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Republic of Sudan

Republic of Sudan. Teague Berreth. Geography. Flag Colors. Red – Struggle for freedom White – Color for peace, love, and light Black – Represents Sudan as a whole (Sudan in Arabic means ‘black’) Green – Agriculture and Prosperity Flag designed after the Arab Revolt flag of WWI.

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Republic of Sudan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Republic of Sudan Teague Berreth

  2. Geography

  3. Flag Colors • Red – Struggle for freedom • White – Color for peace, love, and light • Black – Represents Sudan as a whole (Sudan in Arabic means ‘black’) • Green – Agriculture and Prosperity • Flag designed after the Arab Revolt flag of WWI

  4. Darfur • In the region of Darfur there is an ongoing guerilla civil war • 2003 • Started when the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) accused the government of genocide against the black Africans who favored Arabs. • Primarily Arabs vs. Muslims • Government arms and loyal militia vs. rebel groups like (JEM) and (SLM/A)

  5. Guinea Worm • Guinea worms live in water to survive the heat of countries such as Sudan. • Guinea worms are still a problem because of the lack of clean water. • Without humans Guinea Worms would become extinct.

  6. The Guinea Worm cont. • Over 24 years ago more than 3,500,000 cases • Just last year only 3,200 recorded • Going to be second disease to ever be eradicated after Smallpox • Has to be pulled out inches at a time and very painful • If you have a worm you are not permitted to enter ponds because of the risk of it laying its larvae • Violators are fined 1 goat if they break this rule

  7. AnyakGolMarial • http://video.nytimes.com/video/2010/05/21/opinion/1247467891260/anyak-vs-the-guinea-worm.html?ref=guinea_worm_disease

  8. Sudanese President to be Arrested • Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was to be arrested during his trip to Chad on war crimes of genocide. • To be put before the international Criminal Court

  9. Fire in Jonglei • Fire in Jonglei hospital killed one person • Pangak County Civil Hospital • Witnesses say fuel spilled on floor • No suspects have been found.

  10. Bibliography • NY times - The New York Times, Initials. (2010, September 21). Anyak vs. the guinea worm. Retrieved from http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/guinea_worm_disease/index.html • CIA World Factbook - World Factbook, CIA. (2010). Sudan. Retrieved from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/su.html • Amnesty.org - Amnesty international. (2010, July 19). Retrieved from http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/chad-must-arrest-sudanese-president-omar-al-bashir-during-visit-2010-07-21A • Sudantribune - Jonglei hospital fire. (2010, Se 23). Retrieved from http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article36359

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