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Pyrum Innovations AG

Pyrum Innovations AG. Pressekonferenz „IPO Pyrum “ Conférence de Presse „IPO Pyrum “ Press Conference „ IPO Pyrum” 11.10.2017. INDEX. Market. Scrap Tire Volumes: Approx. 3,4 Mio. To/Year in the EU Approx. 13,5 Mio. To/Year Worldwide

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Pyrum Innovations AG

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  1. Pyrum Innovations AG Pressekonferenz „IPO Pyrum“ Conférence de Presse „IPO Pyrum“ Press Conference „IPO Pyrum” 11.10.2017

  2. INDEX

  3. Market Scrap Tire Volumes: Approx. 3,4 Mio. To/Year in the EU Approx. 13,5 Mio. To/Year Worldwide Approx. 800.000 To accumulated tires stored at agricultural sites within France Usage of Scrap Tires:

  4. Market Polymer/Synthetics in Germany (Source: Umweltbundesamt): • Market in the Year 1994: • Total Volume: 2.800 To/Year • Incineration: 100 Ton/Year = 3,57% • Market in the Year 2015: • Total Volume: 5.877 Ton/Year • Incineration: 3.140 Ton/Year = 53,42 % • New Deponies: 44.000 To Plastic Waste in Europe • Approx. 25 Mio To/Year • Approx. 9 Mio To/Year Incineration • Approx. 9 Mio. To/Year in Deponies

  5. Pyrum • Industry Sector: Complete Industrial Plants, Recycling • Managing Board: Pascal Klein (Vorsitzender), Julien Dossmann • Supervisory Board: Alf Schmidt (Vorsitzender), Manfred Alt, Jürgen Opitz • Employees: 17 (09.2017) • Key Data: • Present Shareholders: • Pascal Klein and Julien Dossmann 50,5% • IBG Industrie Beteiligungsgesellschaft 10% • Several Business Angels 40%

  6. Pyrum and many more… Financial Support and Promotion: Cooperation Partners:

  7. German– French History Sept. 2007 Pascal Klein, Julien Dossmann, Michael Kapf and Stephan Adams are founding Pyrum in Straßburg. Sept. 2008: Incorporation of Pyrum Innovations ESC GmbH 2008-2009: Building of Pilot Plant in Dillingen/Saar+Optimisation 2010: First Investors from Germany and France 2011: EU Financial Support approval for € 985.000 and visit of EU Commissioner Mr. Günther Oettinger 2012: Planning and authorisation phase of first Thermolysis Plant 2013: Receipt of Approvals and beginning of Installation Mid 2015: Completion of the first Industrial full scale Thermolysis Plant 2016: Optimisation of the Thermolysis Plant Autumn 2016: Start Sales of Pyrum Thermolysis Plants

  8. Problems / Solutions • Large amounts of Rubber- and Plastic Waste are NOT recycled. • By far the biggest part is being incinerated: • Over 50% of all Rubber- and Plastic Waste is being incinerated in Power Plants and Cement Plants. • Incineration causes seriously high CO² edmissions. For example cap tires: 2,6 Ton CO² per Tonne. • The demand for Rubber Granulate worldwide is stagnating or decreasing. • There are no other applications or usages for the ever growing amount of scrap tire waste. • Pyrum produces new Raw materials: • The end products generated through the Pyrum Process are real raw materials which can be re-used and re-used again. • We are talking here of an truly endless, CO² free, Recycling Cycle.

  9. The Process Coke rCB (35 – 50 %) Shredder Carbon Black Granulator Waste: Plastic Tires Rubber Hoses Sealings Bitumen CFK Energy Gas (10 – 20 %) Heat Fuel Pyrum Innovations Raw Oil (35 – 50 %) Energy

  10. Sketch Pyrum Process Pyrum Reactor Front View W03 P 02 Pyrum Pilot Unit Oil coke

  11. Advantages • 100% autonomous Energy Supply & Efficency: • Produced Energy In-house = 250 kW • Energy demand Thermolysis Plant = 180 kW • Surplus = 70 kW • Only the in-house produced gas is used for autonomous Energie supply = autonomous Process • 100 % of the produced end products oil and carbon can be sold. No end product is used as fuel or is incinerated during the Thermolysis process. • High market value for the end products: • Oil price (index) = 330 €/to (Barrel Price 09.10.2017) • Carbon Black = 500 – 1.000 €/to

  12. Summary • In short: • No CO² Emissions • EU Supported • Completly self sufficient process • No wastages, 100% recycled • Pyrum Oil price at about: 1 Liter < 0,15€ • Other re-usable materials:Tires Rubber, EPDM, some Plastics, Ölschiefer, Oil sand, Bitumen, Biomass, others • Independent Reports/Certfications von: KIT, Steinbeis Stiftung und Tu Hamburg are available

  13. Awards KFW Award: „Gründerchampion Saarland 2012“ KFW + Bundeswirtschaftsministerium Award: „Bundessieger Innovation 2012“ Concours Lépine 2015: „Grand Prix du Sénat“ Medaille d‘or 2015: „Prix de l‘INPI“ (INPI= Patentamt) Concours Lépine 2015: „Grand Prix de l‘alsace“

  14. The Founders Pascal Klein, MBA Chairman of the board • Born: 07.06.1986, Merzig, Germany • 2003: High School in France • 2006: Bachelor „International Management“, ISEG Straßburg (FR). • 2007:Founder of Pyrum Innovations • 2008: Master of Business Administration, ISM Paris und St. John‘s Universität New York • Interesting fact: Son of an established Industrial Family from the Saar region in the Corrosion protection Business.

  15. The Founders Julien Dossmann, MBA Managing Board Member • Born: 22.08.1985, Straßburg, France • 2003: High School in France • 2006: Bachelor „International Management“, ISEG Straßburg (FR). • 2007: Founder of Pyrum Innovations • 2008: Master of Business Administration, ISM Paris und St. John‘s Universität New York • Interesting fact: Son of an estalished Business Family from the Alsace region in the Insurance Business.

  16. Financing • Finance sources of the past years: • 2007: Financial start-up support by the French Government and capital from family Klein and Dossmann. • 2008: Financing of the Pilot Plant by means of private investors, OSEO (France) and the Region of Alsace. • Juni 2011: Approval of EU for financial Support out of EACI-Funds. Acceptance of funding from Business Angels into Pyrum equity. • 2013: Financially tight phase during the building of the full scale Thermolysis Plant. • September 2016: New institutional Investor: the IBG Industrie Beteiligungsgesellschaft based in Cologne. • Sommer 2017: Start of decisions to go for initial public offering (IPO) on EURONEXT Paris.

  17. Why Euronext Pyrum Innovations is a German – French Company. Nee Reforms in 2017 make Euronext very attractiv. Euronext Paris has made a name for itself for the listing of Technology-Companies. Euronext Paris provides an excellent base for strongly growth oriented companies with innovative technologies. The European Capital Markests are in a consolidation phase. At Euronext Paris we reach investors,who are ready, to invest in Technology Made in Germany. Mr. Louis Thannberger (over 500 IPOs) has ample experience with IPO‘s at Euronext and is our Advisor.

  18. Details IPO IPO (listing) on Euronext Paris targetted. Target is listing on Euronext Growth. Capital increase for financing of Pyrum expansion planned. Old/Present shareholders in agreement to dilute shareholdings. Emission volume will be composed of more than 40% new shares. IPO targetted for 1st half of 2018.

  19. Application/Usage of IPO Proceeds • The application/usgage of IPO proceeds are planned as follows: • Pre-financing of customer deposits complete plant sales (Bank Guarantees, Warranty Limit Guarantees) • Equity Investments in Pyrum Customer Thermolysis Plants with the purpose to generate constant and stable revenues. • Financing of a Shredding-, Granualation and Pulverisation Plant at the Pyrum Plant in Dillingen/Saar. • Research concerning utilization of new waste materials materials (CFK, Polystorol…) • Optimization of Pyrum end products as well as for new industrial applications : dyes, colouring, fertilizer. • Development of staff base at Pyrum HQ in support of worldwide growing demand for Thermolysis Plants.

  20. Pyrum Plant Germany

  21. Pyrum Plant Version 2

  22. SUMMARY Pyrum Process New Raw Materials Waste • Available free of charge • Plenty overburding waste availability • Anywhere available • Disposal mostly subsidized or paid for • Valuable Raw Materials • Basis for new products • Endless usage cycle • No energy cost • Low employment bill • No emmissions

  23. Contact • Contact us any time: • Pascal Klein • Tel: +49 (0) 6831 95948 - 0 • Fax: +49 (0) 6831 95948 - 30 • E-Mail: pascal.klein@pyrum.net • Julien Dossmann • Tel: +49 (0) 6831 95948 - 0 • Fax: +49 (0) 6831 95948 - 30 • E-Mail: julien.dossmann@pyrum.net Press inquiries at: presse@pyrum.net

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