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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

A Midsummer Night’s Dream. by William Shakespeare. Monologue Dialogue Aside Soliloquy Malapropisms Stage Directions. Drama Terms/Skills. Blank verse Prose Iambic Pentameter. Shakespearean Lingo. Quote. “ The course of true love /Never did run smooth.” Lysander. Quote.

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

  2. Monologue Dialogue Aside Soliloquy Malapropisms Stage Directions DramaTerms/Skills

  3. Blank verse Prose Iambic Pentameter Shakespearean Lingo

  4. Quote • “The course of true love /Never did run smooth.” • Lysander

  5. Quote • “Lord, what fools these mortals be!” • Puck

  6. Types of Love: Define • Romantic Love • Platonic Love • Unrequited Love • Blind Love • Love at First Sight • Unconditional Love

  7. Background • This play was written and performed around 1595-96 for a royal wedding. • It is a romantic comedy.

  8. Comedy • There is an initial threat to order. • A series of mishaps and misadventures follow.

  9. Comedy cont… • There is a breakthrough in understanding by the players. • There is a return to the natural order.

  10. Theme • What is the true nature of love? • Is love constant and unchanging, or changeable and fickle?

  11. Setting • Athens, Greece • Palace of Theseus • Woods outside of Athens

  12. Circular Plot Structure • Act I Palace • Act II Woods • Act III Woods • Act IV Woods • Act V Palace

  13. Characters: Plot Strands • Theseus and Hippolyta • Four young lovers • Rude Mechanicals • Fairies

  14. Fairies

  15. Humans-Lovers & Mechanicals

  16. Symbols/Motif • Moon: night/ confusion • Dreams/Sleep: Illusion, fickle nature of love

  17. Theseus & Hippolyta’s dialogue-motif pg 1,2 PLOT:Egeus’ complaint pg 2 Theseus’ decree pg 3 Demetrius’ characterization pg 5 Hermia Demetrius Lysander Act I Exposition

  18. Act I Exposition cont… • PLOT: • Love’s obstacles-pg 6 • Lovers’ plan-pg 7 • Plot Complication-pg 8 • Paradox of love-pg 9 • Helena’s Soliloquy-pg 10

  19. Helena’s Soliloquy • Characterize Helena from the speech pg 10. • What type of love is she describing? • Identify the metaphor. • Explain her plan. • How will this create a complication?

  20. Act I, sc ii pgs 11-15 • Rude Mechanicals’ Play: elements of humor/irony/ paradox • Characterize Bottom • Identify Malapropisms pg 15

  21. Act II-Rising Action

  22. Fairy Land • Fairy Land mirrors love problems in mortal world • Conflict: Oberon vs Titania pg 16 • Characterize Puck pg 16,17 • Titania’s monologue-nature in turmoil/+3 examples/personification lines 100-105 • Oberon’s revenge-pg 21,22-explain irony

  23. Act II Rising Action • Take Notes: • 1. Explain Puck’s Big Blunder pg 29 • 2. Draw the Love Shift pg 30 • 3. Hermia’s Soliloquy-Cite examples for Foreshadowing and symbolism pg 32

  24. Act III CLIMAX

  25. How does Puck become involved in the Rude Mechanicals’ play? Pg 35,36 Setting: Woods

  26. Act III-Plot & Dialogue Identify Pun-pg 37 Dramatic Irony • Explain Love Shift-pg 47 • Shakespearean insults- • pg 52-55 • Foreshadowing-pg 61

  27. ACT IV Falling Action

  28. Setting-woods Time-break of day Symbolism Oberon’s Motivation pg 64 Why does he release Titania from her spell? Falling Action

  29. Motif-Dreams Pg 65,70 What point about the nature of love is Shakespeare trying to make with the motif? Love is…. Act IV MOTIF & THEME

  30. Demetrius’s MonologuePg 68,69 • Demetrius-Identify figurative language for Hermia & Helena • Static or dynamic character? • Which characters remain loyal to their loves? • Which characters are fickle? • Shakespeare’s point???

  31. Theseus & Hippolyta Lysander & Hermia Demetrius & Helena 3 Weddings Pg 69

  32. Identify dream motif Is this speech prose, blank verse, or iambic pentameter? Explain. Bottom’s Soliloquy pg 70

  33. ENCHANTED • Released from Love-in-Idleness: • Titania • Bottom • Lysander

  34. ACT VDenouement “The lunatic, the lover, and poet Are of imagination all compact” (Shakespeare 73).

  35. Humorous Elements: Talking Wall Apologetic Lion Audience Talks Back Malapropisms Pg 80,83,84,85 Act V Play-with in-a-Play

  36. Theseus’s Monologue Pg 75 Prose? Or Blank Verse? Identify Paradox Puck’s Blessing Pg 89,90 Irony Motif Rhyme Scheme Speeches

  37. Parody/Video • Selena Gomez in MSND • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3imckelvh3M&feature=plpp&list=WL&app=desktop • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxGo9zHHrGM • Thank you, Tyler F. & Julia S. • & Victoria H!

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