q: ________________________ A: ________________________ 6 SC – Rev. 6:15-17 Q: ________________________ A: ________________________
7 SC – Isa. 25:9 Q: ________________________ A: ________________________ 8 SC – Matt. 25:31-34, 41 Q: _______________________ A: _______________________
9 SC – Matt. 24:44 Q: __________________________ A: __________________________
1. John 14: 1-3 Q: What is Jesus’ promise He will do? A: “I will come again” 2. 2 SC – Acts 1:9-11 Q: How will Jesus come? A: “the same manner”
3 SC – Rev. 1:7 Q: Who will see Him come? (visible) A: “All” 4 SC – 1 Thes. 4:16, 17 Q: What are the events at His coming? A1: “He descends” (Physical) A2: “with shout” (Audible) A3: “dead in Christ will rise first” A4: “alive (righteous) caught up together”
5 SC – Matt. 8:11 Q: Where will Jesus bring the saved? A: “Kingdom of heaven” 6 SC – Rev. 6:15-17 Q: What will the wicked do at His coming? A: “Run, hide, die by the brightness”
7 SC – Isa. 25:9 Q: What will the saved say on that day” A: “He will save us” 8 SC – Matt. 25:31-34, 41 Q: To what did Jesus compare His coming? A: “Shepherd, separate good and bad”
9 SC – Matt. 24:44 Q: What did Jesus say we should do? A: “be ready”