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Guided Engineering Projects for Final Year Students: COE FYP Guidelines

A structured approach to individual engineering projects for final year students in COE, focusing on research, design, and problem-solving through real-world applications. Emphasis on applying gained knowledge and skills for Bachelor's Degree completion.

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Guided Engineering Projects for Final Year Students: COE FYP Guidelines

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  1. FINAL YEAR PROJECT IBRIEFING SEMESTER 2, 2016/17 October 10th 2016 – 20th Jan. 2017 BY COE FYP COMMITTEE

  2. OUTLINE • COE FYP Committee • Introduction to FYP • Expected Outcomes • Types of Research • Assessment Breakdown • Preferential Area Selection Method • FYP Policies • FYP Calendar • Q & A

  3. COE FYP COMMITTEE • COE FYP COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Dr. Azni Wati Bte Azizan (FYP1) [BN-1-018] • EC COORDINATORS Dr. Zeti Akma (FYP1) [BN] • EP COORDINATORS Mr. Mohd. Azrin Bin Mohd. Azau (FYP1) [BN-1-060] • CE COORDINATORS Intan Nor Zuliana Binti Baharuddin (FYP1) [BN-1-060] • ME COORDINATORS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Farrukh Hafiz Nagi (FYP1) [BN-1-027]

  4. INTRODUCTION TO FYP • The Final Year Project consists of two (2) parts: Final Year Project 1 (2 credit hours) • Control System I, • Power System I, • Communication System, • Digital Signal Processing Final Year Project 2 (4 credit hours) • Project 1 • Industrial Training • Can you fail EPRB412?

  5. INTRODUCTION TO FYP • Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Hons) • ECRB 412 • ECRB 424 • Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (Hons) • EPRB 412 • EPRB 424

  6. INTRODUCTION TO FYP • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons) • MPRB 412 • MPRB 424 • Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons) • CERB 412 • CERB 424

  7. DESCRIPTION OF FINAL YEAR PROJECT • A guided individual engineering project • Related to the student’s field of study and must be carried out by the students as partial fulfillment for the award of the Bachelor’s Degree • Aims to apply knowledge and skills learned during the course work and Labs exercises in UNITEN to solve problems through engineering based projects

  8. PROJECT ACTIVITY • Research and test   • Investigate and design   • Investigate and report/recommend   • Plan, implement and evaluate   • Test and analyse results   • Design, construct and test

  9. EXPECTED OUTCOMES (1) • Having successfully completed the final year project, students are expected to have the capability to • Manage and use knowledge gained in UNITEN to carry out engineering projects. • Think objectively, analytically and critically in identifying and solving problems in a systematic manner.

  10. EXPECTED OUTCOMES (2) • Be independent in carrying out and producing solutions to engineering problems. • Deliver or present the project findings in oral and written form.

  11. TYPES OF PROJECTS RESEARCH (THESIS) PROJECT – Design and Development CASE STUDY -System/Circuit/ Network Modeling and Simulation SOFTWARE BASED -Programming, Numeric Computational Algorithm

  12. RESEARCH - THESIS • To explore on hypothesis/phenomena and prove its validity, by design of experiment, collecting data, observations and analysis (mathematical or statistical). The written testimony of facts findings is called THESIS.

  13. PROJECT • Focus on demonstration of applied knowledge to produce a product, which fulfills specifications, standards or technical needs. • The end product is a design or prototype and project report.

  14. Modeling and Simulation Modeling Dynamic system/Electronic Devices/Electrical Network with mathematical equations for computer simulation. To present new Innovations and Techniques with Analytical and Computational Proof and Analysis.

  15. Numerical Computational Algorithm Computer program Source Code, Programming techniques, numerical algorithms such as Optimization, Signal processing, Image Processing, Control system strategies, CAD/CAM, CFD, FEM

  16. ASSESSMENT BREAKDOWN • Assessment of the final year project will be based on the stages completed in the research/study or design carried out. • It is also based on the ability of the student to manage the logbook, prepare reports; relate literature review and other works • Defend or create ideas, which are related to the output of the project orally.

  17. ASSESSMENT BREAKDOWN PROJECT 1: • The assessment will be: • Progress Report 1: 30% • Progress Report 2: 30% • Logbook: 10% • Oral Presentation 1: 30% TOTAL 100%


  19. FYP POLICIES • Late submission of report • Students will be penalized for late submission of Project Proposal, Progress Reports 1&2 as follow; Maximum Deduction

  20. FYP POLICIES (Con’t) 2. Late Submission Penalty for Thesis • Students will be penalized for late submission of thesisas follows: • Thesis submission, after the fifth working day, considered failure to submit – FAIL FYP2.

  21. FYP POLICIES (Con’t) 4. Project title amendment procedure for FYP 2 • Title amendment is allowed to suit minor changes to the project scope • 5. Project extension • Student can only request for extension of project in the case of emergency or serious medical reasons • Extension for project completion must be made latest by the end of Week 14



  24. COE FYP @ Moodle • What is in the Moodle? • Calendar • FYP Guidelines • FYP Thesis Format • Class File for LaTex User • FYP Purchase/Material & Survey Forms • Research Methodology Class Slides • Announcements

  25. COE FYP@Moodle WEBSITE For access to FYP related matters:- http://lms.uniten.edu.my/moodle > College of Engineering > College of Engineering Common Courses > Final Year Project Enrolment Keys:- ECRB412 EPRB412 CERB412 MPRB412 For EC students For EP students For CE students For ME students

  26. Application to Purchase Material for FYP (Form COE02) File FYP1 Submission and Forms • Project Title – 2nd Week • Project Report 1 – 8th Week • Project Report 2 – 12th Week • Oral Presentation & Logbook - 14th Week • FYP2 Thesis – 16th Week (End of Semester) FORMS http://metalab.uniten.edu.my/~farrukh/NewFYP1/ • P1-2(b)- Change Project Supervisor form • Oral Presentation Form (2) – Will be provided Later • Application to Purchase Material for FYP (Form COE02)File • Materials / Components Request for FYP (Form COE01)File

  27. FAQs 1) How the project are assigned The  registered FYP1 students select the ‘Project Assignment Areas,’ defined by the Academic Staff before the semester starts. 2) Can Supervisor or student be pre-assigned No. Not at the moment. 3) CHANGE OF SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR CHANGE IS NOT RECOMENEDED. Only for special cases such as : Student is involved in some prior ACTIVITY, WORK (Grant, Equipment, Software) with the intended supervisor. The FYP system assign average# of FYP students registered/staff e.g. 4 students/staff i) If student  wish to change to  another staff member on conditions describe above and who  have less than average (4) , then there is no problem ii) If the new staff member has average students, then he has to let go one student to another staff who has less than  average student. In this case the students and staffs has to arrange/settle all the process and inform the Coordinator. P1-2(b)- Change Project Supervisor form

  28. 4) What will happen if the student is Inactive   • In inactive student case the supervisor will consult  Academic Advisor and seek his help . • 5) How’s the add/drop  FYP students are handled? • Same as other subjects. • 6) Can FYP marks be remark/reviewed • NO • 7) How to get RM400 Project entitlement for purchase and Works. • Use form ‘FYP (Form COE01)File’ in moodle and approved it from Supervisor and give it to Mech. Lab Manager. Don’t make purchase before the form is approved. • 8) How to get Conveyance allowance. • There is no conveyance allowance for travelling and boarding Lodging. Your Supervisor can request for UNITEN’s Transportation. • 9) When to apply for project extension • Should apply between 9 – 14 Week. • 10) Progress Report Format (Problem Statement, Objective, Methodology) • Discuss with your supervisor

  29. What is a suitable project? • When you choose a project, keep in mind its main purpose is to SHOW that you are capable of "personally conducting and managing an engineering project to achieve a SUBSTANTIAL outcome to professional standards". This means that you need a project that satisfies two main criteria: • It must allow you to provide assessors with EVIDENCE of your capabilities • It must be SUBSTANTIAL and challenging enough to allow you to demonstrate the professional capabilities required of graduates of the program. • If the project you choose involves a 'routine' design or involves unproblematic testing and analysis, you will most likely not receive a high grade, so think about how the scope of your project can be enhanced to allow you to best demonstrate your capabilities. Discuss this with your academic supervisor.

  30. How should I find my supervisor? • It is your responsibility to find an academic supervisor for your project. You should first approach academic staff who have taught you in areas related to your project. You can email them and arrange a meeting or phone call to discuss your topic. You should ask for an email from the staff member indicating that they will supervise your project. It will be easier to find a supervisor if you begin your search early, there are limits on the numbers of project students a supervisor can take on. If after some email requests you can't find a supervisor, compile evidence of your attempts and sent an email to the course coordinator asking for assistance. • You will need an academic supervisor for your project. If you have arranged an industry project or a project with your employer, you may also ask for an industry supervisor to advise you and help you obtain resources.

  31. What is required in my project outline? • The project outline can be written as a email showing the title of your project and a description of 150 to 200 words. It is important to get the description on paper so that you can work with your academic supervisor (and industry supervisor) to discuss the project, clarify any questions they may have and make an initial assessment of the project to work out whether it will be suitable. Note that your planning course will give you time to investigate scope the project and that during the planning phase you may find that you need to change or expand the scope or reduce the scope significantly to give you a project that both allows you to adequately demonstrate your capabilities and can be completed with the time and resources available. On your completed outline, include your name, the course code, the course name, the term for enrolment and the name(s) of your supervisors and send it to the Projects Course Coordinator.

  32. Who is the course coordinator: Final Year Engineering Project 1? • The Projects Course Coordinator is Farrukh NagiEmail: farrukh@uniten.edu.my

  33. What is the extent of my responsibility for the project? • You will need to show that you are "personally conducting and managing an engineering project". This means that you must be proactive and take control of your project. This will be easier if the project is something you are really interested in, so start thinking about finding a good project topic some time before you enroll in the planning course. The project is not like other courses where you have a teacher leading you through the work week by week. You will need to work out your own schedule, and make adjustments as problems arise to show your professional capacity to deliver a project on time. You can call on your supervisor for advice, but you have to make the decisions. A supervisor is likely to have basic knowledge of the project area and will understand how to investigate and develop projects in general, but the student will develop more detailed technical knowledge of the project.

  34. Who will assess my project? • The Progress and presentation Ruberics show assessment requirements in detail. • Keep in mind that the course is about assessment of what you have learned; it is about assessment of the professional capabilities you have developed, not just about the result of the project or what you did. Your final project assessment will be done by your supervisor and at least three moderators. The moderators will not know about all the discussions what went on between you and your supervisor, their assessment will be based on your thesis and the evidence you provide to the moderators of what you did in your project and why you did it. And while it is important to describe clearly what you did and the outcomes of your work, what they will really be looking for is evidence of the thinking processes behind your project choices and decisions. They will want to know WHY you did what you did, and you will need to present this clearly. • What did you read? How did you relate or not relate the readings to your project? • What sources of information did you use? How reliable and useful were they? • What methods did you investigate? Why did you choose to use particular methods? • What theories guided your decisions? Why did you use them and not others? • What problems did you encounter? Why did they arise? How could they be avoided? • What failed, and what did you learn from that?

  35. What is involved in industry-based projects? • An industry-based project can be a project sponsored by your employer. Alternatively it can be a project sponsored by a client who wants some work done. In each case, you will have an industry liaison person who will assist you to obtain resources and information. Such liaison persons who are also engineers may also assist you as an industry supervisor. • The role of the industry supervisor is to provide technical advice and support. The role of the academic supervisor is to provide teaching assistance and to assess students work. Every project student must have an academic supervisor appointed by the University. • If you have a prospective industry project and your industry liaison person or industry supervisor have concerns or questions about what is expected of them, email the projects course coordinator to arrange for them to discuss requirements. • Some industry projects may require confidentiality agreements to protect intellectual property and/or manage political consequences of possible findings. If your industry supervisor is concerned, the University can offer confidentiality agreements to cover the different circumstances that may occur.


  37. Oral Presentation 1 ( 100% each criteria)

  38. Logbook (100%)

  39. \\obe\COE_Department\DDA office (as of 2011)\FYP S12015\


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