White House Easter Egg Roll 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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  1. White House Easter Egg Roll

  2. President Donald Trump addresses the crowd from the Truman balcony of the White House during the 2019 White House Easter Egg Roll in Washington, April 22, 2019. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

  3. A young girl tries her hand at rolling an easter egg with a stick on the South Lawn, April 22. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

  4. A person in an Easter Bunny costume looks on as President Donald Trump attends the 2019 White House Easter Egg Roll, April 22. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

  5. President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up to the crowd on the South Lawn, April 22. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

  6. First lady Melania Trump high fives a child at the hopscotch station, April 22. REUTERS/Al Drago

  7. First lady Melania Trump reads "The Wonderful Things You Will Be" by Emily Winfield Martin, April 22. REUTERS/Al Drago

  8. Children in the crowd cheer for President Donald Trump to come their way, April 22, 2019. REUTERS/Al Drago

  9. First lady Melania Trump waves to the crowd on the South Lawn, April 22. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

  10. A child poses in front of a miniature briefing room podium, April 22. REUTERS/Al Drago

  11. President Donald Trump talks with a child as he holds up a picture while sitting with children coloring Easter pictures, April 22. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

  12. A man poses with a child in homemade Trump Easter shirts, April 22. REUTERS/Al Drago

  13. A person in an Easter Bunny costume looks on as President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump attend the 2019 White House Easter Egg Roll, April 22, 2019. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

  14. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump talk as children roll eggs past with wooden spoons during an egg rolling race, April 22. REUTERS/Al Drago

  15. First lady Melania Trump reads a children's book, April 22. REUTERS/Al Drago

  16. President Donald Trump sits with children coloring pictures, April 22. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

  17. A young boy waits atop a man's shoulders for President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump to arrive, April 22. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

  18. Painted Easter eggs sit on a White House table ready for children to roll them across the South Lawn, April 22. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

  19. President Donald Trump offers up his whistle as children color cards for military members, April 22. REUTERS/Al Drago