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Kentucky Agricultural Education Record Keeping Instructions & Examples. I can accurately record entries regarding a market herd operation. I can accurately record entries regarding a breeding herd operation.
Kentucky Agricultural EducationRecord KeepingInstructions & Examples I can accurately record entries regarding a market herd operation. I can accurately record entries regarding a breeding herd operation.
As with Financial Beginning Inventory, students can get to the Finances link by clicking on the light green box from the AET homepage.
Remember, students can enter any financial entry, including beginning values, transactions, and loans from the Financial Home Page.
Remember, the Experience Manager can easily be accessed from this page, which lists all AET Experiences.
Also, remember that students can review/edit all financial entries from this screen as well.
After entering Beginning Values (before Financial entries), those students who have Entrepreneurship SAEs involving animalswill need to set up and use the Livestock Managers.
To access the Herd Managers, select the appropriate Livestock Manager at the bottom of the Financial Page.
Market Animal • Purchased animals or purposely transferred raised animals that would be classified as current/operating inventory items. This inventory would generally be converted into cash within one year. Ex: steers, bottle calves, show animals • A feature to help students setup and manage market animals. Students who purchase or have raised animals that they plan to resell (typically within a year) would use this feature. Market Manager
Remember, when a student sets up their SAE/AET Experiences (when setting up his/her Profile), they should select the Management Module that is appropriate based on their SAE.
Only “Animal System” Experience Categories will allow a student to select a “Management Module.”
As a student sets up their “Beginning Values,” any purchased market animals or purchased young breeding animals that the student wishes to utilize as part of a market project should be recorded within that project.
Once a student’s SAE has been setup and Beginning Values have been recorded, students can make use the Market Manager.
Any Beginning Inventory/Current Inventory item that a student entered as a Beginning Value will automatically be reflected here. The animals will all be shown as a general name. The student will have to edit the name of each animal to accurately reflect the animal’s Tag.
The students should type in the accurate tag/name of the Market Animal. The student can also select, “Portfolio” to upload a picture of the animal.
After saving, the new Tag/name should now be reflected on the Market Livestock Manager Home Screen.
Here students can upload any documents or photos of his/her animal. Any pictures will be available to input into FFA Award Applications.
Market Manager Example: Brandon’s Market Manager is shown. All of his cattle are saved under the name, “Market Cattle 1.” To make better management decisions and for easier records, Brandon should edit the name of each animal to accurately reflect his records.
Market Manager Example: After Brandon edits the name of each of his Market animals, his Market Manager would automatically reflect that.
There are several features within the Market Livestock Manager. Once entries have been entered within the manager, students can review those entries with the “Review Management Entries” and “Review Feed Entries” options.
If an animal is no longer part of the herd (dies, sold, transferred, etc.), the animal will show within a gray line. For instance, Brandon has already sold Steer 202 at the Bluegrass Stockyards on August 17, 2013. Therefore, the animal is showing within a gray line.
If a student makes a cash purchase that will be utilized for his/her market animals only, that can easily be recorded from this screen.
Remember that students also have the option to record any cash expenses from the Finances home screen.
If students use the cash expense feature from the Market Manager page, they will be directed to the Cash Expense Transaction page. These expenses will also automatically be reflected within the Financial Transaction List.
Certain cash entries will be reflected as “Management Entries” or “Feed Entries” within the Market Manager and can be reviewed to make financial decisions.
Market Manager Example: Brandon decided to purchase 250 ml of LA 200 for his market cattle on April 22, 2014 from Mark’s Feed Store. This purchase cost $50.
Market Manager Example: Brandon decided to purchase 250 ml of LA 200 for his market cattle on April 22, 2014 from Mark’s Feed Store. This purchase cost $50.
Market Manager Example: This transaction is only reflected in the financial transaction list. It would not show up as a management or feed entry within the Market Manager.
If a student has a non-cash transaction that will be utilized for his/her market animals only, that can easily be recorded from this screen.
Remember, a student can also enter non-cash transactions from the Financial home screen as well.
From the Market Manager Non-Cash feature, the student will be directed to the Non-Cash Income/Expense Transaction menu. These expenses will also automatically be reflected within the Financial Transaction List.
After the student selects the type of non-cash transaction to be made, they will be directed to the specified Non-Cash Transaction page. Information regarding the transaction should be recorded. All information can be reviewed under the Market Management Module and the Financial Transaction List.
Market Manager Example (Non-Cash Entry): Brandon mowed his uncle’s yard on September 7, 2013 in exchange for $25 worth of feed for his Market Cattle project.
These non-cash entries will be reflected as either “Management Entries” or “Feed Entries” within the Market Manager that students can review to make financial decisions. Brandon’s non-cash exchange would be a Feed Entry.
All feed purchases will be listed. Students can make management decisions based upon the amounts listed from each vendor. The student will have to manually enter the weight of the feed purchase if it was not previously inputted.
If a student has a non-current item transaction that will be utilized for his/her market animals only, that can easily be recorded from this screen.
Remember, students can also access Non-Current (Capital) items from the Financial home screen.
The student will be directed to the specified Non-Current (Capital) Item Manager page. The student can purchase, sell, and designate usage for any Non-Current item. All information can be reviewed under the Market Management Module and Financial Transaction List.
If a student purchases a new Market animal, that can easily be recorded from the Market Manager home screen.
The student will be directed to the New Expense Transaction page. The student can record the purchase information. All information can be reviewed under the Market Management Module and Financial Transaction List.
Market Animal Purchase Example: On April 21th 2014, Brandon purchases a Calf (206) from Bustle’s Black Angus for his Market Beef Cattle Project. The calf weighed 400 lbs, and Brandon paid $775 for the inventory item.
Upon saving, the student will be redirected to the Management Manager home screen. The new purchase will automatically be reflected. The Tag/Name of the animal should be edited for accurate record keeping.
Within the Market Manager, students can easily record herd or individual management practices. These features are the same except a “New Herd Entry” will record a Management Operation for all active Market Animals, and an “New Animal Entry” will record a Management Operation for a selected animal.
Students can enter Management Operations for an entire herd or individual animals.
Students should enter the date of the Management Operation and select the action that occurred.
Market Animal Management Operation Example: On May 20th 2014, Brandon’s local veterinarian came out to look at his herd. The Veterinarian stayed for 2 hours, and Brandon’s Agriculture Teachers were unable to do an SAE visit that day.
Upon reviewing Management Entries, students will see all entries they have entered for specific animal and the herd.
Students can review specific years, individual animal management operations, and specific types of management operations using the drop down menus. If a student records any outside class hours for a management operation, the entry will automatically be reflected in the Experience Journal.
By selecting the abbreviated “Journal” link, the student will be directed to the detailed version of the Journal Entry